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HB ARCHIVES: Kick's Old Posts Thread--DO NOT DELETE!

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**ah hem**

sneakily inserts acceptlogquest.cs into the quest behaviors file and re-uploads ;)


is still sneakily not in the qb zip file you have on your blog lad lol.

it has only what is shown in the jpg i attached
it snuck out somehow.

i have captured it and re-uploaded it

sorry when i uploaded that stuff, i had been testing behaviors for a while w/ raphus
Can you add a check to see if you are able to use a spell equal to the skill level that you you have trained.
example have it check if you you are able to mill whiptail and if you can't then not do it.
ps: love how you have progressed this plugin from its original state!!!!!!

to do this i would have to write each milling spell out for each item.. alot of work!!
Hi , awesome work Kick , keep up the good spirit :)

Have some issues , probably user related but anyway here we go.

After completeing the q:s up at Silvermarsh it seems like the bot wants to go grinding , is this intended since im only lvl 82 or is there something else with it ?

This is probably not profile realted but after death the bot dosnt fly to the corpse but get stuck while trying to run on the gryphon.

I also have the issue with having to manually accept new pop up quests , have the CB and profile from your blog (downloaded 10 mins ago).

Having the same issue with the grinding, hell my shaman is actually 84 and it still says its grinding.

Any reason you can think of for this kick? If its a simple edit on the profile i can do it manually.

edit. attached the profile i edited for the bloke who has grinding issues. I simply edited out the maziel quests... lets hope i didnt break any linking quests lol
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You guys really know how to outdo yourself. So glad I bought lifetime, now just need more licenses! :D
Problem with what is considered loot (stuck at mailbox)

I noticed in both this profile and the Deepholm profile, the bot seems to think odd things are loot (such as a mailbox, or the portal back to orgrimmar) and as a result, it gets stuck at the mailbox, just opening it over and over again. For a while I got around this by getting the bot out of range of these types of items, but it's impossible to do so in Org when I want to start this profile up.

I tried completely deleting everything and reinstalling the fresh HB version I also made sure to install your recommended plugins (the cc compatibility and anti-drowner) and copied the quest helpers into my quest helper directory. It's still happening. Any suggestions?

I'm attaching the log file from my most recent attempt at using this profile (with the fresh install of 4317). In it you can see it looting a mailbox over and over again (I kept closing it after it would be opened, sometimes letting it sit for a while then closing it, etc.)

View attachment 19179
When accepting quests that require interaction with quest log, it does great until it comes time to accept the last part log displays:

Looting Elemental Overseer Guid:0xF130B01C001263DE
Ball and Chain
Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown
Could not find file 'C:\Users\Public\Honorbuddy4317\Quest Behaviors\AcceptLogQuest.cs'.

Attaching entire log as well. I simply click accept and start and it takes off no problems from there. Currently using 4317 and things are doing well.

download the behaviors in my blog
@nihon - if you started this after some quests are done, you may have issues and will have to delete the grind area one whatever line(s) that the bot says it's compiling the expression. some quests require you grind and are CC related issues to why it's not targetting (Ensemble won't target stonedrakes, or those evil mushrooms :( )
Working pretty good, kick, thanks.

I keep getting this every so often, and have downloaded your quest behaviors

Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown
Could not find file 'C:\Users\*********\Desktop\3417\Quest Behaviors\AcceptLogQuest.cs'.
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Working pretty good, kick, thanks.

I keep getting this every so often, and have downloaded your quest behaviors

Could not create current in quest bot; exception was thrown
Could not find file 'C:\Users\*********\Desktop\3417\Quest Behaviors\AcceptLogQuest.cs'.

it's in my blog
update version1.5
added vendors for gems ect.. fortune cards are working as are darkmoon cards.. milling still buggy as HB dont seem to return correct stack size !!

Some of the quests require items to be picked up from what bags, chests, etc... but my character just stands there. Anyway i can fix that?
Quest : Rescue the Stonefather... and Flint - Got to the location to kill the named mob fine but didn't get into combat at all. Not sure if it's a CC issue but thought I'd let you know. I'm running FPSware rogue. No plugins downloaded, just the default ones.

(Edit 1) Quest : Loose Stones - After freeing the quartz rocklings (if in combat) the bot started following the rockling trying to attack it with the error message saying "You cannot attack that" while the mob beat on my spine.

(Edit 2) Quest : Depth of the Depths - When you go into the middle of the cave, after the giant worm and reach the Gigantic Painite Pillar ...the bot doesnt complete or pickup the following quest. Just sits there running into the Painite pillar.

(Edit 3) Quest : Petrified Delicacies - The NPC "Pebble" that follows you around got into combat as my rogue just sat there and was waiting for him to die ..I decided to help and got into combat, it was fine after that. Not sure if you can put a check for that. On a side note : When trying to turn the quest in to "pebble" the bot mounted up (pebble is right next to me) and tried to run to him ..so the NPC moved because I moved and it was just me chasing the NPC that's following me for about 10 seconds ..not a huge deal but yeah.

(Edit 4) Quest : Shaken and Stirred - Bot doesn't seem to target the Verlok Pillartumblers. Just runs to the hotspots and sits there. The quest is pretty hectic ..mobs dropping from the ceiling and spawning randomly. Not sure what the fix is BUT if you make the bot stay at THIS hotspot <Hotspot X="1950.422" Y="-506.6226" Z="172.3598" /> and aggro the mobs there, they fall from the ceiling and are dazed right in front of you.

(Edit 5) Quest : Word in Stone - Bot never picked it up but is trying to turn it in right now. Stuck.
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