Quest Physical Training: Forced Labor---Hyjal 80-82 H profile, line 2624.
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="25509" PreInteractMountStrategy="Dismount"
InteractByUsingItemId="54788" MobId="202952" NumOfTimes="1" NonCompeteDistance="10">
<Hotspot X="4497.652" Y="-4274.71" Z="904.4438" />
<Hotspot X="4489.638" Y="-4207.516" Z="917.9042" />
<Hotspot X="4462.573" Y="-4161.2" Z="931.2515" />
<Hotspot X="4557.5" Y="-4116.103" Z="944.2537" />
<Hotspot X="4567.564" Y="-4168.217" Z="914.8597" />
<Hotspot X="4610.544" Y="-4249.458" Z="903.1671" />
<Hotspot X="4688.793" Y="-4263.408" Z="900.4235" />
<Hotspot X="4729.933" Y="-4338.116" Z="895.1566" />
<Hotspot X="4696.564" Y="-4383.854" Z="895.7845" />
The bot tries to use the quest item but it says "Out of range" continually , till it ignores that node(quest object) and flies to the next hotspot. After several failing tries I just manually completed it, I don't know if it would continue like that indefinitely. Tried to look for some info on "Noncompetedistance" , as changing its value could solve it (just wondering) but found nothing.
EDIT: Exactly the same issue (out of range when trying to use a quest item on a target) on quest Battlefront Triage , deepholm H profile.
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="25509" PreInteractMountStrategy="Dismount"
InteractByUsingItemId="54788" MobId="202952" NumOfTimes="1" NonCompeteDistance="10">
<Hotspot X="4497.652" Y="-4274.71" Z="904.4438" />
<Hotspot X="4489.638" Y="-4207.516" Z="917.9042" />
<Hotspot X="4462.573" Y="-4161.2" Z="931.2515" />
<Hotspot X="4557.5" Y="-4116.103" Z="944.2537" />
<Hotspot X="4567.564" Y="-4168.217" Z="914.8597" />
<Hotspot X="4610.544" Y="-4249.458" Z="903.1671" />
<Hotspot X="4688.793" Y="-4263.408" Z="900.4235" />
<Hotspot X="4729.933" Y="-4338.116" Z="895.1566" />
<Hotspot X="4696.564" Y="-4383.854" Z="895.7845" />
The bot tries to use the quest item but it says "Out of range" continually , till it ignores that node(quest object) and flies to the next hotspot. After several failing tries I just manually completed it, I don't know if it would continue like that indefinitely. Tried to look for some info on "Noncompetedistance" , as changing its value could solve it (just wondering) but found nothing.
EDIT: Exactly the same issue (out of range when trying to use a quest item on a target) on quest Battlefront Triage , deepholm H profile.