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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

Hey thanks a lot for these great profiles
So far got a druid to 37
and working on my warlock @ 24
I see one problem so far, the quest in duskwood called [In A Dark Corner] (where the character has to retrieve a torn journal in a barn)
The character just stands there and bugs out
Please take a look at it when you can :D Thanks!
Profile: [H - Quest] 58-70 [Kick].xml
Quest: Shizz Work - Quest - World of Warcraft
Description: Character moves to the quest area and just stands there, it doesn't kill any boars, i did this quest by hand and then restarted HB and everything was fine again. "Moving to hunting ground waypoint 'hunting ground center'" or something like that, log attached.


Hi there,

Profile runs smooth from 1-72. At lvl 72 it's trying to pick up "Pride of the Horde" from "Blood Guard Roh'kill" at Westwind Refugee Camp in the Dragonblight. The problem is that this NPC doesn't have a quest for me so it just stands there.

[Ref: "[Fly][H - Quest] 68-80 [Kick] ($Rev: 3046 $)" @line 6080]
[18:11:01.506 D] Inserted new hook [Combat_Main @0] 24964960-9067-4e07-bc1d-87b9525ff701
[18:11:01.506 D] Inserted new hook [Combat_Only @0] 4f895b2a-51e9-48b2-ae96-7275bd839275
[18:11:01.506 D] Inserted new hook [Death_Main @0] 6003e175-3aa7-4277-b588-5a7725288d87
[18:11:01.514 D] Activity: Canceling shapeshift form.
[18:11:01.637 D] [ForcedDismount-v1129(debug)] ForcedDismount behavior complete.
[18:11:01.733 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[18:11:01.734 D] Removed hook [Combat_Main] 24964960-9067-4e07-bc1d-87b9525ff701
[18:11:01.734 D] Removed hook [Combat_Only] 4f895b2a-51e9-48b2-ae96-7275bd839275
[18:11:01.734 D] Removed hook [Death_Main] 6003e175-3aa7-4277-b588-5a7725288d87
[18:11:01.734 D] BlackspotManager forcing unload of meshes
[18:11:01.766 D] [ForcedDismount-v1129(debug)] Behavior completed in 0s
[18:11:01.766 D] StyxWoW.AreaManager.CurrentGrindArea is null
[18:11:01.841 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedIf.
[18:11:01.867 D] Goal: Nothing
[18:11:01.868 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior [ForcedQuestPickUp QuestId: 11980, QuestName: Pride of the Horde].
[18:11:01.875 D] Goal: Picking Up Quest - Pride of the Horde : QuestID - 11980 : To - Blood Guard Roh'kill : ID - 26180
[18:11:01.886 D] Changed POI to: Type: QuestPickUp
[18:11:01.976 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[18:11:02.032 D] Activity: Loading Tiles
[18:11:02.032 D] Loading Northrend_26_25
[18:11:02.127 D] Loading Northrend_26_24
[18:11:02.260 D] Successfully generated path from {3732.883, 2865.326, 92.45437} to {3711.868, 2830.196, 89.39363} in 226 milliseconds
[18:11:02.407 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[18:11:06.849 N] [Singular] Casting Cat Form on Me @ 100.0%
[18:11:08.421 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[18:11:08.484 N] We are stuck!!
[18:11:08.516 N] Trying jump
[18:11:09.029 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp
[18:11:10.566 D] InteractDebug:517001732
[18:11:10.597 D] Interact Done:517001732
[18:11:12.948 D] InteractDebug:517001732
[18:11:12.982 D] Interact Done:517001732
[18:11:13.173 N] Stopping the bot!
[18:11:13.174 Q] Bot stopping! Reason: User pressed the stop button
Is anyone having problems with this now? I am trying the Jade forest quests and keep getting errors about the quest behavior.
Where is the document that I can edit what the bot sells when the bags are full? It leaves in items that I would normally sell and don't mail off to any other toons. Also where do I enable mailing when bags are full? Can I sell and mail off things?

I'm sorry if I'm confusing. Basically, where can I edit the selling script? And can I use the auto sell and auto mail script at the same time, if so, how?
Profile: [Fly][A - Quest] Twilight Highlands 84-85 [Kick].xml
Quest: Aiming High - Quest - World of Warcraft
Description: Toon gets launched up to the Skyshredder and just stands there, kills any crewmembers that spawn, but otherwise just stands there with status "Loading tiles" and according to logs, it can't calculate how to get from point a to point b.


Problem with City of Light quest. It follows the escort. Then when it lags behind the bot send me to Zangarmarsh. Why would it do that?
Log attached.

EDIT: HB restart fixed it. At least this is a bug and I reported it when it occured lol.


On the quest in Kun-Lai summit where you escort the grummles from the MidWay station to Kota Basecamp, once the bot gets close to the basecamp it spams to get the flight path moving ever so farther away from the group of escorted grummles. And as a result by the time the grummle casts the completion spell.. the bot is out of range and has to restart. I have observed this on a few toons now, seems if the bot could just stay next to the pack a little longer then we would be fine. :)

[06:29:29.432 N] [EscortGroup-v1085(info)] Moving to escort
[06:29:43.089 D] Updating repair cost for current equipped items. New value: [6g16s25c]
[06:29:43.712 N] [EscortGroup-v1085(info)] Moving to escort
[06:29:43.883 N] [Singular] Casting Power Word: Shield on Me @ 100.0% 
[06:29:45.216 N] [EscortGroup-v1085(info)] Moving to escort
[06:29:56.111 D] Activity: Loading Tiles
[06:29:56.112 D] Loading HawaiiMainLand_27_26
[06:29:56.320 D] Loading HawaiiMainLand_27_27
[06:29:56.587 D] Loading HawaiiMainLand_28_27
[06:29:56.865 D] Changed POI to: Type: Fly, R: Learn
[06:29:56.894 N] Moving to Type: Fly, R: Learn
[06:29:57.383 N] Mounting: Golden King
[06:29:59.201 N] Moving to Type: Fly, R: Learn
[06:30:01.265 N] [EscortGroup-v1085(info)] Moving to nearest escorted unit
[06:30:01.887 N] Moving to Type: Fly, R: Learn
[06:30:02.534 N] [EscortGroup-v1085(info)] Moving to nearest escorted unit
[06:30:03.202 N] Moving to Type: Fly, R: Learn
[06:30:03.849 N] [EscortGroup-v1085(info)] Moving to nearest escorted unit
[06:30:04.456 N] Moving to Type: Fly, R: Learn
[06:30:05.142 N] [EscortGroup-v1085(info)] Moving to nearest escorted unit
[06:30:08.022 N] Moving to Type: Fly, R: Learn
[06:30:08.690 N] [EscortGroup-v1085(info)] Moving to nearest escorted unit
[06:30:09.558 N] Moving to Type: Fly, R: Learn
[06:30:10.655 N] [EscortGroup-v1085(info)] Moving to nearest escorted unit
[06:30:11.255 N] Moving to Type: Fly, R: Learn
[06:30:12.594 N] [EscortGroup-v1085(info)] Moving to nearest escorted unit
[06:30:13.079 N] Moving to Type: Fly, R: Learn
[06:30:15.370 N] [EscortGroup-v1085(info)] Moving to nearest escorted unit
[06:30:15.934 N] Moving to Type: Fly, R: Learn
[06:30:16.575 N] [EscortGroup-v1085(info)] Moving to nearest escorted unit
[06:30:17.095 N] Moving to Type: Fly, R: Learn
[06:30:18.767 D] InteractDebug:1597640892
[06:30:18.767 D] Interact Done:1597640892
[06:30:23.794 D] Changed POI to: Type: Fly, R: Learn
[06:30:23.822 N] Moving to Type: Fly, R: Learn
[06:30:25.312 D] InteractDebug:1597640892
[06:30:25.313 D] Interact Done:1597640892
[06:30:25.806 N] TaxiMap is opened! Updating known nodes list.
[06:30:25.828 D] Clearing POI - Reason Learned/Updated Flight Path Information
[06:30:25.828 D] Cleared POI
[06:30:30.600 D] (Singular) [CombatLog] SPELL_CAST_FAILED Mind Blast#8092 failure: 'Invalid target'
[06:30:30.586 D] [EscortGroup-v1085(debug)] Behavior State: CheckDone
[06:30:30.619 N] [EscortGroup-v1085(warning)] Looks like we've failed the escort.
[06:30:30.619 N] [EscortGroup-v1085(info)] Returning to start to re-do.
[06:30:30.619 D] [EscortGroup-v1085(debug)] Behavior State: InitialState
[06:30:30.653 N] [EscortGroup-v1085(info)] Moving to start location

log: View attachment 2000 2014-01-02 17.47.zip
Profile: [A - Quest] EK 12-58 [Kick]

Remove this Quest override. The hotspots are terrible. Without the override it works 100% better.

    <Quest Id="26999" Name="A New Era for the Plaguelands">
        <Objective Type="CollectItem" ItemId="60762" ItemName="Hulking Plaguebear Sample" CollectCount="4">
                <Hotspot X="1952.485" Y="-1576.541" Z="61.8991" />
                <Hotspot X="2007.792" Y="-1590.368" Z="59.64368" />
                <Hotspot X="2027.488" Y="-1636.072" Z="59.64952" />
                <Hotspot X="2112.235" Y="-1582.718" Z="64.37344" />
                <Hotspot X="2029.193" Y="-1560.1" Z="63.22546" />
                <Hotspot X="1957.623" Y="-1499.185" Z="64.06689" />
                <Hotspot X="2014.306" Y="-1609.143" Z="59.47479" />
        <Objective Type="CollectItem" ItemId="60763" ItemName="Diseased Wolf Sample" CollectCount="4">
                <Hotspot X="1952.485" Y="-1576.541" Z="61.8991" />
                <Hotspot X="2007.792" Y="-1590.368" Z="59.64368" />
                <Hotspot X="2027.488" Y="-1636.072" Z="59.64952" />
                <Hotspot X="2112.235" Y="-1582.718" Z="64.37344" />
                <Hotspot X="2029.193" Y="-1560.1" Z="63.22546" />
                <Hotspot X="1957.623" Y="-1499.185" Z="64.06689" />
                <Hotspot X="2014.306" Y="-1609.143" Z="59.47479" />
        <Objective Type="CollectItem" ItemId="60760" ItemName="Plague Lurker Sample" CollectCount="4">
                <Hotspot X="1662.01" Y="-1728.122" Z="61.90591" />
                <Hotspot X="1673.658" Y="-1664.629" Z="61.82031" />
                <Hotspot X="1665.495" Y="-1595.253" Z="60.46806" />
                <Hotspot X="1667.248" Y="-1517.656" Z="60.51955" />
                <Hotspot X="1616.298" Y="-1690.548" Z="60.54389" />
                <Hotspot X="1640.915" Y="-1772.727" Z="60.46152" />
                <Hotspot X="1520.648" Y="-1770.494" Z="60.24598" />
                <Hotspot X="1382.932" Y="-1775.564" Z="66.2905" />
                <Hotspot X="1538.255" Y="-1759.905" Z="59.12527" />
                <Hotspot X="1613.482" Y="-1717.565" Z="60.18304" />
                <Hotspot X="1676.407" Y="-1582.957" Z="62.00434" />
        <Objective Type="CollectItem" ItemId="60761" ItemName="Venom Mist Lurker Sample" CollectCount="4">
                <Hotspot X="1662.01" Y="-1728.122" Z="61.90591" />
                <Hotspot X="1673.658" Y="-1664.629" Z="61.82031" />
                <Hotspot X="1665.495" Y="-1595.253" Z="60.46806" />
                <Hotspot X="1667.248" Y="-1517.656" Z="60.51955" />
                <Hotspot X="1616.298" Y="-1690.548" Z="60.54389" />
                <Hotspot X="1640.915" Y="-1772.727" Z="60.46152" />
                <Hotspot X="1520.648" Y="-1770.494" Z="60.24598" />
                <Hotspot X="1382.932" Y="-1775.564" Z="66.2905" />
                <Hotspot X="1538.255" Y="-1759.905" Z="59.12527" />
                <Hotspot X="1613.482" Y="-1717.565" Z="60.18304" />
                <Hotspot X="1676.407" Y="-1582.957" Z="62.00434" />
Profile: [Fly][N - Quest] Hyjal 80-82 [Kick]

Remove this Quest override.
Run between 2 Hotspots looks very botish ;-)

<Quest Id="25656" Name="Scrambling for Eggs">
        <Objective Type="CollectItem" ItemId="55189" CollectCount="8">
                <Hotspot X="4974.342" Y="-2618.898" Z="1424.381" />
                <Hotspot X="4991.697" Y="-2517.925" Z="1430.331" />
Too many problems with DK starting area *thumbs down*
Dueling with Initiates fail (both), fighting in dark realm fail, killing mobs fail (pulled too much).
If I posted about every bug in the profile for Horde in the Twilight Highlands, I would be (again) accused of spamming, so I will just suggest that someone in the team takes the time to play the game again.
So no profile stopping error here, but more of a unnecessary or missing component. When using Kicks and the questing bot in Blade's Edge Mountains most of the time the bot flys/runs/ignores the quest monsters that drop quest items, need to be killed.

Is this due to an error with me or the profiles? Like I said, the bot eventually does the quest. It takes way longer than manually doing the quest. I understand the bot doesn't operate at the speed of a human since it's only a bot and that's great, but when it runs around the hotspots and straight up ignores the objectives I know something is wrong.

ALSO: I don't know if this is a profile limitation, but in many areas there are multiple quest monsters for different quests. They are all within the same hotspot, but the bot (or profile) only focuses on killing one type of mob at a time instead of killing all the ones it needs to in the same questing area.
Quest title : Shizz Work
Problem : stuck, just standing and doing nothing

cannot attach log, file too big.