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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!


Figured I'd try and help out and fix the profile as I went past any bugs. Am in VoFW now.

In relation to the following open bug:

"Learn and Grow II: Tilling and Planting" (Learn and Grow II: Tilling and Planting - Quest - World of Warcraft)
[Ref: "[N - Quest] 86-87 Valley of the Four Winds [Kick] ($Rev: 2722 $)" @line 1052]
Bot tries to plant the seeds before tilling the soil.
Ref: Copyleft's problem report w/log"

Starting line 1052 in VoFW profile
								<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="30254" QuestObjectiveIndex="1"
					InteractByUsingItemId="80302" MobId="59985" CollectionDistance="2"
					WaitForNpcs="False" PreInteractMountStrategy="DismountOrCancelShapeshift" >
						<Hotspot X="-166.28" Y="636.965" Z="165.4093" />
						<Hotspot X="-171.543" Y="637.844" Z="165.4093" />
				<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="30254" QuestObjectiveIndex="2"
					InteractByUsingItemId="80302" MobId="59990" CollectionDistance="2"
					WaitForNpcs="False" PreInteractMountStrategy="DismountOrCancelShapeshift" >
						<Hotspot X="-166.28" Y="636.965" Z="165.4093" />
						<Hotspot X="-171.543" Y="637.844" Z="165.4093" />

The issue is that the first InteractWith is trying to "use" ItemId 80302 (the seeds), to till the soil. This is causing it to fail. Removal of that InteractByUsingItemId="80302" from the *first* InteractWith fixes the issue. Tested and working :)

So, the change makes it
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="30254" QuestObjectiveIndex="1"
					MobId="59985" CollectionDistance="2"
					WaitForNpcs="False" PreInteractMountStrategy="DismountOrCancelShapeshift" >
						<Hotspot X="-166.28" Y="636.965" Z="165.4093" />
						<Hotspot X="-171.543" Y="637.844" Z="165.4093" />
				<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="30254" QuestObjectiveIndex="2"
					InteractByUsingItemId="80302" MobId="59990" CollectionDistance="2"
					WaitForNpcs="False" PreInteractMountStrategy="DismountOrCancelShapeshift" >
						<Hotspot X="-166.28" Y="636.965" Z="165.4093" />
						<Hotspot X="-171.543" Y="637.844" Z="165.4093" />

Think there are a couple of other bug around here, I'll see if I get them and can see an easy fix too.

Hope this helps!
Another fix.


"Zone: Valley of the Four Winds
Quest: Learn and Grow III: Tending Crops - Quest - World of Warcraft
Bot waters one parched cabage, but never moves on to the other to do the same.
Attachment 104437"

Line 1071 Existing
<While Condition="((HasQuest(30255)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(30255)))" >
	<CustomBehavior File="UseItemOn" QuestId="30255" MobId="59987" ItemId="79104" WaitTime="4000" WaitForNpcs="False" CollectionDistance="2" X="-166.28" Y="636.965" Z="165.4093" />
	<CustomBehavior File="UseItemOn" QuestId="30255" MobId="59987" ItemId="79104" WaitTime="4000" WaitForNpcs="False" CollectionDistance="2" X="-171.543" Y="637.844" Z="165.4093" />

This caused the bot to only water one cabbage and stand next to it, looping around these two CustomBehaviours. The MobId's were correct. The locations were correct. And even after stopping and starting it still ignored the 2nd partched cabbage.
However, updating to use the newer InteractWith worked a treat:

Fixed version:
<While Condition="((HasQuest(30255)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(30255)))" >
	<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="30255" InteractByUsingItemId="79104" MobId="59987" CollectionDistance="2" WaitForNpcs="False" WaitTime="4000" X="-166.28" Y="636.965" Z="165.4093" />
	<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="30255" InteractByUsingItemId="79104" MobId="59987" CollectionDistance="2" WaitForNpcs="False" WaitTime="4000" X="-171.543" Y="637.844" Z="165.4093" />

Tested and working :)

Hope this helps tick another one of the list.
Just a general question, I started the profile "[H - Quest] Tauren 1-5 [Kick]" and its questing in the tauren starting area right now, is there a certain way i need to close it, or will it recognize by itself how much questing progress has been made and continue on the point where i quit the game and closed the bot ?
Just a general question, I started the profile "[H - Quest] Tauren 1-5 [Kick]" and its questing in the tauren starting area right now, is there a certain way i need to close it, or will it recognize by itself how much questing progress has been made and continue on the point where i quit the game and closed the bot ?

It will load the next section automaticly, so you don't have to worry about that.
Fix to issue:

"Zone: Valley of the Four Winds
Quest: Gardener Fran and the Watering Can - Quest - World of Warcraft
Attachment 104438
Starts out alright, but after a while it goes back to the NPC in order to get another watering can even though it still has it and could continue fine. Because it still has the buff Fran isn't offering the gossip option, which halts the bot. The watering can buff lasts 10 mins currently, it remember it being a lot less some while ago."

This one was a little trickier but got there in the end. Don't suppose there's a guide on the "Development Tools" functionality, specifically how to run methods like IsObjectiveComplete from there (It was moaning about accessibility level as it's a protected method).

Anyways. VoFW line 1139 (ish) currently:

<PickUp QuestName="Gardener Fran and the Watering Can" QuestId="30050" GiverName="Gardener Fran" GiverId="62377" X="219.8021" Y="783.0156" Z="161.6616" />
			<While Condition="((HasQuest(30053)) &amp;&amp; (!IsObjectiveComplete(1, 30053)))"> <!-- Gardener Fran -->
					<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="62377" GossipOptions="1" X="219.8021" Y="783.0156" Z="161.6616" />
			<If Condition="((HasQuest(30050)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(30050)))" >
				<CustomBehavior File="ForcedMount" />
			  <While Condition="(!IsQuestCompleted(30050))" > <!-- Gardener Fran -->
					<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="62377" GossipOptions="1" X="219.8021" Y="783.0156" Z="161.6616" />
				<CustomBehavior File="UseItemOn" QuestId="30050" NumOfTimes="1000" MobId="41200" ItemId="77281" WaitTime="0" WaitForNpcs="False" Range="10" CollectionDistance="1000" X="273.1572" Y="735.7474" Z="161.6087" />

Problem is that Gardner Fran only gives the gossip option to obtain the "Watering Can" if you don't already have it. For some reason we first obtain it, and then try to obtain it again. The bot immediately stops as that gossip option is no longer available.
The "Watering Can" is actually an Aura on the player, rather than an actual item, so I simply surrouned the two places where it tries to get the "Watering Can" with a check to ensure we don't already have it.

So, the fixed profile is:

<PickUp QuestName="Gardener Fran and the Watering Can" QuestId="30050" GiverName="Gardener Fran" GiverId="62377" X="219.8021" Y="783.0156" Z="161.6616" />
			<While Condition="((HasQuest(30053)) &amp;&amp; (!IsObjectiveComplete(1, 30053)))"> <!-- Gardener Fran -->
				<If Condition="!Me.HasAura(108123)" >
					<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="62377" GossipOptions="1" X="219.8021" Y="783.0156" Z="161.6616" />
			<If Condition="((HasQuest(30050)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(30050)))" >
				<CustomBehavior File="ForcedMount" />
			  <While Condition="(!IsQuestCompleted(30050))" > <!-- Gardener Fran -->
				<If Condition="!Me.HasAura(108123)" >
					<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="62377" GossipOptions="1" X="219.8021" Y="783.0156" Z="161.6616" />
				<CustomBehavior File="UseItemOn" QuestId="30050" NumOfTimes="1000" MobId="41200" ItemId="77281" WaitTime="0" WaitForNpcs="False" Range="10" CollectionDistance="1000" X="273.1572" Y="735.7474" Z="161.6087" />

Tested and working :)

Another one off the list...
Forgive for my many post lol,
But minus my other issue china,

I ran into something this am, I would have posted then, but OMG i was so damn tired.

Ok so in the WL file 68-80, it keeps resting my pull distance to 0, and then it stood there not doing anything.

I hope to god this doesn't have to do with my previous issue, but here is the log.

If it does, im going to be very upset cause this issue is really bugging the hell out of me.

View attachment 17856 2013-09-21 05.02.zip

If this issue precisest with no fix, I just might give up on HB all together, but I know you are doing everything you can to help and that i do appreciate.

Just to confirm that your previous fix to the issue:

"Hop Hunting" (Hop Hunting - Quest - World of Warcraft)
About line 1247.
Apparently, Bliz has changed the gossip options on Gai Lan.
[12:02:53.112 N] [InteractWith-v719(error)] Gai Lan is not offering gossip option 2 on page 1. Did competing player alter NPC state? Did you stop/start Honorbuddy? Terminating behavior.[/font][/indent]
Ref: Copyleft's problem report w/log"

Has worked perfectly. My last toon through here had problems, this time it was smooth, no issues. I have not done a single quest manually, and have only ran kicks, so it's safe to assume these are the new and correct gossip options.
The only bit that's got me wondering is that I think that this NPC provides dailies though, so that may effect the available options. Perhaps worth a comment in the profile to prevent it being changed "back" if dailies to turn out to be effecting it.

Hey Kicks, just wanted to say thank you for the in-depth explanation to get this running correctly. Mucho appreciated.

""Taste Test" (Taste Test - Quest - World of Warcraft)
About line 1261.
InteractWith doesn't appear to be honoring the IgnoreMobsInBlackspots attribute.
[12:39:53.074 D] [InteractWith-v719(debug)] No viable mobs in area.
Excluded Units:
Fresh Grain [InBlackspot...
Fresh Grain [InBlackspot...
Fresh Grain [InBlackspot...
Fresh Grain [InBlackspot...
Fresh Grain [InBlackspot...
Note: To test this will need to bump radius of "Tower by Grainery" blackspot from 10 back to 20.
Ref: Copyleft's problem report w/log

Ran through and completed okay without intervention -- did get a little stuck inside that tower though, presumably as the blackspot radius has been reduced -- managed to get itself out without me doing anything.

One thing I did notice is that the profile at present is:

<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="30031" QuestObjectiveIndex="3" MobId="210023"
				IgnoreMobsInBlackspots="true" X="-572.6497" Y="683.4078" Z="143.9894" />
			<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="30031" QuestObjectiveIndex="1" MobId="210021"
				IgnoreMobsInBlackspots="true" X="-496.7322" Y="667.3381" Z="136.3906" />
			<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="30031" QuestObjectiveIndex="2" MobId="210024"
				IgnoreMobsInBlackspots="true" X="-563.9459" Y="571.0447" Z="136.5778" />
			<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="30031" QuestObjectiveIndex="4" MobId="210022"
				IgnoreMobsInBlackspots="true" X="-596.4932" Y="573.7743" Z="136.4" />

Surely, that IgnoreMobsInBlackspots should be set to false if we want it to make an "exception" and get the items from inside a blackspot? Could that not be done, and the blackspot radius put back to 20? Apologies if I've misunderstood how the element functions.

Hope this helps.
There are three quests in VoFW that are completed outside the Stormstout Brewary where an elite mob Ook-Ook runs back and forth.

The quests are:

The Fanciest Water - Quest - World of Warcraft
Barrels, Man - Quest - World of Warcraft
Clear the Way - Quest - World of Warcraft

And the Mob OokOok.

Ook-Ook - NPC - World of Warcraft

This mob doesn't directly attack but instead throws a barrel at you (Chuck Barrel - Spell - World of Warcraft) which incapacitates you.

There is currently a QuestBehaviour in place to deal with this, Hooks\BarrelHook.

In the profile it already gives a message as follows: Bot will do next quests alone, but will take long time. With human assistance, just need few minutes. If Ook-Ook catches the bot, use the Break Barrel Button to escape.!!!

It does indeed act a bit silly, dies a lot, and generally takes a long while to complete these relatively simple quests. Don't get me wrong, it *does* complete them eventually, unassisted.

From what I can tell with my toons though here so far there are two issues.

Firstly, as soon as getting hit with the "Chuck Barrel" it immediately cancels it with the action button, often while Ook-ook is still in range, and so gets another barrel thrown at it (they do quite a bit of damage).

Secondly, it tries to engage Ook-ook in combat. This is particularly annoying for classes with pets as the pet will chase Ook-ook and then result in the main toon also chasing him, getting stunned with barrel, cancelling, chasing. This continues until another mob is pulled and the bot decides to attack that instead.

Needless to say it can get messy.

Ideally if this Ook-ook could be ignored completely. I'm not sure if this is possible, as I think the current blacklisting of mobs is overridden if that mobs attacks (is this correct?), but if this mob could be unconditionally blacklisted then they would help immensely.

What would also help is some modifications to the QuestBehaviour. I must admit I'm not totally clued up yet on this "behaviour tree" stuff, so just tell me if I'm talking nonsense, but from what I gather each "pulse", this will get evaluated(?).

At present it is:

if (myHook == null)
                myHook = new Decorator(r => StyxWoW.Me.HasAura("Chuck Barrel"), new Action(r => Lua.DoString("RunMacroText('/click ExtraActionButton1')")));
                TreeHooks.Instance.InsertHook("Combat_Main", 0, myHook);

Which basically tries to cancel the barrel as soon as it gets it.

A simple modification to something like:

myHook = new Decorator(r => StyxWoW.Me.HasAura("Chuck Barrel") 
&& ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WowUnit>().FirstOrDefault(u => (int)u.Entry == 56637) != null 
&& ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WowUnit>().FirstOrDefault(u => (int)u.Entry == 56637).Distance > 50 , 
new Action(r => Lua.DoString("RunMacroText('/click ExtraActionButton1')")));

Apologies if the syntax doesn't make sense, or if I've used the wrong methods, but basically, we check that ook-ook isn't in 50 yards before releasing ourselves from the barrel.

This should in theory ensure that Ook-ook has gone past us, and is heading away before we release.

Please note: I've not had a chance to test any of this as the toon has completed these quests now, but I'd appreciate your thoughts, as I've another toon that'll be hitting these in a few days who I can test with.

[EDITED 22-Sep-2013 by chinajade]: Another fine analysis and recommendation, Wullie!
It will take a little bit to implement the quest behavior change. Will try to alter it to accept an AvoidMobN attribute, also. So the behavior, should be able to handle both tasks.
VoFW. Level 88. Quest: Evacuation Orders.

The last objective is to speak to "Wei Blacksoil" four times. For some reason after speaking to him once it just stands there beside him doing nothing. Not in combat, and ever after leaving 15 minutes didn't do anything.

After stopping and starting, same thing again - speaks to him once, then just stands there, as if it was waiting for something that never happened. I recall having to intervene the last time I had a toon here.

There are four CustomBehaviours, and although they're in a loop, it just seemed that it was stuck on one and not that it was looping endlessly.

Line 1371 (ish). Current version:

			 <While Condition="((HasQuest(29982)) &amp;&amp; (!IsObjectiveComplete(1, 29982)))">
				<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="29982" MobId="57120" GossipOptions="1" NumOfTimes="1"  CollectionDistance="100" X="-338.9201" Y="2398.733" Z="140.4559"  /> <!-- Wei Blacksoil 1-->
				<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="29982" MobId="57120" GossipOptions="1" NumOfTimes="1" CollectionDistance="100" X="-338.9201" Y="2398.733" Z="140.4559"  /> <!-- Wei Blacksoil 2-->
				<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="29982" MobId="57120" GossipOptions="1" NumOfTimes="1"  CollectionDistance="100" X="-338.9201" Y="2398.733" Z="140.4559"  /> <!-- Wei Blacksoil 3-->
				<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="29982" MobId="57120" GossipOptions="1" NumOfTimes="1"  CollectionDistance="100" X="-338.9201" Y="2398.733" Z="140.4559"  /> <!-- Wei Blacksoil 4-->

I altered the CustomBehaviours to now have WaitForNpcs="False" and WaitTime="5000", and it's went and completed the final ones correctly now :)

			 <While Condition="((HasQuest(29982)) &amp;&amp; (!IsObjectiveComplete(1, 29982)))">
				<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="29982" MobId="57120" GossipOptions="1" NumOfTimes="1" WaitForNpcs="False" WaitTime="5000" CollectionDistance="100" X="-338.9201" Y="2398.733" Z="140.4559"  /> <!-- Wei Blacksoil 1-->
				<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="29982" MobId="57120" GossipOptions="1" NumOfTimes="1" WaitForNpcs="False" WaitTime="5000" CollectionDistance="100" X="-338.9201" Y="2398.733" Z="140.4559"  /> <!-- Wei Blacksoil 2-->
				<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="29982" MobId="57120" GossipOptions="1" NumOfTimes="1" WaitForNpcs="False" WaitTime="5000" CollectionDistance="100" X="-338.9201" Y="2398.733" Z="140.4559"  /> <!-- Wei Blacksoil 3-->
				<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="29982" MobId="57120" GossipOptions="1" NumOfTimes="1" WaitForNpcs="False" WaitTime="5000" CollectionDistance="100" X="-338.9201" Y="2398.733" Z="140.4559"  /> <!-- Wei Blacksoil 4-->

This certainly appears to have sorted it, although I can't test "fresh" till I get another toon through.

Hope this helps!
Do you plan to fix such thinks Kick? Oh and why no Quest Behaviors more? =(

I still a Fanboy of KicK! But sad that he might gone inactive?

The CastSpellOn behavior has been deprecated, but will continue to function as originally designed. Please replace the use of the CastSpellOn behavior with the InteractWith behavior.
The replacement command to accomplish this task is:
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="14283" InteractByCastingSpellId="8921" MobId="35118" NumOfTimes="3" Range="25" MinRange="3" X="-1702.011" Y="1307.625" Z="19.78224" />

[CastSpellOn-v664(warning) @line 239]: Attribute 'WaitTime' is not recognized by this behavior--ignoring it.
I would suggest that adding the following *after* the second/last RunTo would solve the issue:

				<CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />

Hi again, Wullie,

In v2738, I added the ForceDismount you suggested. And, Alliance and Horde version now handle the quest the same way. I also took a TODO note that the SlayTheFools behavior needs to be modified to always be 'on foot'?not mounted.

Edit2: My first character just completed "The Seal Is Broken" perfectly. I did get about 10 X Stunned Loss of Control messages in log, but then it proceeds with the quest and completes it fine. Again, looking at the profile, the Horde and Alliance versions differ, I'd hazzard a guess that the previous reported bug is actually was from an Alliance player, as for me the Horde one worked perfect.
In v2739, the Horde version was using the always broken ToggleCombat behavior. The Alliance version was using the correct DisableBehavior/EnableBehavior elements. So, the Horde version was corrected of this mistake, and the Alliance and Horde versions of the quest are now aligned to handle the quest in the same way. Hopefully, this will repair the issues.

I'll delay pulling "The Seal Is Broken" from the Known Issues list until we can confirm it is indeed repaired.

MANY thanks again!


[size=-2]Ref: Wullie's problem report w/log[/size]
The QuestID for this quest is 29912 however we're checking for IsObjectiveComplete against QuestID 29612 and so always getting false and thus get stuck trying to complete an object that's already completed.

Hi, Wullie,

Your analysis is spot on as always. In v2741, all the Objectives and <Ifs> have been corrected to use the correct QuestId of 29912. Thanks again!


[size=-2]Ref: Wullie's problem report w/log[/size]
Looking for quest that no longer there.
View attachment 104472
Bty how do i get the bot to ignore it?
This quest (Got Silk? - Quest - World of Warcraft) does still exist, however it seems there are some WoW side bugs around it. According to both the wowhead comments, and the profile notes.

It also seems that it's simply a "pointer" quest, so if you had manually completed the followup (Where Silk Comes From - Quest - World of Warcraft) then this wouldn't be available.

Perhaps this quest can be removed, and just the followup completed, since this is just a breadcrumb quest anyway, and it's not as if the bot needs to be given hints where to go next! :)

To help you get around it just now, you'll need to edit the profile, search for the two lines relating to this quest (line 935 + 936), they are the PickUp and TurnIn. Remove both of these lines, save and then restart HB.

Edit: Just had a toon through this area (Horde) and it's picked up the Got Silk quest and completed it fine.

Hi Dilbog and Wullie,

I believe Wullie is right about this. The profile currently tries to complete "Got Silk?" and has a comment indicating the "Where Silk Comes From" quest is not available. According to the notes on WoWhead, completing the breadcrumb quest ("Got Silk?") incorrectly marks the other quest as 'complete'.

I've captured an issue in Known Bugs List: MoP 85-90 to investigate this. If we can only do one of the two quests, we really want to do the one that gives us rep/money/credit, and not the 'breadcrumb' quest.

As to your issue, Dilbog...
I believe you might be suffering from cache corruption. Please try the remedy described in this article:

If that doesn't fix you up, then your only recourse is to comment out the offending lines in the Valley of the Four Winds profile. Use Notepad++, and make them look like this:

<PickUp QuestName="Got Silk?" QuestId="32035" GiverName="Lolo Lio" GiverId="59585" X="-266.5139" Y="497.2153" Z="169.5998" />
<TurnIn QuestName="Got Silk?" QuestId="32035" TurnInName="Silkmaster Tsai" TurnInId="57405" X="-467.5816" Y="219.4757" Z="165.8376" />

[size=-2]Ref: Dilbog's original problem report w/log[/size]
[size=-2]Ref: Wullie's follow-up[/size]
Have a question. In the Dread Wastes, the bot is trying to pickup the breadcrumb quest: Gambling Problem. However, i have already done some of the quests at the Soggy Bottom hub so the breadcrumb is gone. Does this mean I'm stuck? Can't use the bot for this area anymore?

View attachment 104514
I just commented out the quest and moved on.

Hi, Ohnoesman,

You did the right thing to comment out the breadcrumb.

If you manually do some quests, it can tamper with your 'quest state' as you have found out. There is no real way to recover from this. Honorbuddy just knows a 'quest isn't being offered'... it doesn't know *why* the quest isn't being offered. And, it would be unsafe to proceed. As the quest may be part of a chain, phasing change, or necessary rep to continue with the profile.

cheers & happy botting,

[size=-2]Ref: Ohnoesman's original post w/log[/size]
Im having a problem With kicks/LK/A - Quest 68-80 profile..

It keeps trying to pick up quest "Enlistment Day" from Recruitment Officer Blythe, even thou it has already been completed.
It doesnt register where in the quest line i am.
It also continuously trys running to dragonblight in order to find a mailbox.

I did a fresh install of HB and all plugins + kicks svn.
I hope the log is enough since im on a fresh installation.

Hi, Piggy, and thank you for the log.

I believe you are suffering from cache corruption. Please follow the instructions in this article and see if that will clear the problem.
If no joy, please show us a fresh log.

"Enlistment Day" is not a quest we can skip. Although not stated explicitly, I recall it being a prerequisite to starting this 10-step quest chain: Word on the Street - Quest - World of Warcraft


[size=-2]Ref: Piggy's original post w/log[/size]
"Learn and Grow II: Tilling and Planting" (Learn and Grow II: Tilling and Planting - Quest - World of Warcraft)
[Ref: "[N - Quest] 86-87 Valley of the Four Winds [Kick] ($Rev: 2722 $)" @line 1052]
Bot tries to plant the seeds before tilling the soil.
Ref: Copyleft's problem report w/log"

The issue is that the first InteractWith is trying to "use" ItemId 80302 (the seeds), to till the soil. This is causing it to fail. Removal of that InteractByUsingItemId="80302" from the *first* InteractWith fixes the issue. Tested and working :)

Thanks again, Wullie!

Your changes have been folded into v2742. I've also removed the issue from the Known Issues List since you confirmed the repair.


[size=-2]Ref: Wullie's quest fix[/size]
"Zone: Valley of the Four Winds
Quest: Learn and Grow III: Tending Crops - Quest - World of Warcraft
Bot waters one parched cabage, but never moves on to the other to do the same.
Attachment 104437"

Line 1071 Existing
<While Condition="((HasQuest(30255)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(30255)))" >
	<CustomBehavior File="UseItemOn" QuestId="30255" MobId="59987" ItemId="79104" WaitTime="4000" WaitForNpcs="False" CollectionDistance="2" X="-166.28" Y="636.965" Z="165.4093" />
	<CustomBehavior File="UseItemOn" QuestId="30255" MobId="59987" ItemId="79104" WaitTime="4000" WaitForNpcs="False" CollectionDistance="2" X="-171.543" Y="637.844" Z="165.4093" />

This caused the bot to only water one cabbage and stand next to it, looping around these two CustomBehaviours. The MobId's were correct. The locations were correct. And even after stopping and starting it still ignored the 2nd partched cabbage.
However, updating to use the newer InteractWith worked a treat.

Wullie, you don't know how much we appreciate this!

v2743 captures your fix, and its removed from the Known Issues list at your confirmation.

Thanks, many thanks, again!

[size=-2]Ref: Wullie's quest fix[/size]