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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Same issue here....

Level 63 Human Rogue
Mining and Herbing both at level 75/75
Selected the 1-525 herb/mine profile in PB
Selected Gatherbuddy2 with an Elwyn Forest profile
Start bot
Bot doesn't go to trainer but heads straight for Elwyn Forest
Hello, You did you press the start button in PB? also was PB enabled in the plugin list? There's a bug in HB that allows you to press a plugin's button if it's disabled..
Been using Nuok's file I edited some of the heros call quests and removed them....it was working fine but i screwed something up can someone edit the file for me so I can use it again...Thanks

LastUsedPath: C:\Users\7943773\Desktop\Aliance Questing 1-60 by Nuok v1.1.1.xml
Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
Building spell book
Spell book built
Initialization complete.
Chose Default Mage 1.0.1 as your combat class!
Starting the bot!
The 'QuestOrder' start tag on line 220 does not match the end tag of 'If'. Line 849, position 4.
Starting the bot!
The 'QuestOrder' start tag on line 220 does not match the end tag of 'If'. Line 849, position 4.
Starting the bot!
The 'QuestOrder' start tag on line 220 does not match the end tag of 'If'. Line 849, position 4.
Starting the bot!
The 'QuestOrder' start tag on line 220 does not match the end tag of 'If'. Line 849, position 4.
Fixed just for you
Hello, You did you press the start button in PB? also was PB enabled in the plugin list? There's a bug in HB that allows you to press a plugin's button if it's disabled..
Nope, I didn't.
Mainly because there's nothing in the manual about pressing a start button, secondly because there is no such thing in PB as a start button. There's just a text that says "stopped" which you have to click.
I think both the manual and the interface could do with a bit of improvement here.

Also; the profile is kinda shoddy. If you reach Herbalism 75 before Mining 50 or if you start halfway through the profile, it will break and send you to Elwynn mining nothing but Copper and herbing only low level herbs.
I'll probably go do some work on that myself when I get bored ;)
UPDATE: Grizzly Hills Added quests and Flying 100%
Zul Drak Added but not 100% Fly Complete
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Nope, I didn't.
Mainly because there's nothing in the manual about pressing a start button, secondly because there is no such thing in PB as a start button. There's just a text that says "stopped" which you have to click.
I think both the manual and the interface could do with a bit of improvement here.
I'm sorry, I didn't realize the front page video guide and screen shot of GUI wasn't obvious enough so I have included a new section to the front page "How to use Profession Buddy" with detailed step by step instructions.

Also; the profile is kinda shoddy. If you reach Herbalism 75 before Mining 50 or if you start halfway through the profile, it will break and send you to Elwynn mining nothing but Copper and herbing only low level herbs
If things are running like they should then if a profession's level reaches skill level cap then gathering for that profession will be turned off so the other profession can catch up faster and will be turned back on after they are trained.
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I hate to do this....but I cant use that profile cuz It has the Hero's Boards quest on there....my 85 mage just stands in front of the board and doesnt pick up a quest....Nuok....can u please edit ur file so they are removed and my mage can continue questing....

Im gonna try 1st myself....but I will screw it up
just some feedback from me:
When the toon is finished with sholzar basin, it goes across the hills(The Avalanche area) and gets killed, infinite times, by undead trying to pickup Quest Honor Above All Else..... i solved it by manually flying over to Ice crown :D
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Would there be any way(if its not already in and i just don't see it) to prompt the user with a few questions which will effect the profile? Like with the 1-525 herb/mining profile, i wanted to sell the Metal/Stone but not the herbs(as i was leveling an alchemist), instead of me going through and editing every single SellItem:Tradeskill(or w/e it was) there could have been if conditions at each one of those checking the users initial answer.

after looking at this closer i think this would fall under the 'Custom Action'...action =)
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You have to Start it via the Plugin and Not via the startbutton of hb

^Not the issue. Ground mount 1-300 herb profile will not leave Elwynn (alliance). I can assure you that the start button was pressed via the plugin. I run several different PB profiles successfully. This is the only one I've had issues with.

Edit: Just on a whim, I made a fresh install of HB with no extra plugins, profiles, or anything. Started it up. Did nothing but go to the plugins tab, enabled PB, loaded the ground herb 1-300 profile. Clicked start. It then told me to change to questing mode. Went to the first tab, changed to questing. Moved back to PB and clicked start. And it's working now.

Edit2: Errr, maybe not. When I started it I was in Western Plaguelands. Now, I appear to be in Loch Moden, once again gathering Peacebloom and Silverleaf @110 skill.
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Worked for a good while then....

HB says its moving to hotspot but it seems to be stuck on "QuestItem". It runs wildly through mobs and never seems to find this "QuestItem". Just keeps running around and aggroing tons of mobs (Crazed Diggers) ignoring them until it dies. This is over by Sunstone Terrace in Uldum.

Seems it was looking for a quest item that drops off the diggers called AIDA? If so this is because I did not have "loot mobs" turned on. Seems to have continued questing now.
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Quest: [Remove Their Arms]

Problem: when he gets to close to the crates he cant cast on them a message on the screen say "Target to close" something, but he keeps trying to cast the bomb.
For the quest Heroes of Darrowshire I was getting the error
Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

It seems it could not get David's Libram,it is upstairs so maybe that is a possibility idk.
Quest: [Remove Their Arms]

Problem: when he gets to close to the crates he cant cast on them a message on the screen say "Target to close" something, but he keeps trying to cast the bomb.

i'm quite aware of it, it's a behavior issue and i've asked raphus to add a minrange
Worked for a good while then....

HB says its moving to hotspot but it seems to be stuck on "QuestItem". It runs wildly through mobs and never seems to find this "QuestItem". Just keeps running around and aggroing tons of mobs (Crazed Diggers) ignoring them until it dies. This is over by Sunstone Terrace in Uldum.

Seems it was looking for a quest item that drops off the diggers called AIDA? If so this is because I did not have "loot mobs" turned on. Seems to have continued questing now.

for questing profiles, you should always have lootmobs on
would it be possible to make it fly instead of use ground mount....we can input in HB to use Golden Gryphon, so it would be great if it could be 1yeard offset above ground, so it can travel faster :D
Ill look at hero's soon got a hunter running now;

Major update - Have added in worgen (credit to natfoth for the original); will auto move to eastern kingdoms when it finishes worgen zone
- Pathing is BAD in the zone so dont afk it
Flightpoint problem

Another problem with a Flight Point. This time it was in Wetlands. Again, I just stood there.

[8:05:50 PM:820] Cleared POI - Reason Done with FP
[8:05:50 PM:820] Cleared POI
[8:05:50 PM:959] Changed POI to: Type: Fly, R: Update, Menethil Harbor, Wetlands
[8:05:51 PM:252] Cleared POI - Reason Done with FP
[8:05:51 PM:252] Cleared POI
[8:05:51 PM:396] Changed POI to: Type: Fly, R: Update, Menethil Harbor, Wetlands
[8:05:51 PM:703] Cleared POI - Reason Done with FP
[8:05:51 PM:703] Cleared POI
[8:05:51 PM:844] Changed POI to: Type: Fly, R: Update, Menethil Harbor, Wetlands
[8:05:52 PM:136] Cleared POI - Reason Done with FP

Not sure if this is a problem with the way I have HB configured.
Another problem with a Flight Point. This time it was in Wetlands. Again, I just stood there.

[8:05:50 PM:820] Cleared POI - Reason Done with FP
[8:05:50 PM:820] Cleared POI
[8:05:50 PM:959] Changed POI to: Type: Fly, R: Update, Menethil Harbor, Wetlands
[8:05:51 PM:252] Cleared POI - Reason Done with FP
[8:05:51 PM:252] Cleared POI
[8:05:51 PM:396] Changed POI to: Type: Fly, R: Update, Menethil Harbor, Wetlands
[8:05:51 PM:703] Cleared POI - Reason Done with FP
[8:05:51 PM:703] Cleared POI
[8:05:51 PM:844] Changed POI to: Type: Fly, R: Update, Menethil Harbor, Wetlands
[8:05:52 PM:136] Cleared POI - Reason Done with FP

Not sure if this is a problem with the way I have HB configured.

Flight paths are a feature of the bot and not the profile; you need to post in the honorbuddy bug tracker for this im afraid.
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