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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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I'm having issues with potion making profiles- they don't work at all. See if you can spot an error, cos I'm running out of options here. Thanks.

P.S. I've been skimming through the forum, and found a new command for crafting, after a few changes it works now. I guess the author forgot to tell that all profiles have to be changed.
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Have the same problem with my lvl 5 orc hunter... still no trainer used. :(
*and now grinding to lvl 7
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I`m trying to start this with a lvl 1 char, but it just stays there doing nothing.
Log atached.View attachment 25742

Edit: i think i`ve got it solved. The issues seems to be because of my HB version.
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it runs to the ally one, but it should go and use the horde FP thereafter, not 100% sure

someone get me output of the horde fp in winterspring

<Vendor Name="Yugrek" Entry="11139" Type="Repair" X="6815.121" Y="-4610.124" Z="710.6699" />

Might i also suggest something. It's a loooooooooooooooooong assed run to Silithus from up there ;) Any chance you can get the toon to fly close to it before running? I don't *think* you can due to some people not having FPs down there etc. But maybe you know a way i don't :)

Went from 1-58 using Belf Mage with very few problems. And any major ones i and others did report got fixed so getting ready to fire up another toon and see what happens to it.

Edit: Rather than new post.

On line 1993 after:

<Objective QuestName="Dread Head Redemption" QuestId="13842" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="60638" CollectCount="1" />

I inserted :

<If Condition="HasQuest(13842) &amp;&amp; IsQuestCompleted(13842)" >
		<CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/use hearthstone" NumOfTimes="1" WaitTime="10000"/>

Got tired of running back and forth from Splintertree ;)
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I have 3 toons that are now lvl 41, They are trying to grind to lvl 46 in searing george and blasted lands. The toons they are attacking are lvl 48-49's. I have full heirloom gear on cannot kill these mobs. I looked in the profile and found the scripted hotpoints. is there anyway to revert around this? As my toons cannot do this properly.

<Factions>7 14 21</Factions> <!-- [Grub, Bats, Gargolyes, Hounds] -->
<Hotspot X="2573.924" Y="-4633.616" Z="80.08424" />
<Hotspot X="2571.813" Y="-4586.308" Z="82.25939" />
<Hotspot X="2510.385" Y="-4588.995" Z="78.31371" />
<Hotspot X="2563.541" Y="-4532.954" Z="81.41151" />
<Hotspot X="2551.142" Y="-4470.85" Z="78.49416" />
<Hotspot X="2554.079" Y="-4418.245" Z="78.72891" />
<Hotspot X="2611.815" Y="-4382.704" Z="79.84438" />
<Hotspot X="2602.616" Y="-4340.966" Z="78.48833" />
<Hotspot X="2631.468" Y="-4298.811" Z="90.2213" />
<Hotspot X="2694.121" Y="-4258.035" Z="99.47998" />
<Hotspot X="2681.896" Y="-4213.095" Z="94.33121" />
<Hotspot X="2710.622" Y="-4196.609" Z="85.55045" />
<Hotspot X="2755.527" Y="-4205.194" Z="88.80403" />
<Hotspot X="2779.851" Y="-4236.566" Z="90.10863" />
<Hotspot X="2772.448" Y="-4279.226" Z="87.35733" />
<Hotspot X="2816.883" Y="-4282.91" Z="87.52317" />
<Hotspot X="2852.2" Y="-4291.517" Z="91.7983" />
<Hotspot X="2877.901" Y="-4228.446" Z="93.48476" />
<Hotspot X="2846.875" Y="-4207.022" Z="93.40885" />
<Hotspot X="2863.068" Y="-4138.251" Z="95.89669" />
<Hotspot X="2833.914" Y="-4128.487" Z="95.44473" />
<Hotspot X="2791.674" Y="-4117.141" Z="98.35669" />
<Hotspot X="2757.722" Y="-4120.606" Z="96.35195" />
<Hotspot X="2705.574" Y="-4113.147" Z="86.24131" />
<Hotspot X="2651.59" Y="-4113.814" Z="84.51937" />
<Hotspot X="2654.355" Y="-4180.913" Z="82.09416" />
<Hotspot X="2653.816" Y="-4258.771" Z="90.56274" />
<Hotspot X="2613.856" Y="-4318.654" Z="81.61018" />
<Hotspot X="2596.779" Y="-4381.278" Z="80.16914" />
<Hotspot X="2551.936" Y="-4454.779" Z="78.16165" />
<Hotspot X="2506.563" Y="-4559.782" Z="78.08987" />
<Hotspot X="2514.007" Y="-4647.49" Z="76.32326" />
<GrindTo Level="46" />
<!-- To Badlands from EPL -->
<Checkpoint Level="46" />
Thanks for this great profile, it is the best one I have found so far. the only issue I am having is I am lvl 26 and in Ashenvale. My hunter seems to be randomly killing mobs rather than attempting to do any quests. He also keeps attacking a lvl 35 elite and getting pwned. Any suggestions?
Thanks for this great profile, it is the best one I have found so far. the only issue I am having is I am lvl 26 and in Ashenvale. My hunter seems to be randomly killing mobs rather than attempting to do any quests. He also keeps attacking a lvl 35 elite and getting pwned. Any suggestions?

Give me a log please, and I just blackspotted the area with the Raging Ancient Tree, so you shouldn't get powned anymore =).
I love this plugin btw it has saved me many many hours of prospecting and milling. I was wondering if anyone had a Horde 1-525 Blacksmithing Profile they would mind sharing. I've searched and searched and can't find one. I also have tried to make one and well I suck so yeah. Thanx in advance!
Is there possible to use PB with a lv 19 twink to get 225 of skinning and herbs? or even just herbs?
Love this CC can you Please make same for RESTO DRUID?

As the title says i really love this CC for my priest alt. I play a resto druid for my main. CAn you please make something like this CC for resto druid? taht would be awsome. THanks
As the title says i really love this CC for my priest alt. I play a resto druid for my main. CAn you please make something like this CC for resto druid? taht would be awsome. THanks

STOP making posts like this. it has been asked many times before and awnsered many times before.
He will focus on getting the paladin and priest done first then the rest will come.
Dude i can't freaking get to work it on my lvl 33 Pally i had some quests done manualy always gives me this message right after an box opens saying something about QuestForItemAura where it says STOP BOT or CONTINUE PROFILE:

New bot added!: Instancebuddy
New bot added!: Gatherbuddy2
New bot added!: Grind Bot
New bot added!: Questing
New bot added!: PvP
New bot added!: BG Bot [Beta]
New bot added!: Mixed Mode
New bot added!: PartyBot
New bot added!: Combat Bot
LastUsedPath: C:\Users\Ricardo\Desktop\HB\Kick's Profiles\Kick's Profiles\1-85 Questing Profile Pack\Classic\[A - Quest] Human 1-60 [Kick].xml
Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
ItemForAura - Questhelper - Version 2.0 Loaded.
Building spell book
Spell book built
Disabling flight checks. - Paid Plugins or Lifetime User Detected
Initialization complete.
Starting the bot!
Changing current profile to [A - Quest] Human 1-60 [Kick]
Chose Fpsware Paladin(0.1.1) by Fpsware as your combat class!
Creating 'Rest' behavior
Creating 'Pull' behavior
Creating 'Heal' behavior
Creating 'Combat' behavior
You are a level 33 Retribution Paladin
[Profile Message]: Compiling Elwynn Forest Quests
[Profile Message]: Compiling Northshire Abbey Quests
[Profile Message]: Compiling Goldshire Quests
[Profile Message]: Compiling Westfall Quests
[Profile Message]: Compiling Redridge Quests
[Profile Message]: Compiling Duskwood Quests
[Profile Message]: Compiling N. STV Quests
[UserDialog-v184(user response) @line 4849]: Honorbuddy stopped due to User request
Hey :( If i want to level with my Deathknight it tells me : You must be Alliance to use this Profil. :(

		<Blackspot X="2718.501" Y="-352.7693" Z="106.573" Radius="155.0786" />

Place hurts.
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