New Problem- Seems it can't find the quest behavior for Blastraanar! It's where it needs to be though. Tried updating it as well to no avail.
[11:14:21 PM:675] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Users\SwaGGer JaKKer\Desktop\Honor Bud\Quest Behaviors\Blastranaar!.cs'
[11:14:21 PM:678] Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown
[11:14:21 PM:679] System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file 'C:\Users\SwaGGer JaKKer\Desktop\Honor Bud\Quest Behaviors\Blastranaar!.cs'.
you must put the behaviors in your behaviors folder in hb...
hi! i'm new to honorbuddy. im using your profile to level a troll druid. it gets stucked on some quests. would updating help? or am i doing something wrong? right now im on senjin questing area. it got stucked on first quest.
Hiya and thanks for a good profile!
But one problem
[21:36:08:333] Compiling quest behavior from 'D:\-Spel\Bots\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\RunLua.cs'
[21:36:08:405] Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown
[21:36:08:410] Could not find file 'D:\-Spel\Bots\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\RunLua.cs'.
[21:36:08:410] Stop called!
In Ashenvale.xml you missed to point the CB to the Misc/ folder...
<PickUp QuestName="Torek's Assault" QuestId="6544" GiverName="Torek" GiverId="12858" />
<While Condition="HasQuest(6544) && !IsQuestCompleted(6544)" >
<CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" LootMobs="false" PullDistance="10"/>
<CustomBehavior File="Escort" QuestId="6544" MobId="12858" X="1779.005" Y="-2241.291" Z="107.9472" />
<CustomBehavior File="RunLua" Lua="i=GetQuestLogIndexByID(6544) a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,j=GetQuestLogTitle(i) if g==-1 then SelectQuestLogEntry(i) SetAbandonQuest(i) AbandonQuest(i) end" />
<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000" />
<PickUp QuestName="Torek's Assault" QuestId="6544" GiverName="Torek" GiverId="12858" />
Did you have HB running and WOW was never DCed,logout to the character screen, or did a /reloadui? PB uses a lua event to know when new spells have been learned and reloads the tradeskill. The lua event hook gets destroyed on logout/reloadUI and unless it was fixed in recent version of HB it doesn't get reapplied once you log back in.Also another suggestion to make profile making alot easier for profession lvling profiles. A button to reload known recipes! Atm every time I've trained new recipes I have to close HB and open again in order for it to pop up in the list so I can add it to the profile.
hi! i'm new to honorbuddy. im using your profile to level a troll druid. it gets stucked on some quests. would updating help? or am i doing something wrong? right now im on senjin questing area. it got stucked on first quest.
Cleaning Up the Coastline - Quest - World of Warcraft
Breaking the Chain - Quest - World of Warcraft
Never Trust a Big Barb and a Smile - Quest - World of Warcraft
I passed these quests, still getting the same error. It's like this zone(razor hill and senjin village) is not supported. I tried to abondan quests and got them one by one. Still same error.
For further inspection: I tried changin profile to 12-20 northern barrens, it starts moving wo any problem.
New release of HB is out...will this work with the change to the InteractWith behavior?