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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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11221 line
<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Avoiding stuck" X="6145.64" Y="-1070.194" Z="425.4663" />
<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="collect 10 Charred Wreckage" X="6108.694" Y="-921.1199" Z="392.923" />

As written avoiding stuck
Will now post screenshots for Not to load you with unnecessary work
View attachment 79252View attachment 79253

Why profile, not core? Cuz we can avoid time for repairs and problems with it in a single line
[Fly][A - Quest] LK 68-80 [Kick]

At line 2472 add MobState="Alive"
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="25308" MobId="40491" MobState="Alive" NumOfTimes="1" GossipOptions="1" WaitTime="5000" WaitForNpcs="False" CollectionDistance="200" X="4807.945" Y="-4182.254" Z="897.5319" />

[Fly][N - Quest] Hyjal 80-82 [Kick]
At line 2514 add MobState="Alive"
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="25496" MobId="40409" MobState="Alive" NumOfTimes="1" GossipOptions="1" WaitTime="18000" CollectionDistance="100" X="4739.027" Y="-4231.847" Z="894.4716" />
[Fly][N - Quest] Hyjal 80-82 [Kick]

I found a bug regarding Saving Foreman Oslow - Quest - World of Warcraft ! It uses the quest item on the elite ettin, but afterwards it doesn`t go back where the rock is to use the quest item again ( for the ettin NPC to lift off the boulder from Foreman Oslow ). Therefore it just grinds ( I don`t know for how much it grinded for me, cause i was away like 3 hours, in which I just did lvl 19-22 I think )
known issue ... it's actually a combat useitemon behavior issue
Niuzao - Battle's Shadow

Battle's Shadow at Niuzao is not working for me today. It runs to the center of the courtyard and does nothing on an infinite loop.
I think this is because there are no bricks near the center of the courtyard.
This is a flushed cache, latest version (r23) run of Niuzao. I have attached the log in case you need it.


Another issue, this time with[N - Quest] 88-89 Kun-Lai Summit [Kick]
it just wants to run all over the place and dont want to do anything else then running, also something isnt right in the naming see my screenshot I added.
Also the log is added so you can see where the problem is.
hope this helps you out. :cool:


Last edited:
Good evening all , Thanks again for the quick help and suport on your profiles i finily got it sorted after downloading your new SNV but now my prob is i wanna do all quests in Mop but now i am 90 how can i get it to fly nd not just run across the ground plz , i did see somewere on hear a few days ago regarding changing something for law master but carnt fond that post any more thanks again
keep up the Great work
Battle's Shadow at Niuzao is not working for me today. It runs to the center of the courtyard and does nothing on an infinite loop.
I think this is because there are no bricks near the center of the courtyard.
This is a flushed cache, latest version (r23) run of Niuzao. I have attached the log in case you need it.

I was under the assumption I had originally coded that quest as a CollectThings setup not InteractWith (obviously not). Hotspots with this quest would do better than a broad area, since you're gonna walk through tons of bugs. I'll look into and address this issue. Thank you.

And yes it is due to distance. The bricks are all on the upper tier of the courtyard in the corners.
Good evening all , Thanks again for the quick help and suport on your profiles i finily got it sorted after downloading your new SNV but now my prob is i wanna do all quests in Mop but now i am 90 how can i get it to fly nd not just run across the ground plz , i did see somewere on hear a few days ago regarding changing something for law master but carnt fond that post any more thanks again
keep up the Great work

you dont; its not supported yet
Another issue, this time with[N - Quest] 88-89 Kun-Lai Summit [Kick]
it just wants to run all over the place and dont want to do anything else then running, also something isnt right in the naming see my screenshot I added.
Also the log is added so you can see where the problem is.
hope this helps you out. :cool:
lol don't zip pictures, just make it smaller

[16:02:47.266 N] Current zone is Townlong Steppes

[16:02:47.387 D] LastUsedPath: C:\Users\Gebruiker\Desktop\Kick's Profiles\Kick's Profiles\1-90 Questing Profile Pack\MoP\[N - Quest] 88-89 Kun-Lai Summit [Kick].xml

[16:03:01.824 D] Compiling expression '((!HasQuest(31286)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(31286)))' @ line 1153
[16:03:02.250 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[16:03:02.250 N] [Profile Message]: Going to get FP and then pickup quest from Len the Whisperer
[16:03:02.250 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[16:03:02.251 D] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Users\Gebruiker\Desktop\Honorbuddy 2.5.6701.525\Quest Behaviors\NoCombatMoveTo.cs'
[16:03:02.729 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[16:03:02.729 D] Goal: NoCombatMoving to <783.7535, -205.1563, 402.2014>
[16:03:02.732 D] Activity: Moving To Location - X: 783.7535 Y: -205.1563 Z: 402.2014
[16:03:02.735 D] Activity: Loading Tile/s

go here:
Robbing Robbers of Robbers - Quest - World of Warcraft

and press start
Hey kick,

I ran into this issue today after leveling some legit it could not pick up where it left off, might be a bug with Quest Behavior. Especially this line in the log i will post; [17:01:24.383 D] System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file 'E:\HB\Quest Behaviors\BarrelHook.cs'.
File name: 'E:\HB\Quest Behaviors\BarrelHook.cs'

Edit; Profile's; [N - Quest] 86-87 Valley of the Four Winds [Kick] btw

Log's here;


When you say doesn't work, what's happening?
Invalid spell?
Target not in range?
Need to face target?
No error?
Any sign of keys being pressed?
Any chance for a log file on your Mage or hunter?

no log that I have available. it got auto deleted. however, there was no indication of a spell being cast. character was in range as well as targeting and facing it. no red errors in HB as far as I know. it walks to and targets a cloud serpent, does nothing, then moves on eventually to a new one. and for your other question, yes hunters all have auto shot. arcane shot is also a common spell that is probably a better choice although not much different other than auto shot having the auto attack cool down.
edit: damn tablet didnt post what i wrote

my second thundering skies post is supposed to be the following
a gift for fung, the mage correctly casts frostfire bolt but in the nature of the location and length of the cast the bird flies overhead before we're finished casting so that it never is facing the bird by the end of the cast. for the location of this quest and proximity to the bird I would suggest the common spell fire blast.
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Hey Kick. Thank you and all the other devs for the amazing profiles! I am having trouble right now questing with the 87-88 Krasarang Wilds profile. My toon just swims around to the Dread Wastes and gets destroyed by elites. This also happens with the Kun-Lai Summit profile.

Thanks again!
View attachment 79255
I should have just taken a look at the logs myself before posting. It is just trying to grind until 88. Might want to pick a better area to grind. My 87 feral druid cannot handle 90 elites :p.
Hey kick,

I ran into this issue today after leveling some legit it could not pick up where it left off, might be a bug with Quest Behavior. Especially this line in the log i will post; [17:01:24.383 D] System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file 'E:\HB\Quest Behaviors\BarrelHook.cs'.
File name: 'E:\HB\Quest Behaviors\BarrelHook.cs'

Edit; Profile's; [N - Quest] 86-87 Valley of the Four Winds [Kick] btw

Log's here;


please read the first post that says to copy over behaviors
lol don't zip pictures, just make it smaller

[16:02:47.266 N] Current zone is Townlong Steppes

[16:02:47.387 D] LastUsedPath: C:\Users\Gebruiker\Desktop\Kick's Profiles\Kick's Profiles\1-90 Questing Profile Pack\MoP\[N - Quest] 88-89 Kun-Lai Summit [Kick].xml

[16:03:01.824 D] Compiling expression '((!HasQuest(31286)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(31286)))' @ line 1153
[16:03:02.250 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[16:03:02.250 N] [Profile Message]: Going to get FP and then pickup quest from Len the Whisperer
[16:03:02.250 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[16:03:02.251 D] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Users\Gebruiker\Desktop\Honorbuddy 2.5.6701.525\Quest Behaviors\NoCombatMoveTo.cs'
[16:03:02.729 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[16:03:02.729 D] Goal: NoCombatMoving to <783.7535, -205.1563, 402.2014>
[16:03:02.732 D] Activity: Moving To Location - X: 783.7535 Y: -205.1563 Z: 402.2014
[16:03:02.735 D] Activity: Loading Tile/s

go here:
Robbing Robbers of Robbers - Quest - World of Warcraft

and press start
Worked perfectly, thanks!
Slight suggestion: re-arrange the order of the profiles in the script so that Golden Lotus is completed prior to Shado-Pan and August Celestials. Since SP and AC do rep-checks, this would be helpful in case you happen to hit revered on Golden Lotus that day. In current form (SP-GL-AC), it will repcheck for SP first and skip if not revered. But if you hit revered on GL, it will not go back and do SP after AC. Hopefully that made sense. :)
Error with bot

Like I posted yesterday, my bot randomly has just stopped working recently. I set it when I go to work and it works for an hour or so according to the log. And then it just stands still and says loading tiles and then stands there for 5-6 hours doing nothing.

I looked in the logs and it says this repeatedly for 6 hours today
"[08:31:28.442 D] System.AccessViolationException: Could not read bytes from 00DB9EFA [299]!
at Styx.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.ReadBytes(IntPtr address, Int32 count, Boolean isRelative)
at Styx.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.Read[T](IntPtr address, Boolean isRelative)
at Styx.StyxWoW.get_IsInGame()
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.()
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.()"

Anyway you can help me??

It only recently started doing this and it works for a little bit everytime I close and restart my honor buddy. What do i need to do? Attached my full log of today.


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