Got this on murloc quests in Borean
[4:52:24 AM:265] Could not generate full path from {5070.761, -2169.311, 1137.991} to {5087, -2177.333, 1147.197} (time used: 21 milliseconds)
[4:52:24 AM:410] Could not generate full path from {5070.679, -2168.264, 1137.324} to {5087, -2177.333, 1147.197} (time used: 18 milliseconds)
[4:52:25 AM:146] Could not generate full path from {5071.137, -2163.178, 1138.184} to {5087, -2177.333, 1147.197} (time used: 20 milliseconds)
[4:52:25 AM:295] Could not generate full path from {5071.247, -2162.134, 1137.714} to {5087, -2177.333, 1147.197} (time used: 18 milliseconds)
[4:52:25 AM:440] Could not generate full path from {5071.356, -2161.089, 1136.809} to {5087, -2177.333, 1147.197} (time used: 16 milliseconds)
[4:52:26 AM:360] Could not generate full path from {5077.048, -2159.17, 1137.721} to {5087, -2177.333, 1147.197} (time used: 32 milliseconds)
[4:52:27 AM:160] Could not generate full path from {5077.376, -2154.824, 1138.193} to {5087, -2177.333, 1147.197} (time used: 32 milliseconds)
[4:52:27 AM:348] Could not generate full path from {5076.933, -2153.622, 1137.557} to {5087, -2177.333, 1147.197} (time used: 35 milliseconds)
Got this on murloc quests in Borean
[7:25:03 AM:285] Compiling expression '((!HasQuest(28084)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(28084)))' @ line 1694
[7:25:04 AM:020] Compiling quest behavior from 'F:\Honorbuddy\Honorbuddy_2.0.0.5063\Quest Behaviors\InteractWith.cs'
[7:25:04 AM:779] Goal: Interacting with Mob(System.Int32[])
[7:25:05 AM:375] Activity: Waiting for object to spawn
the 1-60 human in the classic folder has an issue, it is being told to pick up a quest The Mosh'Ogg Bounty, that quest is a horde quest and this is an alliance profile. Can you please remove it or teach me how to ?
Chose Fpsware Druid(4.2.3) by Fpsware as your combat class!
Changing current profile to [N] QO Uldum 83-85 [Kick]
Starting the bot!
Changing current profile to [N] QO Uldum 83-85 [Kick]
Creating 'Rest' behavior
Creating 'Pull' behavior
Creating 'Heal' behavior
Creating 'Combat' behavior
You are a level 83 Feral Druid
Loading settings ...
Settings loaded
-Populating ranged capable database...
-8 entries added
-Populating priority mobs database...
-17 entries added
-Populating healing spells database...
-20 entries added
-Populating important interrupt spells database...
-35 entries added
Mounting: Spotted Frostsaber
New pull target Pygmy Scout (83), resetting pull timer.
-Cat Form
Stopping the bot!
when i run the profile on my druid it doesn't use the flying mount and when ever i use it, it mounts up and run to where the pygmy scouts are and stays there
any ideas what's wrong?
It works great thx!Try this: Cut Purse
8:59:17:336] Activity: Honorbuddy Startup Complete
[18:59:23:969] Activity: Loading Profile...
[18:59:47:650] Cleared POI
[18:59:47:651] Cleared POI - Reason Starting up
[18:59:47:651] Cleared POI
[18:59:48:884] Activity: Waiting for bobber to splash
still abit stuck here in Ashenvale. I am level 51 but i guess now that i re-SVN, there are more quests there. thats not a problem, since i would rather quest than grind. Bit i am not moving, or doing anything.
the 1-60 human in the classic folder has an issue, it is being told to pick up a quest The Mosh'Ogg Bounty, that quest is a horde quest and this is an alliance profile. Can you please remove it or teach me how to ?
I love your profiles and i have already repped you.
But now i have a problem. My hunter in level 64 is trying to pickup a quest from the NPC "Lady Dena Kennedy", but she doesn't has any quests.
I've attached my log, please tell me what to do
Kind regards,
View attachment 24864