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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Hello, I am going to report a problem. :D i hope you can fix this. Race: Blood Elf. Class: Normal Mage. When it gets to lvl 3 and talks to the Mage trainer to learn Arcane Missiles.
It gives me an error. Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown
Object reference not set to an instance of an object. I get this after he excepts the quest to practice Arcane Missiles. I will try out your script and report any more bugs or stuff... :D I know you may not care for it. But i wanna try and help make this script amazing. :D So yeah Thx for fixing if you do :D
is it possible to add fishing to PB?
There is a profile that comes with Professionbuddy (FishBot.xml) that does fish but it doesn't apply lures, switch to fishing pole or from fishing pole to weapons when in combat.(PB doesn't execute the behaviors while in combat so can't do that) which is fine if you're in a City. You can add the behavior to your attached profile if you like. An alternative is to use the MrFishit Bot (http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/plugins/free/uncataloged/10803-[bot]-mrfishit-honorbuddy.html) and make a PB profile that trains and moves to the fishing spot if needed.

If you need to make the bot face a direction add a 'Custom Action' with this code where SetFacing() takes a number in radians, North is 0 and direction goes counter clockwise. The Move/MoveStop() is needed to update facing with the server

Ok i know how to work svn but. Everytime theres a fix someone says just re-svn? But i dont know where to find the address o.o? if anyone can help please comment it or at least tell me where i can find it o.o. Im getting alot of Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown
Object reference not set to an instance of an object. o.o
An alternative is to use the MrFishit Bot (http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/plugins/free/uncataloged/10803-[bot]-mrfishit-honorbuddy.html) and make a PB profile that trains and moves to the fishing spot if needed.

y i tried this but i dont know how i can use "Me.GetSkill(Styx.SkillLine.Fishing).MaxValue"
PB gives me an error that it does not know how it has to deal with "fishing"
Maybe I have also done something wrong

  <While Condition="Me.GetSkill(Styx.SkillLine.Fishing).MaxValue == 75" IgnoreCanRun="True" ChildrenCount="1">
    <If Condition="Me.GetSkill(Styx.SkillLine.Fishing).CurrentValue &gt;= 50 &amp;&amp; Me.GetSkill(Styx.SkillLine.Fishing).MaxValue == 75" IgnoreCanRun="True" ChildrenCount="1">
      <TrainSkillAction NpcEntry="7731" X="5707.309" Y="612.2144" Z="646.6988" />
Mr.FishIt Lures Added

After lots of work and figureing everything out I finally managed to get both of the new lures added thanks to other post it made it a lot easier as far as how to insert the codeing this a working Mr. FishIt it will fish with the new lures added in the dropdown and will only fish in the water in front of you also it works with the new HB. If you can't get it to work don't forget to use the blank profile in the Mr. FishIt folders. Hope eveyrone enjoys.
I'm getting a message saying

"You must have the flying key or Lifetime to use this profile!" when i try to start HB

It's the only thing preventing it from working :(
Thx alot for this, very useful!

One thing I also would love with this plugin is if it could clear "Click-To-Move" option in WoW when HB is OFF. Most of the time I turn OFF HB when I get group for a instance and one thing I always haveto do is clearing that option.

Don't know if it's possible but would be awesome if it could do it!

why do you "have" to turn off click to move? It doesnt interfere with anything
Trying to use this to level mining and herbing. It has workied fine in the past. Now I get the following errors and its not working:

ProfessionBuddy: Loading profile C:\Users\Public\Games\HB\HB4\Plugins\ProfessionBuddy\Profiles\[mining-herb](1-525)flying-GB2(v2).xml
Compiler Error:224
'Styx.Helpers.LevelbotSettings.LootMobs' is obsolete: 'This property is obsolete, please use CharacterSettings. We will remove theese in a few releases. 'Compiler Error:227
The name 'GatherbuddySettings' does not exist in the current contextCompiler Error:228
The name 'GatherbuddySettings' does not exist in the current contextCompiler Error:229
The name 'GatherbuddySettings' does not exist in the current contextCompiler Error:230
The name 'GatherbuddySettings' does not exist in the current context

Then the bot just freezes.
Ok i know how to work svn but. Everytime theres a fix someone says just re-svn? But i dont know where to find the address o.o? if anyone can help please comment it or at least tell me where i can find it o.o. Im getting alot of Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown
Object reference not set to an instance of an object. o.o

Assuming you do know how to work SVN, when they say to re-SVN, all you do is right click in the folder you originally SVN'd too and choose SVN update.
Trying to use this to level mining and herbing. It has workied fine in the past. Now I get the following errors and its not working:

ProfessionBuddy: Loading profile C:\Users\Public\Games\HB\HB4\Plugins\ProfessionBuddy\Profiles\[mining-herb](1-525)flying-GB2(v2).xml
Compiler Error:224
'Styx.Helpers.LevelbotSettings.LootMobs' is obsolete: 'This property is obsolete, please use CharacterSettings. We will remove theese in a few releases. 'Compiler Error:227
The name 'GatherbuddySettings' does not exist in the current contextCompiler Error:228
The name 'GatherbuddySettings' does not exist in the current contextCompiler Error:229
The name 'GatherbuddySettings' does not exist in the current contextCompiler Error:230
The name 'GatherbuddySettings' does not exist in the current context

Then the bot just freezes.
Use the profiles attached to the 1st post in this thread
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y i tried this but i dont know how i can use "Me.GetSkill(Styx.SkillLine.Fishing).MaxValue"
PB gives me an error that it does not know how it has to deal with "fishing"
Maybe I have also done something wrong

  <While Condition="Me.GetSkill(Styx.SkillLine.Fishing).MaxValue == 75" IgnoreCanRun="True" ChildrenCount="1">
    <If Condition="Me.GetSkill(Styx.SkillLine.Fishing).CurrentValue &gt;= 50 &amp;&amp; Me.GetSkill(Styx.SkillLine.Fishing).MaxValue == 75" IgnoreCanRun="True" ChildrenCount="1">
      <TrainSkillAction NpcEntry="7731" X="5707.309" Y="612.2144" Z="646.6988" />

I can't see anything wrong with the above code. Could you attach a log?
We seriously need a built in Relogger. I hate coming home to a d/c'd screen. I know there are add-ons but it would be so much nice to have a built in one.
If I can make a suggestion for the Raptor Mastery (part 4) quest. The area the bot patrols should also be south a bit. The bot seems to patrol too small an area of where Tethis usually wanders. The part of the map highlighted by my Carbonite addon shows that the bot patrols the northern area of where Tethis can be, but just runs west to east and vice versa. I watched the bot just drive back and forth for a good 20 minutes before I stopped it and manually drove my character south a bit more. I found Tethis wandering further south of where the bot patrols.
Issue with "Saving Yenniku" (part 4) in STV. The bot seems to want to path to the top of the cave instead of inside of it. He gets stuck in a targetting/clearing target loop after that and doesn't get to complete the quest.

And don't know if this is a bug, but there isn't a dismount command/check before he tries to fly from Bambala to Hardwrench Hideaway from what I can tell. He'll talk to the flight master, then it gives the "already mounted" error and decides to drive down to the hideaway instead.

Sorry, another one: He is in an interact loop with the NPC for "The Holy Water of Clarity". I apologize if these are issues based on user error...figured I'd post them to see if these are actual issues. I manually accepted the quest, but he still tries to interact with the NPC in a loop.

Attached logs: Zipped one is for the first 2 issues, non-zipped one is for the interact loop issue.
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what is SVN?. Where is it located? What folder? Did I have to SVN? Did i ever set it up? I used the SEARCH function of this website and : SVN, RE-SVN, RE SVN, HOW TO SVN, SVN TUTORIAL, SVN PROFILE, returned no matches so I cant seem to located a tutorial on how to RE-SVN. THanks.
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