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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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getting error with bloodelf going to eastern kingdom when trying to load the "10-18 Northern Barrens SubProfile"- saying it does not exist, but its there, and when trying to load the profile manually, it fails and stops HB.

View attachment 24150

btw, im not sure if its a HB problem, but the toon just stops. By that i mean, it will say moving to hotspot, or returning something or killing something, but it does nothing, it just stands there until it goes afk and dc's. No errors or anything. Also not downloading any meshes. Happened about 3 times with the starting zone for bloodelf, also noticed it with a level 10 - 60 horde leveling profile.
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wel it was just a "`" that was on the first line of that profile that was the problem. Removing it fixed the problem.
I haven't leveld in 2 weeks so I can't post a log but theres a quest in felwood where you need to fill a canister up in a corrupted green moonwell looking thing and i've used it at least 4 times to level different toons and it never filled it up only to wake up to my guy trying to turn in a quest that was never compelted but was like 20 feet away. Did you fix this quest?
Hi Kick im so so so glad you are putting some work into horde yeah :-)

Im using this atm from 66 onwards :-)

As your the pro here please could you tell me what questing one to use at 68 please :-)
Hi Bobby,

Would it be possible to add an option to follow a user defined member of a party other than the tank? The reason I ask is I would like to use this with my pally healer or shaman healer while I manually play my hunter. If it could follow me instead of the tank I could try to keep it out of fire and what not while running heroics. I may be able to use the party bot for this but in the past i have found it kind of slow and I never could get it to work the way I wanted it to. Any advice would be great.


Edit: I know I could just select someone else as the tank in the bot options and it would follow that member of the party however for my pally healer this would be undesirable because the Beacon of Light spell would then be put on my hunter.
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getting error with bloodelf going to eastern kingdom when trying to load the "10-18 Northern Barrens SubProfile"- saying it does not exist, but its there, and when trying to load the profile manually, it fails and stops HB.

View attachment 24150

btw, im not sure if its a HB problem, but the toon just stops. By that i mean, it will say moving to hotspot, or returning something or killing something, but it does nothing, it just stands there until it goes afk and dc's. No errors or anything. Also not downloading any meshes. Happened about 3 times with the starting zone for bloodelf, also noticed it with a level 10 - 60 horde leveling profile.

[02:51:42 PM:750] System.Xml.XmlException: Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1.

delete your settings folder

I am proud to announce, that the 1-60 bracket is fully completed! It's been quite a journey. Now we will take a break and suck in the joy of all bug reports, Outlands is waiting for us!
Hey there, Started a human hunter with your bot, everything went fine till it tried to pick up "Report to Goldshire"

it couldnt pick up the quest cause there was still 2 quests before that that had to be done which i had to do manually ( which isnt a big deal but still :P )

"Ending the invasion"
"Extinguishing Hope" <(not sure if that is the prequest aswell )

Yea i tried leveling my warlock with the new HB version the bot wouldnt do the quest so i got the older version and it worked...

I am proud to announce, that the 1-60 bracket is fully completed! It's been quite a journey. Now we will take a break and suck in the joy of all bug reports, Outlands is waiting for us!
Awesome, now can you please update the latest HB? I cant use .4928 since its not updated for 4.2.

I get wow error build.

And with new profile Northern stranglethorn I cant use eiehter of the latest releases :)
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I only have one problem, my rogue which just hit 22, keeps running into the elite giant outside of splintertree post (Raging Ancient), where it will simply die, over and over. It sucks pretty much, and I've tried to add it as avoided monster, but it didn't help.

Any suggestions?
I only have one problem, my rogue which just hit 22, keeps running into the elite giant outside of splintertree post (Raging Ancient), where it will simply die, over and over. It sucks pretty much, and I've tried to add it as avoided monster, but it didn't help.

Any suggestions?

That's because it's trying to repair/sell. I can't do anything regarding that. You'll have to do it manually.
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