Hey kick can you ad a very tiny blackspot here, bot gets stuck by the fence in duskwood after turning in a quest: <Hotspot X="-10548.89" Y="-1335.182" Z="47.47839" />
Have a problem, while bot dies during this quest I killed it to got 1/1 (Died Twice) it resurrects near the body sitting there, HB said it was trying to turn in the quest, so I walk over there manually and it trys to cast spells on the NPC, walk back outside, (the boss respawned) started the bot and clicked on the boss, started killing it and almost died again (had to play by hand) this time I didnt die and doesnt turn in quest.
Oh heres a log.
Edit: one more thing on line 4670 its trying to turn in a quest that it hasnt done looks like you forgot the objective.
<Objective QuestName="Roland's Doom" QuestId="26670" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="938" CollectCount="1" />