View attachment 7836 2013-01-27 18.04.txt
I started the Jade Forrest quests but had an issue with HB on another account that was running at the same time. Stopped HB and deleted the cache and compiled assemblies folder contents. Now everytime I restart it, it tries to start over on the quests that I've already completed. I've seen a couple others have similar issues and you said to re-svn and get back to you. I tried a fresh install of HB, as well as making sure i'm on the most current SVN update. No luck. Thanks Kick!
I started the Jade Forrest quests but had an issue with HB on another account that was running at the same time. Stopped HB and deleted the cache and compiled assemblies folder contents. Now everytime I restart it, it tries to start over on the quests that I've already completed. I've seen a couple others have similar issues and you said to re-svn and get back to you. I tried a fresh install of HB, as well as making sure i'm on the most current SVN update. No luck. Thanks Kick!