Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 33294 in database. Its Gorat in Ashenvale
On my main i didnt bot lvl so dread wastes is unfinished for me, in particular i miss klaxxi paragons.
I tried just loading up the dread profile(used it for both lock and pala <3!!) and it did 2 quests and then bugged out, couldnt get it to work again. (clear cache, fresh install etc.)
Unsure if its intended to work that way or not, but is there anything i can do to help it along ?![]()
hey not sure if this is a bug or if this is just one of those points were you need to continue on your own but im currently lvl 43 and the bot did eastern plaguelands it is at the point where i am at the crown guard tower and the bot just idles the side of the tower not doing anything if i close out and restart same thing if i goto stormwind it just mounts the tan camel and sits there
Bot Stopped! Reason: Could not create 'CurrentBehavior' in quest bot; an exception was thrown: The type initializer for 'Styx.CommonBot.Profiles.ProtectedItemsManager' threw an exception.
I get the error while i try all Quest profiles.
Hi folks.
Im new to all this, started yesterday.
Im not sure what Im doing wrong, but sometimes my bot stops on certain quests and its unable to pick it up. It just opens the conversation with the quest NPC over and over.
Hope Im doing this whole post the log thing right.
Thanks in advance.
Hi all, please help me to solve my problem with bot! Im using kick's questing profile, but bot dont want to using mount meanwhile "use mount" is marked. What am i doing wrong?
Hello, the bot does nothing. he writes
[Profile Message]: Compiling Amberpine Lodge quests.
Is only available in the world and does not move.
Panda lvl 75 monk
Grizzlyhills in LK. Using the [Fly][A - Quest] LK 68-80 [Kick] profile
Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 33294 in database. Its Gorat in Ashenvale
"Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 43168 in database."
Currently in Deepholm
Cleared Cache, made sure i had most recent SVN, tried redownloading SVN and still nothing is there a way I can look up the ID it gives me tp figure out who it is?
Hi, Raknesso, and thanks for the log!
It looks like you've already completed the quest. You might try clearing your caches. If you really want to do the Community a favor, capture your CSC file (instructions in Kick's first post), so HBdev can isolate and nail this very irritating problem.
If that doesn't work, this is the Honorbuddy bug where Honorbuddy chokes when a questgiver offers more than one quest. There is already a thread about it and HBdev is aware of the problem