<Removed due to size>
[14:49:24:227] interact: 0x24A8A934
[14:49:24:283] interact done: 0x24A8A934
[14:49:25:425] Id 52185 amount: 20
[14:49:25:480] ProfessionBuddy: Removed Item with ID: 52185 from Personal Bank
Err: System.NullReferenceException: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.
bei Bots.Gatherbuddy.Profile..ctor()
bei Bots.Gatherbuddy.GatherbuddyBot.Start()
bei Styx.Bot.Plugins.GbLoader.Start() in d:\Wow Bot - Gold - Honorbuddy\NEW\Honorbuddy\Bots\Gatherbuddy2\GBLoader.cs:Zeile 90.
bei Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.Start()
bei HighVoltz.MainForm.ToggleStart() in d:\Wow Bot - Gold - Honorbuddy\NEW\Honorbuddy\Plugins\ProfessionBuddy\MainForm.cs:Zeile 141.
Questbot is used for the ground profiles and Gatherbuddy2 is used for the flying profiles. The ProfBuddy profiles check which bot is currently being used and stop hb and show a popup message saying which bot to switch to. I can't have PB switch to the correct bot so that's all I can do.If i can may a suggestion, i've struggled forever trying to get this to work. Mainly due to the fact that the installation procedure has changed a couple of times and people are posting solutions that are now already dated.
Please remove all the replies that might be confusing for people and post a step by step in the starting post. The video of Bossland also still tells us to select the Questbot rather than GB2, i suggest either to update it or remove it completely to avoid confusion.
I'm guessing you have the Wndows regional language set to something other then English, if so then this will be fixed in next release.On a sidenote, theres a bug when loading the profiles from your attached .package file. the "Fly To" coordinates when it's switching between profiles are messed up. It seems periods are not interpeted but are omitted when loaded in Pbuddy.
you need to manually load a quest order from HB's 'Load Profile' button, I'll fix this in next release.can't start the bot. I use [mining-herb](1-300)ground.
what s the problem?
could you upload it as a .zip? some browsers will directly view .cs files rather than prompting you to download themfor anyone having issues with coords try replacing the Utility.cs file in the Plugin/Professionbuddy folder with this
Edit: need a few mins, found the problem
Bags are full, selling
[17:08:53:831] Activity: Flying to location <2059807, -4765928, 2756209>
[17:08:59:834] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[17:09:00:190] Activity: Flying to location <2059807, -4765928, 2756209>
Downloaded tilemap Kalimdor
Changed tilemap to Kalimdor, Tiled: True
Loading Kalimdor_36_34
Next point is out of continent bounds. We are at right side of the continent. Moving to left
'ProfessionBuddy: Loading profile D:\Apps\Honorbuddy V1\Featured Profiles\(ground 1-300)(Eastern Kindom.Alliance)Herb&Mining.xml
Err: System.Xml.XmlException: Element 'Professionbuddy' was not found. Line 1, position 2.
at System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadStartElement(String name)
at HighVoltz.Professionbuddy.IdentityComposite.ReadXml(XmlReader reader) in d:\Apps\Honorbuddy V1\Plugins\ProfessionBuddy\ProfessionBuddy.cs:line 687
at HighVoltz.PbProfile.LoadFromFile(String path) in d:\Apps\Honorbuddy V1\Plugins\ProfessionBuddy\PbProfile.cs:line 93
<CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" SkinMobs="false" NinjaSkin="false" />
<!-- do "The Liquid Fire of Elune" quest -->
<CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" Preset="UserOriginal" />
Most excellent profile!
On "The Liquid Fire of Elune" quest, if the toon has skinning turned on, then Honorbuddy will skin the mob immediately after killing it. This leaves no body on which to use the Liquid Fire. Whooops. Who wouldda thunk?
Here is some code for your cut-n-paste convenience to fix this...
PHP:<CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" SkinMobs="false" NinjaSkin="false" /> <!-- do "The Liquid Fire of Elune" quest --> <CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" Preset="UserOriginal" />
cheers & thanks again for the great profile!
It's likely waiting for the mail to become available. we can open only 50 mail within a 1 min period. Also the mail server sometimes lags and the mail doesn't appear right away in the inbox so it waits until the mail becomes available. Sometimes the mail bugs out and after you loot the gold it doesn't auto delete, maybe that's what you're experiencing? Check if the mail that it's skipping actually contains something.I'm having some very mixed results with "Get Mail".
Sometimes it goes to the mailbox, and does nothing at all. Just stands there until I stop and start.
When it does work, when it has a bunch of mail with items, it usually grabs them all.
However, if it's mostly just auction money, it will take 1, and give up.