Thank for your work, but this profile is a bit bugged. Put bot over night without babysitting can LEAD to BAN! Profile contain few critical bugs like going through horde cities and bad quest logic.
[Hellfire Peninsula]
Works well, but sometimes you are killed by Fel Reaver.
[Shattrath city + Terokkar Forset]
This item need to be add to MAIL protect list
Arakkoa Feather - Item - World of Warcraft. Both toons mailed feathers away.
The fallen exarch
The Fallen Exarch - Quest - World of Warcraft. Bot trying use quest object, but it never happen. Instead of click on it, bot stopped working and turn off yourselves.
[Nagrand] the nightmare...
[Fierce Enemies] -bot not using fly mount
- going trough Halaa(while it is horde assaluted)
- going trough GARADAR(horde city)
[The Tortured Earth] -bot not using fly mount
- going trough GARADAR(horde city)
[Diplomatic Measures]
- gossip dialogue quest, bot wants run macro. But macro dont works.
[Not On My Watch!]
- gossip dialog quest(it wants to run MACRO, but its not working)
- doent click on object /-> botstopped working (same problem as in case of [Corki's Gone Missing Again!] + [The fallen exarch])
[Corki's Gone Missing Again!]
- doent click on object /-> botstopped working
While bot doing q where you must pick 10 ones. Bot twice stuck here until DC:
<Blackspot X="-974.4414" Y="8933.254" Z="102.6603" Radius="2.83279" />
However one of my toons stopped when it was 78,8 lvl and trying pick up quest Summoner Kanthin's price, while there is no available quest. Anyway my second toon still leveling, now 69,1.
If you want see log leave me reply or pm. :]
Ground mount variant of that profile wants go trough west Horde city in Zargarmarsh.
Tested with latest release 4620.