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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Stopped the bot for a while earlier when I was downloading some movies, but currently 3/4 done with 79 and he is flying to Storm Peaks for quests right now.

Excellent profile, even though I only started it at 72, I think that was the best thing I could do. I was going to stop the profile at 80 and start Hyjal quest profile, but I think I'll completely finish off this profile for max experience gained before going into the Cata profiles.

Should also mention as a shaman in full heirloom w/ level 70 PvP offpieces and guild bonus, I am getting 700k/hour xp right now
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I don't understand your issue? it looks like it was loading tiles for the area you're in and then you clicked stop
So ,
Im klicking start with the profil "[Fly][A - Quest] LK 68-80 [Kick].xml" and it automatic change it to "[A - fly] QO 68-80 [Kick]" but i dont have the Profil [A - fly] QO 68-80 [Kick]
And i can flying there
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So ,
Im klicking start with the profil "[Fly][A - Quest] LK 68-80 [Kick].xml" and it automatic change it to "[A - fly] QO 68-80 [Kick]" but i dont have the Profil [A - fly] QO 68-80 [Kick]
And i can flying there

lol, one is a .xml, the other is the internal name of the profile - ignore it
I have a issue that it keeps trying to farm some mobs in zangarmarsh, dosent matter where i start it, it flies/runs there and starts farming again, it farms Marshfang slicers.

I dont know how to attach a log, if you tell me ill do it :)
Did a new Profile to use with PoolFisher. but the toon always hang 1 sec at every hotspot. did a new install of hb but the same result. maybe anyone can help?

possible to set the hotspots down, so the movements looks smoother?
why it does not mount the flying mount? :) it uses the land mount instead
im using fly quest 58-70

thoroughly read the first 3 posts

Ok it runs now 2 days and had only some small problems. Once i had to click to loot things, but i think problem is on my Client (had autoloot off :S)

But now i am in nagrand. It tries to walk to a hotspot and tries to walk throu garandar. As you know there are unfriendly mobs that kill me. They are on lvl 70.
Maybe this is a bug and should be fixxed. Another thing is, that this profile us very rare flymounts. If it uses my flymount and reaches hotspots, it lands, get off flymount and mount on ground mount. This is a bit strange, as flymounts are as fast as groundmounts. Is there a reason why it does it this way?

Thx for this great profil Kick!

user failed to read the first 3 posts for the flymount 'issue'
as far as Garadar - mesh is ignoring blackspots, i can't help you there (bot issue)

I have a issue that it keeps trying to farm some mobs in zangarmarsh, dosent matter where i start it, it flies/runs there and starts farming again, it farms Marshfang slicers.

I dont know how to attach a log, if you tell me ill do it :)

to attach a log, there is a button beside 'post quick reply' ... click that, then click 'manage attachments'
Sorry Kickazz but i read your first 3 posts. I thought i will give feedback to solve bugs, if the problems are bugs. So if i posted crap ignore it and delete it
Testing now.
When the bot returns to the vendor in Ogrimmar it is unable to find its way back to flight path. So far I am lvl 18 and have had to adjust it each visit back to the city.

Also note at splintertree post. LVL 21 - It runs straight through one of the elites pathing all the time while heading to its next destination.

Ashenvale seems to be extremely difficult. More deaths than anything. CC is fine spending more time atm doing corpse runs. Will maybe test again after future updates.
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Encountered problems with the first tauren chain. Tried three times, worked two times. Dunno what's wrong. Simply won't finish the quest.
Also, is there a problem with "LetMeFly"??

I usually would never use it, because its been nothing but crap for me, but he'll run fine across the ground, but when I enable it, he'll jump in the air, do swirls and everything :/
Currently Allrounder isn't working for me with the new Honourbuddy. I load up my blank profile as per usual and the plug in doesn't start doing its thing.
Is this normal?

I'm like 5 bars from leveling to 78, but HB is now saying its grinding to level 80, should be it grinding that early on?

I'm going to let him grind to 78, but then stop until someone replies...
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