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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Thanks for the reply. I deleted all honorbuddy related stuff on my pc and started fresh. I downloaded the latest hb for 4.1 not the test one. I used tortoise to put a singular folder in custom classes and i updated kickz svn profile and put his Quest Behaviours into the honorbuddy QB folder, But i still seem to be having problems.

Could not pickup quest from item with id:36855 the item was not found!
Honorbuddy Stopped!
Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown
Thread was being aborted.

Debug Log:
[6:02:39 PM:91] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()
[6:02:39 PM:91] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()

View attachment 23169

Thanks for the reply. I deleted all honorbuddy related stuff on my pc and started fresh. I downloaded the latest hb for 4.1 not the test one. I used tortoise to put a singular folder in custom classes and i updated kickz svn profile and put his Quest Behaviours into the honorbuddy QB folder, But i still seem to be having problems.
View attachment 23169


Thanks again for the log. This time your problem is completely different...

The profile is trying to pick up a quest called Disturbing Implications from the Emblazoned Battle Horn item. The horn is supposed to be in your inventory, and dropped by a mob called Chilltusk--which was the goal of a previous quest.

Somehow the Battle Horn is not in your inventory. Perhaps its in the bank, or you destroyed it when cleaning out some inventory?

If the horn is not in your bank, you can manually try killing Chilltusk again to get the Battle Horn. Once its in your inventory, the profile will move on. The problem is figuring out where the Horn is, and how to get it into your inventory.


P.S. - the version of Amplify you have is not compatible with 4620, either. I assume you've a mage you sometimes use and that's why you've the Amplify CC installed. If so, you may need to rollback to 1.6.6 or so to get it to work with HB4620.
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Bot, in full heirloom and guild xp bonus, out leveled the profile. Also, I got stuck grinding thanks to the raptor pet quest. He's currently 33 in STV downing the quests " [Excelsior] [Raptor Prowess] [Panther Prowess]" and three grey ones. Should I let it do its thang, or should I try to edit the XML and have him skip some quests. (Absolutely no coding experience so I would be guessing with any edits)
Bot, in full heirloom and guild xp bonus, out leveled the profile. Also, I got stuck grinding thanks to the raptor pet quest. He's currently 33 in STV downing the quests " [Excelsior] [Raptor Prowess] [Panther Prowess]" and three grey ones. Should I let it do its thang, or should I try to edit the XML and have him skip some quests. (Absolutely no coding experience so I would be guessing with any edits)

it will make itself up in the long run. just help it out a little w/ the raptor quests (you should have the plugin running, too). the quests will turn green and yellow once you get to like epl or badlands
Thanks for the reply. I deleted all honorbuddy related stuff on my pc and started fresh. I downloaded the latest hb for 4.1 not the test one. I used tortoise to put a singular folder in custom classes and i updated kickz svn profile and put his Quest Behaviours into the honorbuddy QB folder, But i still seem to be having problems.

Could not pickup quest from item with id:36855 the item was not found!
Honorbuddy Stopped!
Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown
Thread was being aborted.

Debug Log:
[6:02:39 PM:91] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()
[6:02:39 PM:91] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.()

View attachment 23169


fixed, re-svn
i just made a profile by hand (in notepad++) with other then 200 lines, how can i check the childhood (and what exactly is?)

i have to set a value or PB wont load my profile

And how can i repeat the same action multiple times without typing the same line again?
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is there anyway to make HB more intelligently choose quest rewards, instead of what will make the most money?
is there anyway to make HB more intelligently choose quest rewards, instead of what will make the most money?
This isn't a profile issue, but we'll point you in the right direction...

This was supposed to have been fixed with the HB- drop and forward with the new (internal) WeightSetEx class. From the 4877 release notes:
  • QuestReward code is now using the new WeightSetEx class to weight items.
It seems the weights for certain class/spec combinations are off, and the WeightSetEx isn't as smooth as it should be. But, it should work out in time, just be a little more patient.

If you've a specific class/spec combo for which it doesn't work, open up a BugTracker and give them the information needed. (The class/spec and the proper weighting for the gear). The more 'no brainer' you can make a fix for the HBdev team, the more likely your problem being resolved in a timely fashion.

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Help please, first time having this problem, I have "Learn Flightpath" ticked, but when he learns it, he just says there, if i click off it, he'll just talk to flight master again and again and so forth, only way Ive been able to stop it, is if i untick learn flightpath, but I need em.
try closing HB and reloading it, but that is an HB problem, not Profile or CC.

EDIT 2: Since my last post last night where I was 25% into level 77 in ZulDrak, I am not 25% into 79 and in Sholazar Basin
Restarted several times hb, now it works
He's at the Gaining Mirren's Trust, he has to go in blasted lands and buy Nethergarde Bitter from Bernie Heistein. He went at npc but didnt buy and continued his road( i bought manually)
Now he took flight path to western plaguelands lol no clue what is going
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re-svn and go back to bc and delete the log from your quest

it's not worth the time for 2 quests - i've removed it from the profile
it's part of the raptor chain. assuming you're using the addon, it should work perfectly

The problem is after it completes the quests before it, it doesn't go back north and turn them in. Then it doesn't go back to the ruins for [favored skull]

I'm using all the addons.
why it does not mount the flying mount? :) it uses the land mount instead
im using fly quest 58-70
i want ask if this can be used for level 30 if yes can you plz tell me how i can start it with lvl 30 ( i'm new here my first post :P )
Ok it runs now 2 days and had only some small problems. Once i had to click to loot things, but i think problem is on my Client (had autoloot off :S)

But now i am in nagrand. It tries to walk to a hotspot and tries to walk throu garandar. As you know there are unfriendly mobs that kill me. They are on lvl 70.
Maybe this is a bug and should be fixxed. Another thing is, that this profile us very rare flymounts. If it uses my flymount and reaches hotspots, it lands, get off flymount and mount on ground mount. This is a bit strange, as flymounts are as fast as groundmounts. Is there a reason why it does it this way?

Thx for this great profil Kick!
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It's because your HB as never seen that NPC before I believe, a little annoying bug with HB at the moment. Go to WoWhead, and search for that NPC ID and go to that location, click him and your HB will now recognize him and you can then start the bot over.

had the same problem, i try to manualy disable looting so my rogue have time to loot the supplies.it works but he killed about 150-200 zombies for the 8 supplies.
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