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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Thanks about the aura tip working great one, one small problem im having though with oracles profile is when its doing the kill 50 frenzy guys after its done killing it goes to start point to mount and fly back but it gets stuck in a loop

[2:27:01 PM:692] [FlyTo-v184(debug) @line 214]: Behavior sees 'done'. Skipping behavior.
[2:27:01 PM:692] Goal: Dismounting
[2:27:01 PM:885] Goal: Goal: Kill x 50
[2:27:02 PM:272] [FlyTo-v184(debug) @line 214]: Behavior sees 'done'. Skipping behavior.
[2:27:02 PM:273] Goal: Dismounting
[2:27:02 PM:467] Goal: Goal: Kill x 50
[2:27:02 PM:855] [FlyTo-v184(debug) @line 214]: Behavior sees 'done'. Skipping behavior.
[2:27:02 PM:855] Goal: Dismounting
[2:27:03 PM:048] Goal: Goal: Kill x 50
[2:27:03 PM:439] [FlyTo-v184(debug) @line 214]: Behavior sees 'done'. Skipping behavior.
[2:27:03 PM:439] Goal: Dismounting
[2:27:03 PM:633] Goal: Goal: Kill x 50
[2:27:04 PM:021] [FlyTo-v184(debug) @line 214]: Behavior sees 'done'. Skipping behavior.

I have to stop bot and restart and then it mounts up and flys back, not sure whats causing it.
Thanks about the aura tip working great one, one small problem im having though with oracles profile is when its doing the kill 50 frenzy guys after its done killing it goes to start point to mount and fly back but it gets stuck in a loop

I have to stop bot and restart and then it mounts up and flys back, not sure whats causing it.

I still dont get it, maybe I dumb...

Its those steps I dont understand:

-"Then extract the folder named Quest Behaviors into your Honorbuddy folder"


-"Then you need to extract the folder named "Plugins" into your Honorbuddy folders plugin folder"
Started a new druid. At lvl 3 I received this error. I was just wondering. How much grinding is there?

[TalkToAndListenToStory-v184(warning)]: *****
* THIS BEHAVIOR IS DEPRECATED, and may be retired in a near, future release.
* TalkToAndListenToStory adds _no_ _additonal_ _value_ over the InteractWith behavior (with the "GossipOption" attribute).
* Please update the profile to use InteractWith in preference to the TalkToAndListenToStory behavior.
[TalkToAndListenToStory-v184(warning)]: Found attribute via its alias name 'NpcIds'.
Please update the profile to use its primary name 'MobIds', instead.
[CastSpellOn-v187(fatal) @line 237]: Toon doesn't know SpellId(5185, "Healing Touch")
Fatal error. Stopping Honorbuddy.
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I still dont get it, maybe I dumb...

Its those steps I dont understand:

-"Then extract the folder named Quest Behaviors into your Honorbuddy folder"


-"Then you need to extract the folder named "Plugins" into your Honorbuddy folders plugin folder"

Basically put Shakquesting.cs into your Plugins folder - DONE.

Basically put the behaviors inside CustomBehaviors into your Quest Behaviors folder - DONE.
Quest: Wrong Coords

The quest Waptor Twapping goes back and forth on the coordinates which have minimal amounts of raptors. The quest guide shows that the raptors are found a little but more north of the tree. I was just saying since on my last toon it was stuck on this quest for 30 minutes. It would also be nice if this didn't make you only go back and forth on the same route every time.Thanks for listening :D!

Another error occurred with the quest Management Material

[InteractWith-vUnknown(warning)]: This method 'GetAttributeAsInteger' is deprecated.
Please update your behavior to use one of the replacement methods provided by the CustomForcedBehavior class.Your replacement line is:
GetAttributeAsNullable<int>("QuestId", False, new ConstrainTo.Domain<int>(0, 2147483647), null)
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BOT never works due to navigation errors to do with the meshes!

Spams some padding errors, and usually spams "Cannot Generate Path"

View attachment 24068

That's my AB log, but it gives the same errors no matter whats its doing...
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ah, i looked at ur file

delete your mesh folder and try again. it looks like something bugged out
ah, i looked at ur file

delete your mesh folder and try again. it looks like something bugged out

It doesn't fix anything though, that's the real problem here, nothing is a solution, I try it once more, but I suspect it to fault once again.
After leveling probably 15 level 85 paladins (tauren too, get stuck a lot!) I must say this is the best questing profile I've used yet! It rarely gets stuck and I have yet to get any suspensions, with the previous questing profiles it seemed blizzard had enough info on them, but this one uses the new questing areas that were released recently and it obviously works well against being suspended, and well it never gets stuck. The only interesting thing is I'm level 38 in a lvl 25 guild (with no heirlooms) and I just started western plaguelands, which is listed to end at level 39.
Anywho, I'm excited to have a good reliable profile, I appreciate your work and thanks. I'll be leveling another paladin next week too :D Looks like its your profile 1-58, instancebuddy 58-70, and archeo to 80.. smooth sailin

I uploaded the SVN lastnight, is there anything new since then? Cant really tell if I'm up to date, I svn'd it to my desktop then copied it to my VM.

It's also exciting seeing it going through the new quests in STV, the booty bay fight scene was cool.

I also just noticed I have an epic hyacinth macaw in my bags, score.
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Edit: Initial problem seems to be gone when I updated...below is the new issue.

Just updated via SVN, you're missing a closing " at the end of line 266 in Eastern Plaguelands profile:

<PickUp QuestName="The Trek Continues" QuestId="27448" GiverName="Fiona" GiverId="45417" X="1842.149" Y="-3698.729" Z="158.7519" />

That last quotation mark was missing which threw an error in HB and crashed it.
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hey i am gonna use this on 2 toons 1 is 68 and currently going good with this the other is lvl 78 which i lvld by hand b4 getting this i want to get the 78-80 if i change the profile like you say will this effect my 68 toon currently questing in borean?
That fixed it...thx. Now having a similar problem trying to pickup "Of traitors and treason". Clicking on Courier Lanson and getting "Scourge aberations...They'll get what soming to them soon enough". Log attached. thx

are you on EU? or US
I seem to be having an issue with the 1-60 quest. I can't post a log because I wasn't even able to find the Troll 1-60 profile. All that I could find was the Human 1-60. Not sure if it's my wrong-doing or a glitch. I've updated it multiple times and still nothing :/
When does the user dialog appears? And is it only one?
I'm level 81 now, I didn't do any quest myself, just started it when I got to Mount Hyjal.
I wonder if I could wait until the dialog and then go to sleep, with the bot on?

And also, this is an awesome profile. It's amazing.
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