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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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It seems to be working now to a certain degree.

did what you said, I delete my hb folder with all content, downloaded a new version and started that.
It still flies to the target area, and tries to target mobs - but it failes:
MoveToTarget: Could not generate path to target: Mistblade Ripper, blacklisting!MoveToTarget: Could not generate path to target: Mistblade Ripper, blacklisting!

here for Mistblade Destruction,
it did that same thing with the turtles for Kunchong Treats

Even when I placed them right in front of the mistblade mobs

Check your mesh directory. Your log is saying your mesh directory is unreachable.
On "Hard as a Rock" today, all 3 of my characters are unable to interact with the Mogu Statues, pretty evident at the end of the log.

I have a batch file that makes a fresh copy of HB for me daily, does an SVN update etc, this is the same way I run every day, first time I've seen this issue.

View attachment 74031

That one is untested. Thanks for the log I'll see what I can do tonight. Wasn't sure how that one would work.
Anyway i can prevent the bot from vendoring greens? id like to use them to lvl my enchantings as i go along!

Hi, Lexxor,

Aye, I have the same heartburn for the same reason. In whichever profile you're running, use Notepad++, and edit the lines to look as follows:


IMHO, these kinds of decisions should be left to the user, and not to the profile writer. Alas, this is the only machinery that Honorbuddy gives us.

Is he going to make it so you can use gorund mounts at dread wastes? seams kinda dumb to have to be level 90 to quest in the zone.

Hi, Boodgie,

No, the Dread Wastes was designed as a flying profile, and will never be recast for ground mount. Make certain you didn't cheat yourself out of needed experience by skipping a MoP zone in Kick's profile pack. Some that come up short on experience are skipping Krasarang Wilds, for instance.

Your other alternatives are to run Botanist's profile pack (grinding) or Cava's profile pack (questing), then come back to Kick's Dread Wastes.

Im having an issue that recently happened when using the 90 dread wastes profile, after killing a mob my toon stays targetted on the dead mob and runs around its corpse then mounts and does the same thing only flying higher and higher. If I stop HB and Start it usually fixes the problem, Im wondering if this is a problem with HB or the profile. Is there a way to fix this on my end?

Please give us a log so we can actually help you.

Hi, JKilgren,

This could either be a bug in Honorbuddy, a bug in a Custom Behavior being used by the profile, a misbehaving plugin, the profile code identifying the wrong MobId or FactionId or failing to provide a necessary argument to a Custom Behavior, or a number of other possibilities. As Aroxan pointed out, without a log, we'll be unable to help you on these types of problems.

Hello! Was hoping for a little help as I can't find the settings and to also give a little feedback. So far while using this the bot has a tendency to vendor things that I wish it didn't like herbs, cloths, ores and cooking regents. I know this will be my error somewhere.

Secondly just to pop-out the fact the bot seemed to think it would be able to solo sha while on it's way to do a quest and wasn't sure if you'd want to add black-spots or avoidance routes for the areas that sha spawns?

Many thanks and apologies for nooby aggrievance :P

Hi, Wuffles,

Regarding selling...
The selling of items is controlled by two things: the Honorbuddy/Protected Items.xml file, and the sell-by-color elements (i.e., <SellGreen>, <SellBlue>, etc) contained within the profile. The Protected Items.xml file defines individual items that should not be sold. More info about Protected Items.xml, here and here.

IMHO, the "selling by color" choices should be left to the user and not the profile writer. Alas, this is the only mechanism Honorbuddy provides for selling-by-color.

As to the Sha...
Aye, I've run into that also. The appropriate blackspots are in the profile, but the way blackspots work and the meshing of that particular area (very flat), Honorbuddy is forced to traverse through the area anyway. You can read more about how meshes and blackspots work, here.

You've no choice but to help it through this area, unless you are very crunchy--like a Paladin, Warrior, or DK.

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I don't know what is going on exactly but kicks profiles used to work beautify. Then when MOP came out I started running into more and more issues in every zone and now the questing profiles hardly get me more than a level or two before crapping out. It is more worth my time to make my own grinding profiles than it is to use kicks. Now with that said, did something change to where kick has to redo stuff?
I don't know what is going on exactly but kicks profiles used to work beautify. Then when MOP came out I started running into more and more issues in every zone and now the questing profiles hardly get me more than a level or two before crapping out. It is more worth my time to make my own grinding profiles than it is to use kicks. Now with that said, did something change to where kick has to redo stuff?

Hi, Hell-Razor,

For me, and many others, the profiles have run exceedingly smooth with the occasional hiccup or helping hand needed. But, our expectations may be different on the word "smooth".

At one point, there were serious meshing issues in the MoP zones that caused me to yell a lot at the bot--but these were not profile problems. The mesh issues seem to get repaired a couple of weeks ago.

So, I don't know what exactly you mean by "issues' and "crapping out". But, if you feel this way, rather than roll your own, I'd give a look at Botanist's profile pack (grinding) or Cava's profile pack (questing). I've yet to use either of these, but its obvious both authors are working very hard to make their profile packs the best that can be done.

No worries bud, if it wasn't for your profiles I'd have either quit or written my own, just tryin to help any way I can :)

Yeah I'm plotting out a massive project, as well as a small side one, and the fact that there's only 20-25 dailies (out of 200+) left, I've been getting lazy after my bug fixes go in. Plus some of these I need to see/do and they seems to be so rare.

But thank you for the reports. I prefer them over just "it's broken" ;)
Is it possible, that you can make it so it's possible to turn off killing mobs between hotspots and looting mobs?

I would like it only to loot Q-related mobs.
BC - Hellfire

Getting stuck while toon trys to go inside the building and later again if he wants to go out!

[STUCK] Got stuck at <-595.1963, 4083.854, 98.47924> on map 530
[LogMeOut!]: Stuck detected (X="-595,1963" Y="4083,854" Z="93,79063"). Number of consecutive stuck : 1/8
[STUCK][HITTEST] Right: False
[STUCK][HITTEST] Behind: False
[STUCK][HITTEST] Behind Left: False
[STUCK][HITTEST] Behind Right: False
Stop and dismount... Reason: [STUCK] Dismounting
[STUCK] Moving Forward for 750ms.
[STUCK][DISMOUNT] Moved 0. Need: 2.25. Result: False
[STUCK] Strafing worked!
Flushing timed movement. Direction: AllAllowed
Enabling Check at 18:38:00


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Is it possible, that you can make it so it's possible to turn off killing mobs between hotspots and looting mobs?

I would like it only to loot Q-related mobs.

Hi, Lassenc,

This is not a profile problem, and should be addressed to the Support forum.

But while you're here, the Looting and Mobs settings are controlled by Honorbuddy:

Honorbuddy -> Settings & Tools -> uncheck "Loot Mobs", uncheck "Kill Between Hotspots"​

Alas, Honorbuddy is not selective about the loot acquired from Mobs. In other words, if you turn off "Loot Mobs" you will also miss out on picking up your quest items.

Where do I put the scripts form SNV folder? Dungeon scripts? :S

Nope. Leave them in the same folder as the profiles. If you name the SVN folder OMGDAILIES, then all profiles should go in ONGDAILIES, and the scripts should go into OMGDAILIES\Scripts. If you get errors saying cant find files, it would be because of placement error.
Nope. Leave them in the same folder as the profiles. If you name the SVN folder OMGDAILIES, then all profiles should go in ONGDAILIES, and the scripts should go into OMGDAILIES\Scripts. If you get errors saying cant find files, it would be because of placement error.

Thanks! I will try it out. You are the best!
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