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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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hi, not a real bug, but my ally warlock is questing in Nagrand, all working fine, but when turning in a quest north of the map (throne of elements), it then wants to fly over Garadar (Horde base..) and get's instantly fisted... I have no clue how to get the bot to alter his route there :(

known issue

as far as the 'throwing away' ... this only happens at the first quest in the each new zone... so if it happens, that sounds like a cache issue
got a profile bug with your 87-88 Krasarang Wilds profile, it try's to pick up a quest that isnt there and doesn't continue with the rest.
NPC thats the bot is tagging is called Lyalia and shes from Sentinel Commander questline

it seems this quest is bugged a bit but there is a work a round:
this is the main quest chain:
Going on the Offensive
If you have problems picking up the quest, just pick this quest up instead: Stoneplow Thirsts
or Hope Springs Eternal
It has the same effect and will let you complete the quest chain.
hope this clears some and it get's fixed.

update from svn, press start and report back
I just want to thank you again kick...I leveled so many chars with your profiles during all HB I remember when HB was 1.950 when I started to use lol, Just a cheers and thank you again, your profiles as grown with time to become almost perfect :)
"Do the Imp-Possible" quest 12-58 EK is bugged.
Sorry I do not have a log. I've experienced difficulties with this quest and I have seen others (Kick profile users) fight this mob (forever) or until they realize there is a problem and react. It's necessary to use the item "Enchanted Imp Sack" to capture "Impsy" to complete the quest. Currently I have never seen the bot use the item (including 4 kick leveled characters) but only fight constantly with the mob at 1hp while not being able to kill it. The item can capture the named mob at 1hp. This is a serious flaw as it's obvious that no one would bother fighting with a mob after a few minutes. My wife's character was caught doing this for about 20 to 30 minutes (she was picking me up from work) and someone threatened to report her. We will find out if they actually did or not eventually. Appreciate if this could be tweaked for future users. Thanks kick. Still a great collection! Keep up the good work!
"Do the Imp-Possible" quest 12-58 EK is bugged.
Sorry I do not have a log. I've experienced difficulties with this quest and I have seen others (Kick profile users) fight this mob (forever) or until they realize there is a problem and react. It's necessary to use the item "Enchanted Imp Sack" to capture "Impsy" to complete the quest. Currently I have never seen the bot use the item (including 4 kick leveled characters) but only fight constantly with the mob at 1hp while not being able to kill it. The item can capture the named mob at 1hp. This is a serious flaw as it's obvious that no one would bother fighting with a mob after a few minutes. My wife's character was caught doing this for about 20 to 30 minutes (she was picking me up from work) and someone threatened to report her. We will find out if they actually did or not eventually. Appreciate if this could be tweaked for future users. Thanks kick. Still a great collection! Keep up the good work!
known issue with combatuseitemon
I just want to thank you again kick...I leveled so many chars with your profiles during all HB I remember when HB was 1.950 when I started to use lol, Just a cheers and thank you again, your profiles as grown with time to become almost perfect :)


I have a whole dev team to thank for helping me out... there's a lot of people behind the scenes!
Hey Kick --
Just started back playing again after a month of absence. I updated everything via SVN and also updated HB. I cleared all caches and compiled items. I loaded your Kun-Lai (88-89) questing profile and went to Kun-Lai. When I hit start on HB for some reason my toon ran, using a NoCombatMoveTo tag, and it ran from Kun-lai through Townlong Steppes, then through Vale of Eternal Blossoms, then into Dread Wastes. It never mounted, nor stopped running. My warlock is level 88 (roughly five bubbles from 89), and I was currently questing in Kun-lai when I stopped playing a month ago. No clue why it was running through all those areas on foot, and no clue why it was running to Dread Wastes. Log's attached.


Hey Kick --
Just started back playing again after a month of absence. I updated everything via SVN and also updated HB. I cleared all caches and compiled items. I loaded your Kun-Lai (88-89) questing profile and went to Kun-Lai. When I hit start on HB for some reason my toon ran, using a NoCombatMoveTo tag, and it ran from Kun-lai through Townlong Steppes, then through Vale of Eternal Blossoms, then into Dread Wastes. It never mounted, nor stopped running. My warlock is level 88 (roughly five bubbles from 89), and I was currently questing in Kun-lai when I stopped playing a month ago. No clue why it was running through all those areas on foot, and no clue why it was running to Dread Wastes. Log's attached.

if you start a new profile w/o being in that zone ... then I suggest manually going to the new quest giver first

[04:46:10.128 D] Compiling expression '((!HasQuest(31286)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(31286)))' @ line 1153
[04:46:10.930 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[04:46:10.930 N] [Profile Message]: Going to get FP and then pickup quest from Len the Whisperer
[04:46:10.930 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[04:46:10.931 D] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Users\Mikie\Desktop\Honorbuddy New\Quest Behaviors\NoCombatMoveTo.cs'
[04:46:11.477 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[04:46:11.478 D] Goal: NoCombatMoving to <783.7535, -205.1563, 402.2014>
[04:46:11.480 D] Activity: Moving To Location - X: 783.7535 Y: -205.1563 Z: 402.2014

Robbing Robbers of Robbers - Quest - World of Warcraft
^^ go there, press start
if you start a new profile w/o being in that zone ... then I suggest manually going to the new quest giver first

[04:46:10.128 D] Compiling expression '((!HasQuest(31286)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(31286)))' @ line 1153
[04:46:10.930 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[04:46:10.930 N] [Profile Message]: Going to get FP and then pickup quest from Len the Whisperer
[04:46:10.930 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[04:46:10.931 D] Compiling quest behavior from 'C:\Users\Mikie\Desktop\Honorbuddy New\Quest Behaviors\NoCombatMoveTo.cs'
[04:46:11.477 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[04:46:11.478 D] Goal: NoCombatMoving to <783.7535, -205.1563, 402.2014>
[04:46:11.480 D] Activity: Moving To Location - X: 783.7535 Y: -205.1563 Z: 402.2014

Robbing Robbers of Robbers - Quest - World of Warcraft
^^ go there, press start
Ah, I see, I see. Will do. I didn't see any of that in the HB window though. Did something change in the HB window output? I saw it saying it was updating FPs, but nothing about picking up quests.
Ah, I see, I see. Will do. I didn't see any of that in the HB window though. Did something change in the HB window output? I saw it saying it was updating FPs, but nothing about picking up quests.
settings / tools - log output level - diagnostic
11221 line
<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Avoiding stuck" X="6145.64" Y="-1070.194" Z="425.4663" />
<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="collect 10 Charred Wreckage" X="6108.694" Y="-921.1199" Z="392.923" />

As written avoiding stuck
Will now post screenshots for Not to load you with unnecessary work
WoWScrnShot_012413_100853.webp WoWScrnShot_012413_100901.webp

Why profile, not core? Cuz we can avoid time for repairs and problems with it in a single line
[Fly][A - Quest] LK 68-80 [Kick]
Hey Kick. Thank you and all the other devs for the amazing profiles! I am having trouble right now questing with the 87-88 Krasarang Wilds profile. My toon just swims around to the Dread Wastes and gets destroyed by elites. This also happens with the Kun-Lai Summit profile.

Thanks again!
View attachment 4748 2013-01-23 20.44.txt
Golden Lotus - Thundering Skies - The pull spell on hunter doesn't appear to work. It walks to the flying dragons and targets them and is definitely in range and facing them, but doesn't shoot them.
A Feast for Senses still only cooks one fish cake for me. If I let the profile finish and stop HB, clear the cache and restart it it seems to cook them all properly (?)
At line 2472 add MobState="Alive"
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="25308" MobId="40491" MobState="Alive" NumOfTimes="1" GossipOptions="1" WaitTime="5000" WaitForNpcs="False" CollectionDistance="200" X="4807.945" Y="-4182.254" Z="897.5319" />

[Fly][N - Quest] Hyjal 80-82 [Kick]
At line 2514 add MobState="Alive"
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="25496" MobId="40409" MobState="Alive" NumOfTimes="1" GossipOptions="1" WaitTime="18000" CollectionDistance="100" X="4739.027" Y="-4231.847" Z="894.4716" />
[Fly][N - Quest] Hyjal 80-82 [Kick]
Golden Lotus - Thundering Skies - The pull spell on hunter doesn't appear to work. It walks to the flying dragons and targets them and is definitely in range and facing them, but doesn't shoot them.

Edit: My mage didn't pull the dragon dude either. Is there something wrong with the pull on this quest possibly?
Golden Lotus - Thundering Skies - The pull spell on hunter doesn't appear to work. It walks to the flying dragons and targets them and is definitely in range and facing them, but doesn't shoot them.

All hunters have Auto Attack right? If not what other spell do they have in common across all specs?

A Feast for Senses still only cooks one fish cake for me. If I let the profile finish and stop HB, clear the cache and restart it it seems to cook them all properly (?)

Do you have a log file?
Golden Lotus - Thundering Skies - The pull spell on hunter doesn't appear to work. It walks to the flying dragons and targets them and is definitely in range and facing them, but doesn't shoot them.
Golden Lotus - Thundering Skies - The pull spell on hunter doesn't appear to work. It walks to the flying dragons and targets them and is definitely in range and facing them, but doesn't shoot them.

Edit: My mage didn't pull the dragon dude either. Is there something wrong with the pull on this quest possibly?

When you say doesn't work, what's happening?
Invalid spell?
Target not in range?
Need to face target?
No error?
Any sign of keys being pressed?
Any chance for a log file on your Mage or hunter?
I found a bug regarding Saving Foreman Oslow - Quest - World of Warcraft ! It uses the quest item on the elite ettin, but afterwards it doesn`t go back where the rock is to use the quest item again ( for the ettin NPC to lift off the boulder from Foreman Oslow ). Therefore it just grinds ( I don`t know for how much it grinded for me, cause i was away like 3 hours, in which I just did lvl 19-22 I think )
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