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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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I always got he following message, when the bot trys to use a ship!
Hey guys, it's kinda depressing knowing that i payed 30 bucks for this and i don't have a clue of what i'm doing.

Well, I made a goblin rouge level 1 i downloaded everything correctly and started everything correctly but when i click start on honnorbuddy it just moves my guy forward and accepts a quest and then stops...
Help? :(

Post a log, else we can't help.

Where is the BC profiles? see people posting aboutit but i do not have it in the svn.

They haven't been released yet...

I cant find the download link o.o.o.o

There is no download link, take a look at the first post...
Is there anything else you can do, preventing it from doing green quests, other than changing IgnoreCheckPoints?

My hunter keeps on doing green quests and killing green mobs.
I started the R realease profile of Kicks but in Borean Tundra it tries to take one quest but that quest does not exist and the bot keeps clicking on NPC trying to get a quest were there isn't one and it just stays there keep clicking and i tried restarting and all that staff but for some reason in the profile it says there is a q there and it just keeps trying to get it .
Btw my character is Lvl 70.
tell me what do you think guys
Need to add a grindto lev 60 before Picking up 'In Search of Sedai' - Lev 60 quest, my Warlock was 2k xp short of 60, so stood there for a while trying to collect the quest. I needed to kill 4 mobs.

You could get the bot to hand in 'Missing Missive' instead or do and complete 'The Path to Glory' as both these would give you the required XP for the lev 60 quest.

I should mention this is on the 58-70 GROUND Quest as you cant get a flyer till 60.
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Is there a book to read for AHbot? :DD i want to learn to make my own bot :D but i dunno when to put those while, or if's etc...
My 45 Holy Cow started this up today, he loves to run around in circles through mobs for quests without attacking them in the ratchet/barrens area >< (maybe its waiting for them to attack me? im a good 30 levels higher :P). all in all a good script otherwise as its still functional, it just LOVES to get stuck in trees for a good 15 seconds before repathing (Im getting paranoid, i was watching a diff script run last night in east/west plague and im pretty sure a staffer was watching me because off the wall things started happening, i logged for the night after i suddenly started looting corpses that where not there as i stood in the middle of a tower next to a vendor). Im happy with it tho :) thanks Kick.

As a beginner however i just wanted to add... i was not 100% sure where to put all the files so i threw most of them in featured profiles ><, not sure if it matters yet as i have just started and didn't go looking through scripts for filepaths.
How do i level only mining or herbalism with PB profile? I tried to set Herb=false but it didn't work :(
First of all thank you Kickazz, the profile is really doing it's work.

I just entered Nagrand and when I stop and start the bot again he always wants to fly back to Terrokar Forest.
Goal: Flying to <-1853.129, 3766.222, 14.80976>

After he does that he continues with the quests.
Profile Info:
Quest Order 300+ Quests
These can be downloaded from my SVN with a program like Tortoise. If you don't know how to use SVN, then click here.

Additional Info:
This start's at the BC portal if you have done 0 quests.
If you have started after turning in the first quest, go to wherever you last stopped at.
This will fly starting in Zangarmarsh

Note: If you start this *midway* (63+), change <QuestOrder IgnoreCheckPoints="True" > to ="False"
Note2: If you don't get Neutral with Kurenai before Nagrand, it will farm to Neutral

What's Included:
Vendors / mailboxes
No Training (Tick if you want to train)
Minimum level 58

Special Thanks:
To all who helped me out with behaviors!

Fit your character with 4x20 slot bags, BoA's/Greens/Blues
Badboy Anti-Spam [Addon] - Change it to level 86 and change the respond text to "You must be on my friends list to chat with me"

If you like it, hit that +rep button, takes 2 seconds!

If you want to buy me lunch :)

ok so im new to this whole honorbuddy thing and i cant seem to get this profile to work on my 65 NE DK i changed the questorder to false and it just picks up a quest for me in zang and runs me in circles
ok so im new to this whole honorbuddy thing and i cant seem to get this profile to work on my 65 NE DK i changed the questorder to false and it just picks up a quest for me in zang and runs me in circles

logs for assistance
Eagerly awaiting TBC release, ETA on it? 1-58 ran 99% afkable, with minimal problems, kudos to you there.
Eagerly awaiting TBC release, ETA on it? 1-58 ran 99% afkable, with minimal problems, kudos to you there.

I'm also eagerly awaiting TBC as well.
And I as well ran this profile 99% AFK so far. Its's amazing.
Found another issue.. Im lvl64 now, and character is going to repair at the Refugee Caravan in Terokkar and Getting (Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Morula)... That isnt a repair vendor. Hoping I dont get any infractions since I left 36 hours ago and had this running (figured it would get stuck somewhere) but turns out for the past 22 hours its been clicking this vendor trying to repair.
Found another issue.. Im lvl64 now, and character is going to repair at the Refugee Caravan in Terokkar and Getting (Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Morula)... That isnt a repair vendor. Hoping I dont get any infractions since I left 36 hours ago and had this running (figured it would get stuck somewhere) but turns out for the past 22 hours its been clicking this vendor trying to repair.


i didn't baby BC at all, nor check anything. it ran fine for me (i fixed hellfire and zangar, and netherstorm... left the rest as it was).

i'll look into the issue
Found another issue.. Im lvl64 now, and character is going to repair at the Refugee Caravan in Terokkar and Getting (Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Morula)... That isnt a repair vendor. Hoping I dont get any infractions since I left 36 hours ago and had this running (figured it would get stuck somewhere) but turns out for the past 22 hours its been clicking this vendor trying to repair.


i didn't baby BC at all, nor check anything. it ran fine for me (i fixed hellfire and zangar, and netherstorm... left the rest as it was).

i'll look into the issue
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