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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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update version1.5
added vendors for gems ect.. fortune cards are working as are darkmoon cards.. milling still buggy as HB dont seem to return correct stack size !!

Here are all the Cataclysm (Greens ONLY that turn into a 9G gem...) For the vendor2.cs file edit (Newest Feature)
    class Vendors
        public static List<uint> _Vendorlist = new List<uint>
            52081,// Bold Carnelian
            52176,// Perfect Bold Carnelian
            52089,// Rigid Zephyrite
            52168,// Perfect Rigid Zephyrite
            52121,// Jagged Jasper
            52136,// Perfect Jagged Jasper
            52115,// Adept Hessonite
            52142,// Perfect Adept Hessonite
            52105,// Accurate Nightstone
            52152,// Perfect Accurate Nightstone
            52094,// Fractured Alicite
            52163,// Perfect Fractured Alicite

I have tried so many times to get this to work for me. I think I'll give it up for now. It is so frustrating. I have re-downloaded and every other possible thing. I keep getting the following message.

Exception thrown in CustomBehavior object for tag:
<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="782.0975" Y="479.5255" Z="-17.09823" />
make sure the tag has all required attributes and try again.
Couldn't find file for UserDefinedQuestBehavior.
Honorbuddy stopped

Maybe it is the Shaman. I'll wait until my mage is a couple levels higher and try again. :(
>>> ### STOPPING TEST ShamWOW v4.2.04-BUNDLED by Bobby53 ### <<<
I have tried so many times to get this to work for me. I think I'll give it up for now. It is so frustrating. I have re-downloaded and every other possible thing. I keep getting the following message.

Exception thrown in CustomBehavior object for tag:
<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="782.0975" Y="479.5255" Z="-17.09823" />
make sure the tag has all required attributes and try again.
Couldn't find file for UserDefinedQuestBehavior.
Honorbuddy stopped

Maybe it is the Shaman. I'll wait until my mage is a couple levels higher and try again. :(
>>> ### STOPPING TEST ShamWOW v4.2.04-BUNDLED by Bobby53 ### <<<

use 4317
Quest : Rescue the Stonefather... and Flint - Got to the location to kill the named mob fine but didn't get into combat at all. Not sure if it's a CC issue but thought I'd let you know. I'm running FPSware rogue. No plugins downloaded, just the default ones.

(Edit 1) Quest : Loose Stones - After freeing the quartz rocklings (if in combat) the bot started following the rockling trying to attack it with the error message saying "You cannot attack that" while the mob beat on my spine.

(Edit 2) Quest : Depth of the Depths - When you go into the middle of the cave, after the giant worm and reach the Gigantic Painite Pillar ...the bot doesnt complete or pickup the following quest. Just sits there running into the Painite pillar.

(Edit 3) Quest : Petrified Delicacies - The NPC "Pebble" that follows you around got into combat as my rogue just sat there and was waiting for him to die ..I decided to help and got into combat, it was fine after that. Not sure if you can put a check for that. On a side note : When trying to turn the quest in to "pebble" the bot mounted up (pebble is right next to me) and tried to run to him ..so the NPC moved because I moved and it was just me chasing the NPC that's following me for about 10 seconds ..not a huge deal but yeah.

(Edit 4) Quest : Shaken and Stirred - Bot doesn't seem to target the Verlok Pillartumblers. Just runs to the hotspots and sits there. The quest is pretty hectic ..mobs dropping from the ceiling and spawning randomly. Not sure what the fix is BUT if you make the bot stay at THIS hotspot <Hotspot X="1950.422" Y="-506.6226" Z="172.3598" /> and aggro the mobs there, they fall from the ceiling and are dazed right in front of you.

(Edit 5) Quest : Word in Stone - Bot never picked it up but is trying to turn it in right now. Stuck.

1) cc issue / hb issue
2) hb issue - it works fine for me
3) cc issue ... i don't accept logs from stealthed players, sorry
4) cc issue
5) i'll look into it

Ensemble has various issues in deepholm and it sucks :(


		<PickUp QuestName="Word In Stone" GiverName="Therazane" QuestId="26833" GiverId="44025" />
			<If Condition="(HasQuest(26833))" >
				<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="756.3243" Y="465.1954" Z="-9.13725" />
				<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="990.6494" Y="520.0986" Z="-49.3347" />
		<TurnIn QuestName="Word In Stone" TurnInName="Maruut Stonebinder" QuestId="26833" TurnInId="43818" />

I don't see any issue. it should have picked it up. I'm going to write this one off as bot or rogue issue (yes, i hate rogues)
When my toon go to guildbank to get herbs it fill up all bag slots, so when he start milling there are no room for pigments :)

Also, if there are a stack with 19 flowers in it it wont mill.
Quest: "Laying Waste to the Unwanted"

Problem: does not burn the eastern tower, it turns its back to it and use the item, and think it is completed and rides away but wow gives an error "you are not facing the thrower" somthing.

The same thing just happend to a second account, but this time he managed the eastern tower but failed the same way on the middle.

It seems it does not know what way to face and just use the item, any way you can force it to face a direction?

like forcing the bot to face south would work.
Quest: "Laying Waste to the Unwanted"

Problem: does not burn the eastern tower, it turns its back to it and use the item, and think it is completed and rides away but wow gives an error "you are not facing the thrower" somthing.

The same thing just happend to a second account, but this time he managed the eastern tower but failed the same way on the middle.

It seems it does not know what way to face and just use the item, any way you can force it to face a direction?

like forcing the bot to face south would work.

I've had a *LOT* of issues with this quest. Just let it be for now, it will keep going until it's done. I know, it's a crappy way of doing things, but it's what I can do atm. Raphus provided me with a better scripting tools plugin, so i'll go back and play w/ those if the scanner picks it up
I also notice that other than the stack problem my toon wont produce cards after it is done milling and inking. when the milling and inking are done after getting X amounts of herbs from guildbank it will simply stop.
I can't believe I didn't notice this plugin.. I just wanted to personally think you BPAlpha, this is such a simple but extremely powerful plug.

1 Question though... What's the Use Mail feature? Sorry if it's a noob question :P
need help. i keep getting

"warning: UseMount takes precedence over UseGhostWolf: the Ghost Wolf setting ignored this session
Exception thrown in CustomBehavior object for tag:
<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="-4882.167" Y="-6714.072" Z="4.711594" />
make sure the tag has all required attributes and try again.
Couldn't find file for UserDefinedQuestBehavior
warning: UseMount takes precedence over UseGhostWolf: the Ghost Wolf setting ignored this session
Exception thrown in CustomBehavior object for tag:
<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="-4882.167" Y="-6714.072" Z="4.711594" />
make sure the tag has all required attributes and try again.
Couldn't find file for UserDefinedQuestBehavior"

i updated teh quest behavior but i check the folder and i didnt see the file "UserDefinedQuestBehavior" so where do i get this file?? i fix the part where it wouldnt attack. i forgot to enable "Combat helper" but this UserDefinedQuestBehavior i cant figure out whats wrong.
need help. i keep getting

"warning: UseMount takes precedence over UseGhostWolf: the Ghost Wolf setting ignored this session
Exception thrown in CustomBehavior object for tag:
<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="-4882.167" Y="-6714.072" Z="4.711594" />
make sure the tag has all required attributes and try again.
Couldn't find file for UserDefinedQuestBehavior
warning: UseMount takes precedence over UseGhostWolf: the Ghost Wolf setting ignored this session
Exception thrown in CustomBehavior object for tag:
<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="-4882.167" Y="-6714.072" Z="4.711594" />
make sure the tag has all required attributes and try again.
Couldn't find file for UserDefinedQuestBehavior"

i updated teh quest behavior but i check the folder and i didnt see the file "UserDefinedQuestBehavior" so where do i get this file?? i fix the part where it wouldnt attack. i forgot to enable "Combat helper" but this UserDefinedQuestBehavior i cant figure out whats wrong.

user error.

use 4317
OK, I have a new question. I scanned all 17 pages and didn't see this, so I'll ask....

The bot is using my normal (non-flying) mount. This is causing it to get stuck in corners and everything. Using Wowhead, I inserted the flying mount number into the options, but it did nothing. Any ideas as to what I could change?

im at lvl 16 worgen in darkshore..and im on the quest The Ritual Bond and when it clicks on the fire it dosnt click on it when i do it manually it stays in the Grovekeeper's trance and stands there PLZ HELP
OK i am lvl 17 worgan hinter in darkshore my honorbuddy stopped when u hit start it says could not creare current in quest box
im a 17 worgan in darkshore and it says can not turn in quest shatterspear laborers id:13506 beacause i don't have it in my quest log!(or do i:False) but i see 2 more quest at the spot PLZ HELP I DNT WANT TO WAIT TILL SUNDAY
This totally raises the bar for automated leveling. Use this with the new DK quest profile, and you can get a 2 click new server bot going for free. I'm making a DK with the new quest profile and will test out the mine/herb once it's available. I think leveling via questing to 60, then gathering to 70, then Archaeology to 85 will be the easiest way to bot level ever.
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