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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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Kick great profiles as always. Two problems I am having 1st: Currently running the Kun Lai Summit profile and in Eastwind rest it refuses to acknowledge there is a big tent you cannot run through and constantly gets stuck when turning in quests ( that is where is stopped the bot and subsequently the attached log) and 2nd: it will not mount and just runs all the time throughout the zone.

This kind of Problems are not Profile related. Please give all Informations, written in the first Post of the Thread, here => http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...tion-mesh-errors-problems-post-them-here.html

If Path cant get generated or Chars get Stuck somewhere, please post it in the Navigation/Mesh Thread
View attachment 72445

Was working great untill I paused it for a bit, came back to it and it keeps going to where the questline stars, as if it "forogt" where I was in the questline. Is there anyway for it to re-learn where I am at?

Try to delete all Files in the "Cache" Folder, inside the HB Installation Folder and restart HB.
Awesome profile..

Is it possibol to make it mail BoE and cooking items insted of vendor it, anyone know that?
I have an issue and i guess it's something with cache , trying everything but it keeps trying to get a quest from Bearheart in Townlong Steppes , trying to upload the cqc file but the forum does not let me... Anyone got the same problem?
I have an issue and i guess it's something with cache , trying everything but it keeps trying to get a quest from Bearheart in Townlong Steppes , trying to upload the cqc file but the forum does not let me... Anyone got the same problem?

Sorry nobody knows your Problem. Is Bearheart selling you a Car and you dont want? Upload a Log, if the Log is to big, go and use WinZIP or something else.
Seriously kicks? The bot is living on it's own i guess. Im lvl 64 (and half to 65) and he is still in zangarmarsh even though the checkpoint is lvl 64. In the past he always ignored the checkpoint and just changed whenever he thought it would be nice. Dunno what to do now and a quick support what i have to change would be nice. The checkpoints in BC are quite nice chosen and if the bot simply ignores it, all work was for nothing. Pls help me to make him do my will with your checkpoints.

sincerely yours, lykah
Sorry nobody knows your Problem. Is Bearheart selling you a Car and you dont want? Upload a Log, if the Log is to big, go and use WinZIP or something else.

It says qcq file , which is from cache folder , can't be uploaded here. Nope it doesnt sell me a car , but char keeps trying to pick a quest from bearheart , when there is no quest so he just tries to talk with him...


And another problem: the bot is able to fly but uses in a huge situation the fly-mount to walk through the ground oO i really dont know why but this bot is really strange oO
View attachment 72445

Was working great untill I paused it for a bit, came back to it and it keeps going to where the questline stars, as if it "forogt" where I was in the questline. Is there anyway for it to re-learn where I am at?

I am running Questbot, a "questing" bot, along with kick's QUESTING Profiles, no grinding involved.

Hi, Camlen1098, and thanks for the log!

From the log...
[23:32:15.020 D] SelectedBotIndex: 7
[23:32:15.020 D] LastUsedPath: C:\Users\***\Honor\Faction Reputations\Klaxxi Shard Grind.xml

You are running neither the bot, nor the profile you think you are. This is not one of Kick's profiles. Please post your complaint in the appropriate author's thread.

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Kick great profiles as always. Two problems I am having 1st: Currently running the Kun Lai Summit profile and in Eastwind rest it refuses to acknowledge there is a big tent you cannot run through and constantly gets stuck when turning in quests ( that is where is stopped the bot and subsequently the attached log) and 2nd: it will not mount and just runs all the time throughout the zone.

Hi, Panasonic, and thanks for the log!

First problem. This is a mesh issue, and should be reported to the Navigation thread. You'll need to supply a couple of pix, because there's no way to repair the mesh unless they can see what you are seeing.

Second problem. Hmmmm. Where to start on this one? You've a number of things going awry:

  • You've a number of plugins that are malfunctioning: OrphanCaster, Pok?buddy, FJ Diag
  • Singular is only using your wand (via "Shoot), and not any of the mage abilities
  • other stuff
I'm going to suggest you do a clean install (this means install into a new directory) Honorbuddy with no addons, and see if it will start using mounts for you again. If that works, start adding your addons one at a time to see which one causes the failure. You will also want to check the log to make certain the addon is up-to-date and not throwing errors. If that doesn't work, please post a fresh log in the Support forum, and lets have another look. ("Not mounting" is not a profile issue.)

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Awesome profile..

Is it possibol to make it mail BoE and cooking items insted of vendor it, anyone know that?

Hi, Minime,

A couple of ways to handle this...

  • Using Honorbuddy
    • For the cooking items: Place the cooking items in your HB/ForceMail.xml file.
      This will also implicitly make them 'protected items' (Honorbuddy won't sell them).
    • For the greens: Edit your copy of each of the profiles with:
    Personally, I don't believe selling and mailing should be a profile writer's decision to make. However, this is all the Honorbuddy machinery allows for at the moment.

  • Using the BulkMail WoW addon
    This is my personal preference

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Seriously kicks? The bot is living on it's own i guess. Im lvl 64 (and half to 65) and he is still in zangarmarsh even though the checkpoint is lvl 64. In the past he always ignored the checkpoint and just changed whenever he thought it would be nice. Dunno what to do now and a quick support what i have to change would be nice. The checkpoints in BC are quite nice chosen and if the bot simply ignores it, all work was for nothing. Pls help me to make him do my will with your checkpoints.

Hi, Lykah,

First, the checkpointing thing is not a profile problem. Checkpoint evaluation and selection is determined solely by Honorbuddy.

Second, your comment "In the past he always ignored the checkpoint" is a faulty observation. Honorbuddy only evaluates checkpoints when you press the "Start" button and never again. This is how it has always worked.

Third, I've already responded to this confusion from your previous post about this.

And another problem: the bot is able to fly but uses in a huge situation the fly-mount to walk through the ground oO i really dont know why but this bot is really strange oO

Hi again, Lykah,

Not flying is not a profile problem. Honrbuddy is just now getting the ability to fly natively, but its not "turned on" everywhere yet. You can alter this setting with:
Honorbuddy -> Settings & Tools -> check "Use Native Flying"​

There is more explanation about how Honorbuddy flies (or doesn't) here.

Druids can fly at level 58. It would be nice to see the outlands profile using it if it's available.

Hi, Counttoros,

I'm sure the plan is to wait for Honorbuddy to acquire "native flying" in the bot-proper. They are still testing it, and even when its enabled, it might not be "turned on" for all continents at once.

Once native flying is enabled in the bot proper, Honorbuddy will do what you want while executing any profile. So at this point, there is really no reason for a profile to go back and be updated for flying.

I have an issue and i guess it's something with cache , trying everything but it keeps trying to get a quest from Bearheart in Townlong Steppes , trying to upload the cqc file but the forum does not let me... Anyone got the same problem?

It says qcq file , which is from cache folder , can't be uploaded here. Nope it doesnt sell me a car , but char keeps trying to pick a quest from bearheart , when there is no quest so he just tries to talk with him...

Hi, Nidat,

We need your log file--not the cqc file. Please attach your log that demonstrates the problem.

I'm having a lot of problems with this profile, ranging from randomly standing in areas and refusing to move to repeatedly clicking on NPC's that have no quests for it or trying to attack them for hours. The most annoying one is on the 86-87 profile, it stands by a barrel in Halfhill in Valley of the Four Winds and whatever I do, whichever quests I do for it, however far away from Halfhill I move it, it still goes all the way back to the barrel to stand there. It says 'waiting for object to spawn' but nothing ever spawns there. Here's one of my logs, the problem was at the end. This is Jade Forest 85-86 profile. View attachment 9604 2012-12-08 12.41.txt
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I'm having a lot of problems with this profile, ranging from randomly standing in areas and refusing to move to repeatedly clicking on NPC's that have no quests for it or trying to attack them for hours! Here's one of my logs, the problem was at the end. View attachment 72487

Hi, Vanhorne86, and thank you so much for the log!

It turns out this is an Honorbuddy bug, and not a profile problem. Honorbuddy has gone nuts trying to attack Instructor Sharpfin while trying to complete the quest Road Rations. From your log:

[13:15:25.665 D] Changed POI to:Type: Kill, Name: Instructor Sharpfin
[13:15:25.924 D] Dismount to kill in patrol area.
[13:15:35.949 N] [Singular] Casting Mangle on Instructor Sharpfin
[13:15:36.123 N] [Singular] Casting Pounce on Instructor Sharpfin
[13:15:36.324 N] [Singular] Casting Rake on Instructor Sharpfin
[13:15:36.848 N] [Singular] Casting Pounce on Instructor Sharpfin
...<keeps going>...

Try working around the problem with this:cheers & sorry for your problems,
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Here is the log , i hope you can help me solve the problem

Hi, Nidat, and thanks for the log.

You are correct--Honorbuddy is confused about your quest completion state. (Gee, I sure hope they repair this in the next drop).

In the meantime, try this...
Follow these instructions for clearing your caches, and you should be off-and-away.

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