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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Navigation error @ Northend, The Shadowvault

seems not be meshed right, my toon cant go in, cause it wants to go through a wall. a massive wall. won't use the "gate" even if i manually place my toon right in front, goes back + in wall. same for going out of the build, run to the wall.

only tested @ phasing phase when u've done the pre-quests there.

lmk if you need more info.
Hi, Nidat, and thanks for the log.

You are correct--Honorbuddy is confused about your quest completion state. (Gee, I sure hope they repair this in the next drop).

In the meantime, try this...
Follow these instructions for clearing your caches, and you should be off-and-away.


Just did that , still didnt work , any other ideas? Trying to reboot now.
Same thingie even i took new quests and start to fight new mobs it tries me to move to that Bearheart npc mob , to pick up a quest...
My other issues was solved, now I have anotherone though! Whilst questing on my shaman, he sometimes goes into ghostwolf and then some quest where you need to click certain animals it says ''You can't be in shapeshift'' And then the bot just run away few yards then go back, still in ghostform doing the same.
Any fixes?

EDIT: Did a new try, here's the log. Same thing now


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I'm having the problem, when playing as tank, the bot often switch to mobs i may not attack whitch is hard to controll and highly noticable and detactable to other players. Is there any fix for it or an option I missed in the settings?

It's a Huge problem in Raid tanking.

Perhaps an issue with your CC
My other issues was solved, now I have anotherone though! Whilst questing on my shaman, he sometimes goes into ghostwolf and then some quest where you need to click certain animals it says ''You can't be in shapeshift'' And then the bot just run away few yards then go back, still in ghostform doing the same.
Any fixes?

EDIT: Did a new try, here's the log. Same thing now

Hi again, Epetersson, and thanks for the log.

You problem is the CombatRoutine's features interfering with the profile operation. There are a few ways to work around this:

  • Configure the CombatRoutine to not use Ghost Wolf form
    Honorbuddy -> Settings & Tools -> Class Config
    Look to see if there is a setting you can adjust

  • Find another CombatRoutine for a shaman: Shaman-specific or All-in-One

  • Do the quest manually and restart the profile
There is basically nothing the profile can do to help you out with an interfering CombatRoutine.

On another note...
please share what was done to solve your other issue, so we can learn for future similar problems.

After using kicks profile for 85 ~90 after having a good experience i'm now done at 89,5 and no follow up profile from kick (only the 90+ one that requires flying and can't be done without).
Is this the desired end point or might i have done something wrong somewhere?
After using kicks profile for 85 ~90 after having a good experience i'm now done at 89,5 and no follow up profile from kick (only the 90+ one that requires flying and can't be done without).
Is this the desired end point or might i have done something wrong somewhere?

Hi, Barthos,

Somehow, you've cheated yourself out of some experience. This is one of the few packs I've seen Kick not include some 'grinding areas' to guarantee certain levels. Perhaps, you didn't kill enough mobs on the way through to get the experience the profiles were expected to give you.

As you've found out, the profiles won't do the Dread Wastes unless you can fly. Completing the Dread Wastes is the last zone in the profile pack.

As a reference, all of my toons (>10) hit 90 right after entering the Townlong Steppes. I have no explanation for the experience differences.

My only suggestion is to give Cava's profiles a try and see if he does some quests Kick skipped. Alternatively, Botanist's Pangaea grinding profiles might can help make up the difference.

Might want to put a grind area at the end of Townlong Steppes profile to guarantee toons will be 90 when leaving the zone.

Hey Kick,

First I want to thank you for creating this awesome profile. It is working magic - keep up the good work mate! Quick question though: I found that my character (especially in Outlands, particularly Terrokar/Nagrand) would normally get "stuck" while flying. Instead of trying another path (as it would if I were on ground), it just keeps moving forward for hours. Does this have to do with the program, or your profile?

Hey china,

thank you for your feedback to my requests. The problem is, that you don't understand what my problem really is. The checkpoint are quite nice set and work over all. the character is leveling really nice but now in BC and sometimes in classic and i guess also in all coming zones the checkpoint is ignored overall.

One example: im lvl 65 now and hitting 66 in some minutes. The profile's checkpoint is set to 62 Zangarmarsh and 64 terrokar and 65 nagrand. So what i expected was that when i hit lvl 64 that it will turn to terrokar and by hitting lvl 65 it turns to nagrand. Do i get it right or do i get it wrong ? And for my reason: How can i change it, that he exactly will do this ?

sincerely , lykah
while i really appreciate all the hard work kick has put into these profiles, i just can't use them. Something is wrong with every single profile i've used since level 1. i can't leave my cpu unattended at all because my toon either goes to the wrong quest giver, goes to a quest giver for a quest i've already done, gets stuck, tries to read flight points, etc. Something is really wrong with this pack, sorry. It's so bad, i've had to switch to cava's profiles because they work. You can't go 100% afk on cava's profiles, but at least everything works and the toon doesn't get stuck anymore. If you were to look more into the behaviors of the profiles and actually repair them, i'd switch back. thanks anyways.
Noticing severe issues with the Horde 58-70 profiles. Regardless of specific zone, the H 58 - 70 profile inside the 1-90 questing pack doesn't quest. It will just stand around and do nothing until you time out. Or it will move to a seemingly random location and then stand around until you time out. The H 58-70 profile inside the 1-85 questing pack works great though. Not sure what you changed, but it is messed up real bad
First I want to thank you for creating this awesome profile. It is working magic - keep up the good work mate! Quick question though: I found that my character (especially in Outlands, particularly Terrokar/Nagrand) would normally get "stuck" while flying. Instead of trying another path (as it would if I were on ground), it just keeps moving forward for hours. Does this have to do with the program, or your profile?

Hi, Junkyarddog4,

This is a problem that should be reported in the Flightor thread. You'll need to post pix of the hangup and map location. They need this to see how and where toons are getting hung up on objects.

Noticing severe issues with the Horde 58-70 profiles. Regardless of specific zone, the H 58 - 70 profile inside the 1-90 questing pack doesn't quest. It will just stand around and do nothing until you time out. Or it will move to a seemingly random location and then stand around until you time out. The H 58-70 profile inside the 1-85 questing pack works great though. Not sure what you changed, but it is messed up real bad

Hi, Mechevict,

There is absolutely no way to diagnose your problem if you don't attach a log that demonstrates it.

while i really appreciate all the hard work kick has put into these profiles, i just can't use them. Something is wrong with every single profile i've used since level 1. i can't leave my cpu unattended at all because my toon either goes to the wrong quest giver, goes to a quest giver for a quest i've already done, gets stuck, tries to read flight points, etc. Something is really wrong with this pack, sorry. It's so bad, i've had to switch to cava's profiles because they work. You can't go 100% afk on cava's profiles, but at least everything works and the toon doesn't get stuck anymore. If you were to look more into the behaviors of the profiles and actually repair them, i'd switch back. thanks anyways.

Hi, Unclejesse999,

Let's try this first...
Follow these instructions for clearing your caches, and you should be off-and-away.

If that doesn't get you fixed up, please attach a log and a specific problem description when things go awry and let's see if we can get it figured out.

If Cava's is working for you, then awesome. :D Kick just uses the behaviors, and is at the mercy of HBdev to actually provide or fix behaviors.

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Hey china,

thank you for your feedback to my requests. The problem is, that you don't understand what my problem really is. The checkpoint are quite nice set and work over all. the character is leveling really nice but now in BC and sometimes in classic and i guess also in all coming zones the checkpoint is ignored overall.

One example: im lvl 65 now and hitting 66 in some minutes. The profile's checkpoint is set to 62 Zangarmarsh and 64 terrokar and 65 nagrand. So what i expected was that when i hit lvl 64 that it will turn to terrokar and by hitting lvl 65 it turns to nagrand. Do i get it right or do i get it wrong ? And for my reason: How can i change it, that he exactly will do this ?

sincerely , lykah

Hi again, Lykah,

You misunderstand how checkpoints work. Profile Checkpoints are only evaluated by Honorbuddy when Honorbuddy starts--not at any other time.

Honorbuddy will not automatically 'skip ahead' to a checkpoint when you ding. If you want the profile's checkpoints to be re-evaluated, you must press Honorbuddy's "Stop" button, then when its stopped, immediately press the "Start" button. You must also make certain that the profile contains a statement of the form <QuestOrder IgnoreCheckpoints="False"> -- which all of Kick's do.

Checkpoints have always worked this way since the feature was put into Honorbuddy. If Honorbuddy is not skipping ahead to the appropriate checkpoint when Honorbuddy starts, then that is an Honorbuddy bug that needs to be reported in the Release thread.


China, any other ideas how to fix that issue with picking non existing quest from Bearheart?
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