If you start this *midway* (12+), change <QuestOrder IgnoreCheckPoints="True" > -- True to False (hint: open the profile in notepad & 'find' )
If you have BoA gear and / or guild XP, you may be doing green or lower quests / mobs and may also want to use this option
Is it posiable to use it with RAF accounts? and how?
I want my 2x account make quests with together for raf xp bonus.
is it posiable?
I did an SVN update and now I'm getting
"Unable to evaluate/compile condition in If tag. Please check your profile.
Honorbuddy stopped." :/
log said:[18:39:05:655] Goal: Interacting with
[18:39:05:775] Activity: Moving towards - <4835.465, -4755.643, 32.51737>
[18:39:06:054] Activity: Waiting for object to spawn
[18:39:34:162] Stop called!
[SetHearthstone-vUnknown(error)]: The 'Y' attribute's value (saw '-5336.82') is not on the closed interval [0..1.79769313486232E+308].
[SetHearthstone-vUnknown(warning)]: This method 'GetAttributeAsDouble' is deprecated.
Please update your behavior to use one of the replacement methods provided by the CustomForcedBehavior class.Your replacement line is:
GetAttributeAsNullable<double>("Z", True, new ConstrainTo.Domain<double>(0, 1.79769313486232E+308), null)
[SetHearthstone-vUnknown(warning)]: This method 'GetAttributeAsString' is deprecated.
Please update your behavior to use one of the replacement methods provided by the CustomForcedBehavior class.Your replacement line is:
GetAttributeAs<string>("Name", False, null, null)
The main problem i have with this profile is the QB's they keep breaking or some shit.Code:[SetHearthstone-vUnknown(error)]: The 'Y' attribute's value (saw '-5336.82') is not on the closed interval [0..1.79769313486232E+308]. [SetHearthstone-vUnknown(warning)]: This method 'GetAttributeAsDouble' is deprecated. Please update your behavior to use one of the replacement methods provided by the CustomForcedBehavior class.Your replacement line is: GetAttributeAsNullable<double>("Z", True, new ConstrainTo.Domain<double>(0, 1.79769313486232E+308), null) [SetHearthstone-vUnknown(warning)]: This method 'GetAttributeAsString' is deprecated. Please update your behavior to use one of the replacement methods provided by the CustomForcedBehavior class.Your replacement line is: GetAttributeAs<string>("Name", False, null, null)
The main problem i have with this profile is the QB's they keep breaking or some shit.Code:[SetHearthstone-vUnknown(error)]: The 'Y' attribute's value (saw '-5336.82') is not on the closed interval [0..1.79769313486232E+308]. [SetHearthstone-vUnknown(warning)]: This method 'GetAttributeAsDouble' is deprecated. Please update your behavior to use one of the replacement methods provided by the CustomForcedBehavior class.Your replacement line is: GetAttributeAsNullable<double>("Z", True, new ConstrainTo.Domain<double>(0, 1.79769313486232E+308), null) [SetHearthstone-vUnknown(warning)]: This method 'GetAttributeAsString' is deprecated. Please update your behavior to use one of the replacement methods provided by the CustomForcedBehavior class.Your replacement line is: GetAttributeAs<string>("Name", False, null, null)