i have re-svn but this profile still gives me this error =
[LoadProfile-v195(fatal) @line 54]: Profile 'D:\HonorBuddyFolders\Kick's Profiles\Kick's Profiles\1-85 Questing Profile Pack\[H - Quest] 1-68\SubProfiles\..\SubProfiles\..\SubProfiles\..\SubProfiles\..\SubProfiles\..\SubProfiles\..\SubProfiles\..\SubProfiles\..\SubProfiles\..\SubProfiles\15-58 SubProfile.xml' does not exist. Download or unpack problem with profile?
Fatal error. Stopping Honorbuddy.
I'm having the same problem, here's a log though
Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 33760 in database.
[6:53:36 AM:877] Executable Path: D:\HonorBuddyFolders\Honorbuddy_2.0.0.4991\honorbuddy.exe
update to 5063
and i don't support the checkpoint profiles (the .zip)
For some odd reason it won't generate paths.
I'm going to tinker with the While loop when I get time this weekend.Yea I'm also having some troubles with "While", so I'm trying the best I can to totally prevent using it.
Current SVN will leave the the trees minimized.Highvoltz, is there any reason profiles are loaded with all trees expanded? If not I'd love them minimised on profile as I'm minimizing them all every time I load my profile![]()
I hope so. I switched from using InvariantCulture to explicitly using 'En-US' culture.Just saw rev 33 on SVN that you changed some language settings, and I had a quick glance at the code (still a newb at C# and coding at all). Am I right that you fixed the decimal and thousand seperator problem on computers where these are turned around?
I start up the bot load the XML and hit go it hits the load tiles part and in nav its spamming this "
8:30:40 PM:857] Loading Gilneas2_29_34
[8:30:40 PM:886] Error reading file data #2: Length of the data to decrypt is invalid.
[8:30:40 PM:886] Could not generate path from {-1448.394, 1405.162, 35.55595} to {-1405.486, 1447.415, 35.55592} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly"
. I am still just sitting here in Felwood "Loading tiles".....I just run into another little bump. I am in Felwood, at level 51. for a few quests now i have had to help out a bit, by clicking the targets that needed killed. Now i just stand still and the message is "Loading Tile/s". anyone else had this problem?
. I am still just sitting here in Felwood "Loading tiles".....
First time using it dont get it to move.