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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

			<PickUp QuestName="Fear No Evil" QuestId="29082" GiverName="Brother Paxton" GiverId="951" />
				<While Condition="((HasQuest(29082)) && (!IsQuestCompleted(29082)))" >
					<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="29082" MobId="50047" NumOfTimes="4" CollectionDistance="500" X="-8769.394" Y="-190.3564" Z="84.5011" />
			<TurnIn QuestName="Fear No Evil" QuestId="29082" TurnInName="Brother Paxton" TurnInId="951" />

The quest is obsolete it seems. Brother Paxton - Quest - World of Warcraft

Hi, AtomicBomb, and thank you for the report.

v2734 of the profile pack has the "Brother Paxton" quest removed.

Also, next time, please attach a log, so we don't have to go digging around and figure out which profile(s) contain that quest. Thanks!

Zone: Valley of the Four Winds
Quest: Taste Test - Quest - World of Warcraft

Will not interact with Fresh Grain - Object - World of Warcraft because it seems that the area is blackspotted.

    [Ref: "[N - Quest] 86-87 Valley of the Four Winds [Kick] ($Rev: 2722 $)" @line 1268]
[12:39:34.650 D] Activity: Moving to hunting ground waypoint 'hunting ground center'
[12:39:42.419 D] Activity: No viable mobs in area.
[12:39:42.419 D] [InteractWith-v719(debug)] No viable mobs in area.
Excluded Units:
    Fresh Grain [InBlackspot(object @<-594.257, 574.3871, 136.54>; Blackspot(<-595.3854, 593.4844, 169.1998>, r:20))]
    Fresh Grain [InBlackspot(object @<-594.2344, 576.7136, 136.5893>; Blackspot(<-595.3854, 593.4844, 169.1998>, r:20))]
    Fresh Grain [InBlackspot(object @<-596.8021, 575.25, 136.3989>; Blackspot(<-595.3854, 593.4844, 169.1998>, r:20))]
    Fresh Grain [InBlackspot(object @<-591.7257, 597.1771, 136.391>; Blackspot(<-595.3854, 593.4844, 169.1998>, r:20))]
    Fresh Grain [InBlackspot(object @<-592.6458, 600.243, 136.3906>; Blackspot(<-595.3854, 593.4844, 169.1998>, r:20))]

View attachment 104444

EDIT: I've reduced the blackspot radius from 20 to 10 and it seems to work fine, I'm not sure if it will cause navigation issues.
[N - Quest] 86-87 Valley of the Four Winds [Kick].xml line 52

		<Blackspot X="-595.3854" Y="593.4844" Z="169.1998" Radius="10" Height="50" /> <!-- Tower by Grainery -->

Hi again, Copyleft,

In v2735, I reduced the radius of the blackspot to 10 based on your recommendation.

I've also captured this problem to the Known Bugs List: MoP 85-90. It appears that InteractWith is not honoring the IgnoreMobsInBlackspots attribute—which could be a serious problem for more quests than this one.

Thanks again for your perseverance.

Hi again!

Jade Forest, Horde, Level 86.

Quest: To Bridge Earth And Sky

Line 1668 onwards:
<If Condition="((HasQuest(29754)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(29754)))" >
				<!-- This quest may bug and will have to be abandoned -->
				<RunTo X="3069.272" Y="-1608.356" Z="222.764" />
						<Hotspot X="3059.411" Y="-1600.553" Z="222.7645" />
				<GrindTo Condition="(IsQuestCompleted(29754))" />
				<RunTo X="3059.411" Y="-1600.553" Z="222.7645" />
				<CustomBehavior File="SlayTheFools" QuestId="29754" MobId="55902" CollectionDistance="20" X="3059.411" Y="-1600.553" Z="222.7645" />

Again, this one seems to differ between the Alliance and Horde versions, in that the Horde uses a CustomBehaviour and the Alliance a GrindTo (as commented out in Horde one).
I think this may be a knock on effect from the recent navigator changes, but the RunTo directives are causing it to mount up and go to the quest location where it should be killing mobs which attack the NPC.
Now, it goes there fine, but remains mounted and does not attack the mobs, just stays mounted doing nothing. As soon as I manually cancel the mount, away it goes perfectly killing the mobs and completes the quest.

I would suggest that adding the following *after* the second/last RunTo would solve the issue:

				<CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />

I don't have an alliance toon to test with, but it seems as though from the comments that the way it's implemented in the Alliance version is likely to bug, so you may want to update it to be the same as the Horde one, with the fix, and save some Alliance people trouble in the future :)

Hope this helps!

Edit: I noticed some other comments earlier in the thread about the quest "The Seal Is Broken", which I know I had issues with the last time I had a toon through. I've now got two toons which will both be coming up to this quest, and would be more than happy to assist in trying out possible fixes. Just thought I'd mention it incase it would be of use :)

Edit2: My first character just completed "The Seal Is Broken" perfectly. I did get about 10 X Stunned Loss of Control messages in log, but then it proceeds with the quest and completes it fine. Again, looking at the profile, the Horde and Alliance versions differ, I'd hazzard a guess that the previous reported bug is actually was from an Alliance player, as for me the Horde one worked perfect.
The current release doesn't support Me.Gender and this breaks a bunch of quests.

Some new obstacles exist in org and the player gets stuck on them; not a good place to be stuck.
kick did you use a mage all the way?
Are the other classes usable?

kick got a problem with the time spent interacting with quest items.
he only spends about 50% of the time required on interacting, then he mounts, unmounts and trys again..over and over.
Hi, me again...

Questing VoFW. Horde. Level 87.

Quest: The Fabulous Miss Fanny

It's completed the quest objectives all correctly but is just standing there, and says it's still trying to "Goal: Collect Ang's Giant Pink Turnip x 1", despite having already collected this item and used it to complete the objective. Since it's already done this, it can't be collected again.

I've done a little diagnosis, this is the part of the profile in question:
(Starting line 710)

<PickUp QuestName="The Fabulous Miss Fanny" QuestId="29912" GiverName="Pang Thunderfoot" GiverId="56204" X="545.8316" Y="-606.1146" Z="263.3707" />
			<While Condition="((HasQuest(29912)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(29912)))" >
			  <If Condition="!HasItem(75259) &amp;&amp; !IsObjectiveComplete(1, 29612)" >
				<Objective QuestName="The Fabulous Miss Fanny" QuestId="29912" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="75259" CollectCount="1" />
			  <If Condition="!HasItem(75258) &amp;&amp; !IsObjectiveComplete(2, 29612)" >
				<Objective QuestName="The Fabulous Miss Fanny" QuestId="29912" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="75258" CollectCount="1" />
			  <If Condition="!HasItem(75256) &amp;&amp; !IsObjectiveComplete(3, 29612)" >
				<Objective QuestName="The Fabulous Miss Fanny" QuestId="29912" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="75256" CollectCount="1" />
			  <If Condition="!IsObjectiveComplete(1, 29612)" >
				<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="56192" GossipOptions="2" X="536.7448" Y="-578.8542" Z="258.3906" />
				<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="3000" />
			  <If Condition="!IsObjectiveComplete(2, 29612)" >
				<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="56192" GossipOptions="1" X="536.7448" Y="-578.8542" Z="258.3906" />
				<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="3000" />
			  <If Condition="!IsObjectiveComplete(3, 29612)" >
				<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="56192" GossipOptions="3" X="536.7448" Y="-578.8542" Z="258.3906" />
				<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="3000" />

Now, it would seen that for some reason we've gone around this loop, and then become stuck. Perhaps the quest hasn't
registered as completed inside the 3 second waittimer after the last objective.

It seems to be like a simple typo or copy/paste bug.

The QuestID for this quest is 29912 however we're checking for IsObjectiveComplete against QuestID 29612 and so always getting false and thus get stuck trying to complete an object that's already completed.

I've included the log incase I'm totally wrong about the cause of the problem and you need to see it:

View attachment 3704 2013-09-20 16.58.txt

Hope this helps!
Looking for quest that no longer there.

View attachment 104472

Bty how do i get the bot to ignore it?

This quest (Got Silk? - Quest - World of Warcraft) does still exist, however it seems there are some WoW side bugs around it. According to both the wowhead comments, and the profile notes.

It also seems that it's simply a "pointer" quest, so if you had manually completed the followup (Where Silk Comes From - Quest - World of Warcraft) then this wouldn't be available.

Perhaps this quest can be removed, and just the followup completed, since this is just a breadcrumb quest anyway, and it's not as if the bot needs to be given hints where to go next! :)

To help you get around it just now, you'll need to edit the profile, search for the two lines relating to this quest (line 935 + 936), they are the PickUp and TurnIn. Remove both of these lines, save and then restart HB.

Edit: Just had a toon through this area (Horde) and it's picked up the Got Silk quest and completed it fine.
Hey guys, im back again. ;)

I know im having issues with the save thing, but I encountered another issue in the BC pack.

take a look? It just doesnt seem tow ant to go any where but repeats that its moving to hotspot?
I didnt see the error in this file so just curious..

View attachment 9964 2013-09-20 19.05.txt
Have a question. In the Dread Wastes, the bot is trying to pickup the breadcrumb quest: Gambling Problem. However, i have already done some of the quests at the Soggy Bottom hub so the breadcrumb is gone. Does this mean I'm stuck? Can't use the bot for this area anymore?

View attachment 664 2013-09-20 20.28.txt
Have a question. In the Dread Wastes, the bot is trying to pickup the breadcrumb quest: Gambling Problem. However, i have already done some of the quests at the Soggy Bottom hub so the breadcrumb is gone. Does this mean I'm stuck? Can't use the bot for this area anymore?

View attachment 104514

I just commented out the quest and moved on.
Im having a problem With kicks/LK/A - Quest 68-80 profile..

It keeps trying to pick up quest "Enlistment Day" from Recruitment Officer Blythe, even thou it has already been completed.
It doesnt register where in the quest line i am.
It also continuously trys running to dragonblight in order to find a mailbox.

I did a fresh install of HB and all plugins + kicks svn.
I hope the log is enough since im on a fresh installation.



Zone: Kun-Lai Summit
Quest: Cho's Missive - Quest - World of Warcraft / Path Less Traveled - Quest - World of Warcraft

View attachment 104593

Bot tries to pickup Path Less Traveled, but it first has to turnin Cho's Missive. NPC isn't offering Path Less Traveled unless Cho's Missive is turnedin.

Hi Copyleft,

I thought this would be a quickfix, but its not. As, the profile is already doing what you suggest:

<If Condition="((HasQuest(31460)) &amp;&amp; (!IsQuestCompleted(31460)))" > <!-- A -->
<RunTo X="3127.984" Y="1226.884" Z="654.2612" />
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="61504" X="3127.984" Y="1226.884" Z="654.2612" />
<TurnIn QuestName="Cho's Missive" QuestId="31460" TurnInName="Lorewalker Cho" TurnInId="61847" X="3044.467" Y="1251.316" Z="654.6689" />​
<PickUp QuestName="Path Less Traveled" QuestId="30999" GiverName="Lorewalker Cho" GiverId="61847" X="3044.467" Y="1251.316" Z="654.6689" />​

So, either the TurnIn is failing for some reason, or there is another gate besides just the TurnIn.

I'll capture this and all the others I haven't addressed to the issues list in a day or so. Been working with another developer chasing issues, so this thread is being neglected a little bit atm.

Hey chinajade,

first thanks a lot for your work, secondly I think I spotted the problem. Cho's Missive questId is 31459, it is refereed to as 31460 in several lines in the profile. :)

Horde quest is 31459
Alliance quest is 31460
Hey chinajade,

first thanks a lot for your work, secondly I think I spotted the problem. Cho's Missive questId is 31459, it is refereed to as 31460 in several lines in the profile. :)

Horde quest is 31459
Alliance quest is 31460

There are two versions, horde and alliance and they seem to be labelled correctly in the profile.

According to wowhead, and a number of other sources, the Cho's Missive is an optional breadcrumb quest anyway, and the "Path Less Traveled " should be available without it, which makes this stranger.

It's maybe worth clearing your HB and WoW caches just incase it's not registered it as completed correctly.

Is the followup available or even in your log (Instant Courage - Quest - World of Warcraft) ? It's picked up from Uncle Cloverleaf who should be closeby to Lorewalker Cho.
Zone: Kun-Lai Summit
Quest: Cho's Missive - Quest - World of Warcraft / Path Less Traveled - Quest - World of Warcraft

View attachment 104593

Bot tries to pickup Path Less Traveled, but it first has to turnin Cho's Missive. NPC isn't offering Path Less Traveled unless Cho's Missive is turnedin.
Cho's Missive questId is 31459, it is refereed to as 31460 in several lines in the profile. :)

Horde quest is 31459
Alliance quest is 31460

Hi again, Copyleft,

In v2738, I made a blind fix that should repair the problem,

In the 'turnin' blocks, it was qualifying it with an IsQuestCompleted(31460) (and 31459 for Horde). But, since this is a Fedex quest, it doesn't complete as collection-type quests do. So, I altered the qualifier from 'HasQuest & IsCompleted' to just 'HasQuest'.

Thanks again for chasing another issue out for everyone! (Thanks too, Wullie!)

Hey guys, im back again. ;)

I know im having issues with the save thing, but I encountered another issue in the BC pack.

take a look? It just doesnt seem tow ant to go any where but repeats that its moving to hotspot?
I didnt see the error in this file so just curious..

View attachment 104505

Hi, Luvs2spludge, and thanks for the log.

[23:47:31.320 D] Could not generate path from {-645.5411, 5219.177, 476.5026} to {-1652.224, 6889.364, -12.50284} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly

This article should help solve your problem:

Getting the following errors when trying to run the bot while having Questing selected with your profiles, latest SVN.

[Compiler Error]: c:\Users\xxxx\HB\Quest Behaviors\QuestBehaviorCore\UtilityBehaviors\UtilityBehaviors_Mount.cs(103,77) : error CS0103: The name 'MaxDismountHeight' does not exist in the current context
[Compiler Error]: c:\Users\xxxx\HB\Quest Behaviors\QuestBehaviorCore\UtilityBehaviors\UtilityBehaviors_Mount.cs(115,77) : error CS0103: The name 'MaxDismountHeight' does not exist in the current context
[Compiler Error]: c:\Users\xxxx\HB\Quest Behaviors\QuestBehaviorCore\UtilityBehaviors\UtilityBehaviors_Movement.cs(36,34) : error CS1660: Cannot convert lambda expression to type 'Styx.TreeSharp.Composite' because it is not a delegate type
[Compiler Error]: c:\Users\xxxx\HB\Quest Behaviors\QuestBehaviorCore\UtilityBehaviors\UtilityBehaviors_Movement.cs(36,54) : error CS0117: 'Honorbuddy.QuestBehaviorCore.Utility' does not contain a definition for 'MovementObserver'
[Compiler Error]: c:\Users\xxxx\HB\Quest Behaviors\QuestBehaviorCore\UtilityBehaviors\UtilityBehaviors_Movement.cs(46,68) : error CS0117: 'Honorbuddy.QuestBehaviorCore.Utility' does not contain a definition for 'MovementObserver'
[Compiler Error]: c:\Users\xxxx\HB\Quest Behaviors\QuestBehaviorCore\UtilityBehaviors\UtilityBehaviors_Movement.cs(43,34) : error CS1660: Cannot convert lambda expression to type 'Styx.TreeSharp.Composite' because it is not a delegate type
[Compiler Error]: c:\Users\xxxx\HB\Quest Behaviors\QuestBehaviorCore\UtilityBehaviors\UtilityBehaviors_Movement.cs(43,53) : error CS0117: 'Honorbuddy.QuestBehaviorCore.Utility' does not contain a definition for 'MovementObserver'
[Compiler Error]: c:\Users\xxxx\HB\Quest Behaviors\QuestBehaviorCore\UtilityBehaviors\UtilityBehaviors_Movement.cs(75,32) : error CS0019: Operator '??' cannot be applied to operands of type 'Honorbuddy.QuestBehaviorCore.ProvideWoWPointDelegate' and 'lambda expression'
[Compiler Error]: c:\Users\xxxx\HB\Quest Behaviors\QuestBehaviorCore\UtilityBehaviors\UtilityBehaviors_Movement.cs(98,89) : error CS1061: 'Styx.WoWPoint' does not contain a definition for 'FindFlightorUsableLocation' and no extension method 'FindFlightorUsableLocation' accepting a first argument of type 'Styx.WoWPoint' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
Errors in quest behaviors!

Any advice?