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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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I'm new and I would like to know . do I need to install SVN to use the profile to level up ?
The grind area from level 43 to level 45 is really bad. Bot is not killing yellow mobs, he's just running around Plaguelands and killing 'red' mobs. It will took like 5 hours for two levels - EXP/H: ~18541, and it's really bad.
Very impressive profile. I ran it for about 10 hours now and its been great.

One quirk that I noticed is that due to the Fire Festival, there are a lot of times where the path has those pillars as obstruction and it get mildly stuck. In Stranglethorn Vale, the Horde's Fire Festival placement actually managed to killed me and I had to abort since it was directly in the path.

Thanks for the amazing work.
I download it and did everything I opened the Wow then BH and chose quest then went to load prfile from Svn H 66 to 80 .
said Starting the bot!
Changing current profile to The Twisted Glade
Can not start quest bot - this profile does not contain a quest order!
Not sure if im missing something but for
A - TH Wildhammer to Exalted
This will do all of the dailies from Thundermare. Enable the "Thundermare Ale" plugin while on this profile

I dont see the plugin listed anywhere in your svn and tried searching for it but didnt see anything. Thanks for all the great stuff so far!
I download it and did everything I opened the Wow then BH and chose quest then went to load prfile from Svn H 66 to 80 .
said Starting the bot!
Changing current profile to The Twisted Glade
Can not start quest bot - this profile does not contain a quest order!

alright lets try and read a few things first before attempting to load a profile and then posting in the thread

1) you posted in Alliance Quest LK
2) you loaded Horde Grind LK


3) You have it on Quest Bot
4) You loaded a Grind profile for Grind Bot


So, the moral to the story is that if you are alliance and are using my LK profile - post here. If not, then please read whatever profile you're attempting to load and make sure that the key fits the hole
How to make PB to use portal to Uldum and gather there?
Currently I have to take portal manualy.
Is it possible to automate this action from stormwind?


How to make PB to use boats/zepplinzs and portals to switch continents?
Currently if I use [mining-herb](1-525)flying-GB2(v2) profile, it is not changing continents automatically.

ILv 68 Horde in outlands now and trying it there I c if it works but nothing should i take it to northland ?
i did install svn and downdload the file name kicks-scripts then when I load profile I go to Kick's Profiles >> first one on list 1-85 Grinding Profile Pack then to [H] LK 66-80 [Kick] Old.

1- I opened wow
2- I opened BH then chose quest and Loaded the profile start with H 66 to 80 Old for hord what I'm dong wrong ?

how I make it work ?
do I need to do anything in the BH after installing SVN I'm new and I know nothing about this trying to learn from you please help me and thank you .
how I make it work ?
the way I'm doing it is wrong or this what I installed dosn't work with horde i don't understand ?
I'm trying the quest profiles I know esyest way grinding .
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