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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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I seem to be having an issue with the 1-60 quest. I can't post a log because I wasn't even able to find the Troll 1-60 profile. All that I could find was the Human 1-60. Not sure if it's my wrong-doing or a glitch. I've updated it multiple times and still nothing :/

This doesn't have a human profile, so I'm going to guess that you aren't pulling from the correct SVN. Sounds like you're downloading Kick's SVN instead.
When does the user dialog appears? And is it only one?
I'm level 81 now, I didn't do any quest myself, just started it when I got to Mount Hyjal.
I wonder if I could wait until the dialog and then go to sleep, with the bot on?

And also, this is an awesome profile. It's amazing.

there's 4 ... towards the end. i'd say 3 hours in or so depending on how strong ur toon is

also with the release of 4.2, i have to fix an anvil issue real quick... but i'll do it after raid
<TurnIn QuestName="Slash and Burn" QuestId="25608" TurnInName="Commander Jarod Shadowsong" TurnInId="40772" />
<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="900000" GoalText="Waiting for video {TimeRemaining}" />

Timer is set for 9 minutes
there's 4 ... towards the end. i'd say 3 hours in or so depending on how strong ur toon is

also with the release of 4.2, i have to fix an anvil issue real quick... but i'll do it after raid

Okay, well, better than nothing. I'll try put Exit Timer at 180 minutes and we'll see how far it goes!
i cant seem to find QuestOrder IgnoreCheckPoints="True" in the xml ive looked like 5 times where abouts is it? my eye sight is abit bad and i use a big screen from a closer then should be range. so i might of missed it.. thanks
I downloaded the one in the link.

I'm assuming you're not using SVN and just went to the link in the 1st and/or second post. There are no human 1-60 profiles in there. This is a horde only profile. I don't know what link you are clicking, but it's not the same one I'm looking at.
Thank You

Kick at first i was majorly annoyed by the SVN trunk that i couldn't get working and now that i have it working you supply ALL the leveling profiles i need and in other forums people ask if you need to write [kick] for every profile and the answer is yes youre awesome ::D
It wasn't me downloading the wrong link.. I downloaded both and neither of them work.. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong >.<
No option for better PvP bot? the BG and PvP bot both still derp heavily for me..
It wasn't me downloading the wrong link.. I downloaded both and neither of them work.. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong >.<

Add me on Skype or MSN and we'll work something out.

The quest Waptor Twapping goes back and forth on the coordinates which have minimal amounts of raptors. The quest guide shows that the raptors are found a little but more north of the tree. I was just saying since on my last toon it was stuck on this quest for 30 minutes. It would also be nice if this didn't make you only go back and forth on the same route every time.Thanks for listening :D!
Waptor Twapping - Quest - World of Warcraft

Another error occurred with the quest Management Material
Management Material - Quest - World of Warcraft

[InteractWith-vUnknown(warning)]: This method 'GetAttributeAsInteger' is deprecated.
Please update your behavior to use one of the replacement methods provided by the CustomForcedBehavior class.Your replacement line is:
GetAttributeAsNullable<int>("QuestId", False, new ConstrainTo.Domain<int>(0, 2147483647), null)

Hi Aungoo68,

I don't know why you're experiencing any issues on that quest because the co-ordinates are placed correctly, and as for your second error, it's just a warning who's screaming at you to update to Gen3. It'll work anyways.

After leveling probably 15 level 85 paladins (tauren too, get stuck a lot!) I must say this is the best questing profile I've used yet! It rarely gets stuck and I have yet to get any suspensions, with the previous questing profiles it seemed blizzard had enough info on them, but this one uses the new questing areas that were released recently and it obviously works well against being suspended, and well it never gets stuck. The only interesting thing is I'm level 38 in a lvl 25 guild (with no heirlooms) and I just started western plaguelands, which is listed to end at level 39.
Anywho, I'm excited to have a good reliable profile, I appreciate your work and thanks. I'll be leveling another paladin next week too :D Looks like its your profile 1-58, instancebuddy 58-70, and archeo to 80.. smooth sailin

I uploaded the SVN lastnight, is there anything new since then? Cant really tell if I'm up to date,

I'm really happy that people appreciate me and Shakazara's work, you don't get many "thank you"s around here. I wish you all the best luck and thanks for the feedback :).

Edit: Initial problem seems to be gone when I updated...below is the new issue.

Just updated via SVN, you're missing a closing " at the end of line 266 in Eastern Plaguelands profile:

<PickUp QuestName="The Trek Continues" QuestId="27448" GiverName="Fiona" GiverId="45417" X="1842.149" Y="-3698.729" Z="158.7519" />

That last quotation mark was missing which threw an error in HB and crashed it.

Fixed, thanks for your report.

Cheers, Megser
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I'm using this profile to level up in Hyjal. There is a bug after the patch 4.2 that is making the quest "Crushing the Cores" not to work like expected.

They fixed the need to crush the "Smolding Cores" close to a Twilight Anvil, so my toon just stays by the NPCs trying to crush the cores and all I get is a message "Requires Twilight Anvil".

The toon doesn't move to find the anvil and keeps trying to crush the cores without success. Before the patch, you could use those cores anyplace around the cave, now you can't. Can this be fixed?
Keeps trying to pick up Novice Elreth even though it finished it. It will run all the way back to the starting zone to try and complete this - again.
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