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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Got this on murloc quests in Borean

It kinda looks like there is something stepped on in your Honorbuddy installation. We'll need to see your full, unedited log to chase this. You can Zip it if its too big.

I tried to PM this to you, but it said you weren't able to receive it, so I searched and found this thread... Hope you will see this:

Hey, I think I found a faulty waypoint in Hyjal in the cave when your profile is attempting to complete "Rage of the Wolf Ancient" quest.

[4:52:24 AM:265] Could not generate full path from {5070.761, -2169.311, 1137.991} to {5087, -2177.333, 1147.197} (time used: 21 milliseconds)
[4:52:24 AM:410] Could not generate full path from {5070.679, -2168.264, 1137.324} to {5087, -2177.333, 1147.197} (time used: 18 milliseconds)
[4:52:25 AM:146] Could not generate full path from {5071.137, -2163.178, 1138.184} to {5087, -2177.333, 1147.197} (time used: 20 milliseconds)
[4:52:25 AM:295] Could not generate full path from {5071.247, -2162.134, 1137.714} to {5087, -2177.333, 1147.197} (time used: 18 milliseconds)
[4:52:25 AM:440] Could not generate full path from {5071.356, -2161.089, 1136.809} to {5087, -2177.333, 1147.197} (time used: 16 milliseconds)
[4:52:26 AM:360] Could not generate full path from {5077.048, -2159.17, 1137.721} to {5087, -2177.333, 1147.197} (time used: 32 milliseconds)
[4:52:27 AM:160] Could not generate full path from {5077.376, -2154.824, 1138.193} to {5087, -2177.333, 1147.197} (time used: 32 milliseconds)
[4:52:27 AM:348] Could not generate full path from {5076.933, -2153.622, 1137.557} to {5087, -2177.333, 1147.197} (time used: 35 milliseconds)

From what I can tell, that is where it liked to get stuck. I think it is interpreting itself to be below where it actually is in the cave, and so that's why it gets stuck.

I appreciate all your effort and profiles! They are outstanding.
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Hey there,
Awesome job for the most part no doubt :D
Started at level 30 in org and it ran to Ashenvale to grab quests which was cool.
And was having no problems besides low exp ofc ;) Then this:

It goes to Silverwind Refuge and waits for object to spawn.



[7:25:03 AM:285] Compiling expression '((!HasQuest(28084)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(28084)))' @ line 1694
[7:25:04 AM:020] Compiling quest behavior from 'F:\Honorbuddy\Honorbuddy_2.0.0.5063\Quest Behaviors\InteractWith.cs'
[7:25:04 AM:779] Goal: Interacting with Mob(System.Int32[])
[7:25:05 AM:375] Activity: Waiting for object to spawn

Biggest problem is that that particular quest (28084) is given and done in StoneTalon mountains, not Ashenvale.

Might of the Krom'gar - Quest

So i am thinking he will stand there ALONG time waiting for the spawn since it wont ever happen in Silverwind ;) Not sure if you need a moveto in there or what.

Once i moved him to Krom'gar all was good again.

Kicks SVN rev.551

Keep up the good work man/men/women/ewoks
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ya that's one of the few issues that happens when i don't put the XYZ there. it's meant to do the quests in a row and not 1/2 here, 1/2 there etc.

if you get me the XYZ of that guy, i'll stick it in there and it will fix that issue for future users
<Vendor Name="Krom'gar Quartermaster" Entry="42028" Type="Repair" X="881.3611" Y="16.40972" Z="92.87994" />
It looks like I get caught up on the Avalanchion quest... It likes running me into the wall instead of trying to fly up into his cave entrance and then running through it.
when i run the profile on my druid it doesn't use the flying mount and when ever i use it, it mounts up and run to where the pygmy scouts are and stays there

any ideas what's wrong?

Chose Fpsware Druid(4.2.3) by Fpsware as your combat class!
Changing current profile to [N] QO Uldum 83-85 [Kick]
Starting the bot!
Changing current profile to [N] QO Uldum 83-85 [Kick]
Creating 'Rest' behavior
Creating 'Pull' behavior
Creating 'Heal' behavior
Creating 'Combat' behavior
You are a level 83 Feral Druid
Loading settings ...
Settings loaded
-Populating ranged capable database...
-8 entries added
-Populating priority mobs database...
-17 entries added
-Populating healing spells database...
-20 entries added
-Populating important interrupt spells database...
-35 entries added
Mounting: Spotted Frostsaber
New pull target Pygmy Scout (83), resetting pull timer.
-Cat Form
Stopping the bot!
when i run the profile on my druid it doesn't use the flying mount and when ever i use it, it mounts up and run to where the pygmy scouts are and stays there

any ideas what's wrong?

attach a log for assistance

also, bind your shop account to your forum account by clicking the link in my sig

I love your profiles and i have already repped you.

But now i have a problem. My hunter in level 64 is trying to pickup a quest from the NPC "Lady Dena Kennedy", but she doesn't has any quests.

I've attached my log, please tell me what to do :)

Kind regards,

View attachment 24864
This is not working me with the newest (also old) version of Honorbuddy (Honorbuddy

Have tried 1.5 and also the one from this post http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/plugins/free/uncataloged/10803-%5Bbot%5D-mrfishit-honorbuddy-31.html#post310312

Will try the 1.4 version and see if that works.

The bot just sits there saying waiting for bobber to splash.
8:59:17:336] Activity: Honorbuddy Startup Complete
[18:59:23:969] Activity: Loading Profile...
[18:59:47:650] Cleared POI
[18:59:47:651] Cleared POI - Reason Starting up
[18:59:47:651] Cleared POI
[18:59:48:884] Activity: Waiting for bobber to splash
still abit stuck here in Ashenvale. I am level 51 but i guess now that i re-SVN, there are more quests there. thats not a problem, since i would rather quest than grind. Bit i am not moving, or doing anything.
still abit stuck here in Ashenvale. I am level 51 but i guess now that i re-SVN, there are more quests there. thats not a problem, since i would rather quest than grind. Bit i am not moving, or doing anything.

re-svn. Crowley actually solved your issue for me =P

i forgot that i added that quest. You may want to manually move your toon to Krom'gar Fortress (I don't know if it wants to go through ally territory or not). But the Issue is fixed

@ Crowley - ty
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