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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Guys I went to Jade Forest and I loaded the profile [A Quest]85-86 Jade Forest but for some reason the bot cant start questing...this profile is non afkable?!or tell me how to fix this... thnx
attach a log, as stated in the first post
View attachment 79779View attachment 79780

Hi Kickazz.

Firstly thanks to you for these awesome profile package.

Im New to Honorbuddy , so i dont know if its a Profile reason or a Bot Reason.

I am leveling on Horde in Zangarmarshes. And my Character is stucking very often.

It works for some times and then if it tries to Pickup a quest, it is stucking before the House where the Quest NPC is standin. Or it is stucking when trying to repair... The Bot wants to go to repair NPC and is flying on the top of the house, where the NPC is standing. (Log from 28.01 03:31)

Some times it is killing so Quest Monsters and then is stopping and do nothin.. (Log from 13:37).

Could you maybe check and give me some help please?

Thanks in advance


[12:51:00.614 D] Goal: Goal: Collect H?uptling Mummakis Totem x 1
[12:51:00.614 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior [ForcedQuestObjective Objective: [CollectItemObjective ItemID: 27943, Count: 1]].
[12:51:00.615 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior [ForcedQuestObjective Objective: [GrindObjective MobID: 18115, Count: 15]].
[12:51:00.615 D] Goal: Goal: Kill Matschwirbler von Dolchfenn x 15

after that it's loading / downloading tiles
The bot keep getting stuck when it's 2 quest at the same NPC, is this a issue or this ain't fixed?
Hello, today,i tryed again to use profile "[Rep] Golden Lotus Dailies [Brodie]". Before loead it, i restart HonorBuddy, delete cache folder from honorbuddy folder and then start the bot. The Honorbuddy did without problem the phase 1 from the quests but when it was time to choose the phase 2 quests it show me this message "Previously Completed Quests detected". I closed Honorbuddy and did again restart to it (no reinstall) delete cache folden, restart wow and i start bot and profile again. But it showed me again the same message. Here is the log :S first time uploading log i dont know if i done it right


Thank you for the MobId, I've been waiting for that fix.

Turn ins to the helper with you aren't as easy as that though. There are 9 different companions. I would need all 9 to be coded, and distance checks on all 9 for each quest turnin, since there is no aura identifier or anything like it to tell who came with you.

Of course didn't think of that. Well as it is now it works quite well.
[12:51:00.614 D] Goal: Goal: Collect H?uptling Mummakis Totem x 1
[12:51:00.614 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior [ForcedQuestObjective Objective: [CollectItemObjective ItemID: 27943, Count: 1]].
[12:51:00.615 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior [ForcedQuestObjective Objective: [GrindObjective Mobhttp://www.thebuddyforum.com/forum.phpID: 18115, Count: 15]].
[12:51:00.615 D] Goal: Goal: Kill Matschwirbler von Dolchfenn x 15

after that it's loading / downloading tiles

Hi ,

Thanks for your fast answer.

What means this loading tiles? it appears very often to me... and i guess its not good?

Cant leave the bot alone for a night.. every time i am starting it and going out, its disconnecte or stopped when i come home. Everytime bugs like dont find the corpse, stucking at houses, loading tiles and dont starting again to make quests.



worst bot profilesin history
need to hold bots hand in order for it to work properly.

I let my bot do its thing, 1h later my char is offline.

Hahahaha it cant even do Enough is Ookin enough quest. it just ends up in a death-loop.

Dumbest bot in history, I did the above manually, cause this one kept pulling 3+ of them at once thus immediate death.
Turn it in, it insist on going back to do the same shit, even though NO quest there.
Last edited:
Of course didn't think of that. Well as it is now it works quite well.

I thought to do it with turnins on site long ago, but it would require either a lot of coding or forcing you to only use 1 of 3 companions. I like the setup now that it will get you the achievement eventually (and smart-ly). So in the future I might tackle it, but for now, the extra 5 minutes of flights is tolerable.
Hello, today,i tryed again to use profile "[Rep] Golden Lotus Dailies [Brodie]". Before loead it, i restart HonorBuddy, delete cache folder from honorbuddy folder and then start the bot. The Honorbuddy did without problem the phase 1 from the quests but when it was time to choose the phase 2 quests it show me this message "Previously Completed Quests detected". I closed Honorbuddy and did again restart to it (no reinstall) delete cache folden, restart wow and i start bot and profile again. But it showed me again the same message. Here is the log :S first time uploading log i dont know if i done it right

Golden Lotus is a cyclical profile, meaning it will constantly call itself to check for continuing quests and where to go next. This has in the past caused it to check on phase 1 quests more than once, and if it passes the test the first time in (before phase 1) you should be fine continuing with the profile. If you get quests skipped down the road in phase 2 or 3 then I would worry.

Also I did not incorporate cache verification into any of the phase 2-3-4 golden lotus quest profiles. If you have a cache error in one of those phases it will not warn you.

I tried to program it to say "quest 12345 detected complete." However for some reason it detected all quests as complete even though only 1 was. Crummy it wouldn't work it would make troubleshooting a breeze.
Hi, in the profile "valley of the four winds" the quest cereal save isn't working. He's searching for grain spirit instead of grain sack.
[Profile Message]: Compiling Dominance Offensive Quests...
[Profile Message]: Beginning Dominance Offensive Quests.
[Profile Message]: Starting Good Luck, Have Fun
Mounting: Red Flying Cloud
[Profile Message]: Starting Worker Harassment
Mounting: Red Flying Cloud
[Singular-DEBUG] CurrentTarget set to: Shieldwall Rifleman.9E9A h=100.0%, maxh=354547, d=67.5 yds, box=1.5, player=False, hostile=True
[UserDialog-v241(user response) @line 1022]: Honorbuddy stopped due to User request
Bot Stopped! Reason: None Given
[Profile Message]: Compiling Dominance Offensive Quests...
[Profile Message]: Beginning Dominance Offensive Quests.
[Profile Message]: Starting Good Luck, Have Fun
Mounting: Red Flying Cloud
[Profile Message]: Starting Worker Harassment
Mounting: Red Flying Cloud
[Singular-DEBUG] CurrentTarget set to: Shieldwall Rifleman.9E9A h=100.0%, maxh=354547, d=67.5 yds, box=1.5, player=False, hostile=True
[UserDialog-v241(user response) @line 1022]: Honorbuddy stopped due to User request
Bot Stopped! Reason: None Given
Ehmmm... :P sorry for writing you again, i am new to this xD... but I didint understand anything you said.... I understood what did u said, but i didint find a solution to my problem xD. Am i doing anything wrong? Should I do something to fix it?
Ehmmm... :P sorry for writing you again, i am new to this xD... but I didint understand anything you said.... I understood what did u said, but i didint find a solution to my problem xD. Am i doing anything wrong? Should I do something to fix it?

If you cleaned cache and it still does it, just hit Continue. If it skips quests on you, then let me know.
If you've used the bot for like more than 5 minutes, or tried to google, you would've have known that if you do a quest manually and TURN IT IN, you got to restart the bot to work again..
When I tried to do these quests that's what happened. I went to the locations, mounted and left. Then the bot stopped. I will find the log.

The log
View attachment 79831

Given that it is showing the Objective as "already done" in your log, I'm going to assume your cache folder is not clean. Please delete your HB\Cache folder prior to running HB, then reattempt.

Dominance Offensive and Operation: Shieldwall do not have Cache Verification programming in yet, and so will not give the same warning as the other dailies profiles will.
Tillers -> Cloud Serpent -> Anglers -> Klaxxi -> Shado Pan -> Golden Lotus -> August Celestials. If you start from the middle, it does NOT backtrack.

I was wondering what you think about revising this because Shado-Pan requires Golden Lotus revered. How about:

Tillers -> Cloud Serpent -> Anglers -> Klaxxi -> Golden Lotus-> Shado Pan -> August Celestials

Hi Brodie,

I'm glad you agreed to change the order from Shado-Pan -> Golden Lotus to Shado-Pan -> August Celestials.

I was wondering what you think about improving this further. It seems to me like there are two "sets" of dailies:

  1. Valor Point gear-related dailies: Klaxxi, GL, SP, AC and Shieldwall
  2. Secondary profession/cosmetic dailies: Tillers, Anglers and Cloud Serpent
Given that raiders will primarily be interested in the first set of dailies, what do you think about changing the order from:

Golden Lotus-> Tillers -> Cloud Serpent -> Anglers -> Klaxxi -> Shado Pan -> August Celestials -> Shieldwall


Cloud Serpent -> Anglers -> Tillers -> Golden Lotus -> Klaxxi -> Shado Pan -> August Celestials -> Shieldwall

The big advantage of this order is that raiders can just load the Golden Lotus profile and get all of their reps done afk. The current order requires that, at least for raiders, babysitting the end of the Golden Lotus profile and stopping it after it completes, then manually loading the Klaxxi or Shado-Pan profile to continue with their dailies.

Please note the first three were reordered to minimize travel time between Tillers and Klaxxi, but the current order for the first three is fine.

In other words, if you just want the raiding-related dailies, and start with Golden Lotus, the current route is:

View attachment 79836

...while the proposed route is:

View attachment 79838

What do you think? As always, thanks so much for the enormous amount of work you've put into these amazing profiles!
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