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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Plugin from C:\bots\HonorBuddy\Honorbuddy_2.0.0.4620\Plugins\HB_Toggle1.3.cs could not be compiled! Compiler errors:
File: HB_Toggle1.3.cs Line: 348 Error: 'HighVoltz.HBToggleSettings': cannot derive from sealed type 'HighVoltz.Settings'


Lashtail Hatchling. QuestItem UseItemForAura - aura 79651
I had a 2nd character on the raptor quest

U wrote 79561 - just some typos i think :P

The correct aura ID is 79651
If no Behaviour or Objective needs a mob that is hostile, and it doesnt attack you directly, questbot should not initiate combat.

Hillsbrad Foothills for example, the mine has hostile mobs, that are webbed/stunned, and which are only needed for 1 quest.
HB attacks them and breaks them out of their stunlock without having to.
The quest Marauders of Darrowshire could be improved a little I guess. atm it's grinding 5 skulls, and then it'll run back to the questgiver, create 1 resonating skull. Then it runs back to farm one more so it has 5 again, running back to questgiver to create a resonating skull. Rinse and repeat. I suppose you made some kind of logic to only make it use the quest item when it has 5 skulls. Why it runs to the questgiver before making it I don't know.

EDIT: It doesn't run to the questgiver. Just to the questgiver near the grinding spot.
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First of all.... what happened to all of the pages in this post??? second of all i still got the problem were my mount wont fly up and it acts like a ground mount which leads to it trying to go through halaa which is horde controlled and i die....
I'm a noob newb with HB. Downloaded the lastest release of HB & this profile. Made a lvl 1 Orc Hunter and started HB. Three issues are a bit disturbing.

1. Misses picking up about half+ the quests in the orc starting area, so those didn't get done.
2. Grinds entirely too much. This slows down the leveling process.
3. 4 hours later the toon is only lvl 8. In 4 hours manually leveling, most people can be at lvl 15 to 20.

I suspect the slow leveling is due to the missing/the bot not picking up at least 60% of the quests.

I didn't get stuck, but did run into things quite a bit which makes the toon look like it's running a bot. And yes, I sat here for 4 solid hours babysitting the bot after I saw the bot running into things.
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In EPL the quest it's trying to pick up "Boys will be boys" but the npc isn't there. As far as I've been able to figure out, the NPC is now at another spot in EPL because she moves around as you progress in the quest chain. It tried to pick it up just at the entrance to EPL but she's at the second tower. So this is def. bugged. Maybe in the Pickup quest line you can add location for the npc?
If you want it, here's her location at tower #2 (Light's Shield Tower)
X="2278.03" Y="-4420.79" Z="111.7495"

For most ppl, this won't be a problem, because you deliver the other quest right next to her and then it can find the npc. Unlucky for me, I dinged when I delivered the other quest, so it flew off to SW. And when it wanted to go back to pick up that quest, it thought that Fiona was at the entrance to epl.

EDIT: btw I feel like I'm spamming this thread. I don't mean to, just reporting any troubles that I run into so you can look into it and improve it if you want :)
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Great work! I have run this to lvl 46 so far with no major hick-ups. I have had to guide the toon three times but that is it! Thank you!
Bot won't continue. Can't find NPC in database.

EDIT: I looked up the quest in wowhead, and the npc ID seems to be correct :S
EDIT2: I moved the toon near the NPC then it'd start.
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To a vendor but I was wondering if there's a better way of doing it because doing it the way I mentioned makes the bot open the vendor window for each type of gem so it looks sketchy just wondering if there's a way to get it to sell them all with just opening the vendor window once
The quest "Fuselight, Ho!" needs some more "wait" time. I think 5 or 6 minutes instead of the given 4.
I changed it to 5 minutes. When my other char gets there, I'll let you know how well it fits.
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The quest "Fuselight, Ho!" needs some more "wait" time. I think 5 or 6 minutes instead of the given 4.
I changed it to 5 minutes. When my other char gets there, I'll let you know how well it fits.

changed to 6 minutes
hey there is small Request
if its possible that u make defiled profile for the leveling by questing that can be afkbel that well be nice thing to add to the bot :)
Stranglethorn Fever - Stranglethorn Fever - Quest - World of Warcraft
Gave me a bug. It somehow couldn't complete the quest. Maybe it didn't loot the heart. I have "loot mobs" turned on
Log attached
[13:50:57:28] [InteractWith(debug) @line 5158]: Witch Doctor Unbagwa
[13:51:01:27] Goal: CompleteLogQuest: "Stranglethorn Fever"
[13:51:01:126] [CompleteLogQuest(fatal) @line 5159]: Quest(26597, "Stranglethorn Fever") is not complete.
[13:51:01:127] Fatal error. Stopping Honorbuddy.
[13:51:01:127] Stop called!

bot is dumb and needs a waittimer for complete log quests ... waittimer added

as a side note, your CC Amplify is having a lot of issues
In EPL the quest it's trying to pick up "Boys will be boys" but the npc isn't there. As far as I've been able to figure out, the NPC is now at another spot in EPL because she moves around as you progress in the quest chain. It tried to pick it up just at the entrance to EPL but she's at the second tower. So this is def. bugged. Maybe in the Pickup quest line you can add location for the npc?
If you want it, here's her location at tower #2 (Light's Shield Tower)
X="2278.03" Y="-4420.79" Z="111.7495"

For most ppl, this won't be a problem, because you deliver the other quest right next to her and then it can find the npc. Unlucky for me, I dinged when I delivered the other quest, so it flew off to SW. And when it wanted to go back to pick up that quest, it thought that Fiona was at the entrance to epl.

EDIT: btw I feel like I'm spamming this thread. I don't mean to, just reporting any troubles that I run into so you can look into it and improve it if you want :)

npc xyz added
The quest Marauders of Darrowshire could be improved a little I guess. atm it's grinding 5 skulls, and then it'll run back to the questgiver, create 1 resonating skull. Then it runs back to farm one more so it has 5 again, running back to questgiver to create a resonating skull. Rinse and repeat. I suppose you made some kind of logic to only make it use the quest item when it has 5 skulls. Why it runs to the questgiver before making it I don't know.

EDIT: It doesn't run to the questgiver. Just to the questgiver near the grinding spot.


i had it running out of the area and using the item

when i first made this, tags within a <while> tag had issues
here is the new code:

			<While Condition="((HasQuest(27389)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(27389)))" >
			  <While Condition="(GetItemCount(13155) &lt; 5)" >
				<Objective QuestName="Marauders of Darrowshire" QuestId="27389" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="13157" CollectCount="5" />
				<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="UseItemByName(13156)" WaitTime="1000" />
				<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="3000" />
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