Very Important Info Here.
1.Pomfruit pickup is bugged and stops getting them shortly after looting a few.
2. When picking up quests in the Arboretum the toon flies straight into the roof after mounting, the toon needs to leave the area first before mounting, like he does after picking up the first Golden Lotus dailies.
3. The fighting dailies at The Arboretum need quest behaviors. Ninga Darkwheel silences my toon and destroys him during, and Ace Longpaw has a ground spell that does a lot of damage, the toon needs to move out of it, similar to Subjugated Serpents lightning pools.
4. Toon does not navigate back to Ko'vok when it runs out of HP during Rampage Against the Machine.
5. Toon keeps taking the Master of Puppets Augmentation when starting Klaxxi quests.
View attachment 3120 2013-03-01 07.07 - Copy.txt
I will attach other logs as I do the dailies again.
6. Toon gets stuck in Narsong Trench while gathering Jagged Abalone Meat.
7. Toon gets stuck above John "Big Hood" Marsock when trying to accept an Anglers Daily quest.
View attachment 2500 2013-03-02 10.52.txt
8. Toon gets stuck at X="-1998.809" Y="1758.103" Z="2.614445" when trying to accept quest from Bixy Buzzsaw for Dominance Dailies. (Probably because I'm a Tauren)