Try this attached 1-300 herb profile. unzip and load the .package file into PB^Not the issue. Ground mount 1-300 herb profile will not leave Elwynn (alliance). I can assure you that the start button was pressed via the plugin. I run several different PB profiles successfully. This is the only one I've had issues with.
Edit: Just on a whim, I made a fresh install of HB with no extra plugins, profiles, or anything. Started it up. Did nothing but go to the plugins tab, enabled PB, loaded the ground herb 1-300 profile. Clicked start. It then told me to change to questing mode. Went to the first tab, changed to questing. Moved back to PB and clicked start. And it's working now.
Edit2: Errr, maybe not. When I started it I was in Western Plaguelands. Now, I appear to be in Loch Moden, once again gathering Peacebloom and Silverleaf @110 skill.
Hey Kick, just curious which class(es) and CC you use(d) while testing this profile?
Thanks, Kick. I wanted to use the skinning profile to level skinning on a plus 80 level toon. I loaded the skinning profile and set to grind bot and all it does is "Loading Tile/s" for ages and ages like it is stuck and never proceeds with the profile. Any help/ideas? I can't find any profiles to level alliance toon' skinning from 1 up and sure would be nice to find one that works. Thx!
the skinning profile says QO which is for quest bot![]()
My Warrior is leveling to fastquests getting gray. Can't the bot jump to higher quests?
Yeah I keep getting "Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown
Object reference not set to an instance of an object." now...I am in western plaguelands.
Another problem with a Flight Point. This time it was in Wetlands. Again, I just stood there.
PHP:[8:05:50 PM:820] Cleared POI - Reason Done with FP [8:05:50 PM:820] Cleared POI [8:05:50 PM:959] Changed POI to: Type: Fly, R: Update, Menethil Harbor, Wetlands [8:05:51 PM:252] Cleared POI - Reason Done with FP [8:05:51 PM:252] Cleared POI [8:05:51 PM:396] Changed POI to: Type: Fly, R: Update, Menethil Harbor, Wetlands [8:05:51 PM:703] Cleared POI - Reason Done with FP [8:05:51 PM:703] Cleared POI [8:05:51 PM:844] Changed POI to: Type: Fly, R: Update, Menethil Harbor, Wetlands [8:05:52 PM:136] Cleared POI - Reason Done with FP
Not sure if this is a problem with the way I have HB configured.
Yeah I keep getting "Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown
Object reference not set to an instance of an object." now...I am in western plaguelands.
Thanks HV, I'll go try it now!
EDIT: Started the new 1-300 profile package you included above. Night Elf Hunter, Level 113 skill. Started the profile in SW, it ran to the flight path, flew to Duskwood and is working perfectly thus far.
Awesome, awesome, awesome.
For the curious...what was the problem?