Upon reading level 64, it goes to Shattrath, repairs, go to a mail box, then just sits there. I updated the profile and Honorbuddy, still just sits there.
The bot flies to Zul'Drak and then keeps flying straight into the air (near reliquary of Pain) and gets stuck.
i have a little issue here, hope you can help
Code:[08:17:26.912 N] Compiler Error: c:\Users\Danny\Documents\Honorbuddy\Bots\Kick\Kick's Profiles\1-90 Questing Profile Pack\Holiday\Noblegarden\NobleGardenerAchievementPlugin\NobleGardenerAchievement.cs(18,18) : error CS0101: Der Namespace "NobleGardenerAchievement" enth?lt bereits eine Definition f?r "NobleGardenerAchievement". [08:17:26.912 N] Compiler Error: c:\Users\Danny\Documents\Honorbuddy\Bots\Kick\Kick's Profiles\Useful Stuff\Non Questing Plugins\Pbuddy\Pbuddy.cs(15,15) : error CS0101: Der Namespace "DHXPickBuddy" enth?lt bereits eine Definition f?r "DHXPickBuddyNM".
With the quest "The Only Homes We Have"
Bot stopped due to not having the correct item in inventory:
Code:[06:43:14.822 D] [UseItemTargetLocation-v501(debug) @line 561]: Firebeard's Patrol Fire Bunny [06:43:16.927 D] Activity: Using Item: Firebeard's Patrol Fire Bunny 1 Out of 500 Times [06:43:17.638 D] [UseItemTargetLocation-v501(debug) @line 561]: Firebeard's Patrol Fire Bunny [06:43:19.857 D] (Singular) attention: BehaviorFlags changed to [All] [06:43:20.758 N] [UseItemTargetLocation-v501(error) @line 561]: ItemId(62508) is not in our backpack [06:43:20.758 Q] Bot stopped! Reason: None Given [06:43:20.758 D] Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped
View attachment 111789
In the Worgen starting area, just a bit past being bitten (around level 8), the bot is picking up the quest The Hungry Ettin and then just staying on the NPC Lorna Crowley. Log -> View attachment 111846
my internet crashed while running LK profile.
now it starts from the begining, tried clearing cache but now its abandoned all the quests in the log.
Got stuck trying to kill this mob for about an hour out in Twilight Shores, [Fly][A - Quest] Twilight Highlands 84-85 [Kick] profile. On the "Landgrab" quest.
Is this pack still very risky? I've heard that Blizzard are on Kicks levelling profiles, but I can't really seem to find a better alternative.
where did you hear that? I have used kick's profiles forever and i have never been banned.
I HIGHLY doubt this, been using kicks forever and never had any issues so has everyone else. If you are unsure about using them use Cavas or Brodiemans.
I have a problem with the 58-70 for horde. I started the first quest and got myself to thrallmar, now, all he does is go back to the damn Lieutenant General Orion, and wont stop speaking with him the quest I have already done.
Stopping the bot!Bot stopped! Reason: User pressed the stop button
Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : Questing
Changing current profile to [Fly][H - Quest] BC 58-70 [Kick]($Rev: 2927 $)
[Profile Message]: Compiling Hellfire Peninsula Quests
Goal: Picking Up Quest - Arrival in Outland : QuestID - 10120 : To - Lieutenant General Orion : ID - 19253
How can I bypass this quest?
Hi, Manoucky,Have you tried to delete the content of the cache folder in your HB installation and then restart HB? Usually helps for me when I get "stuck" on a quest
I'm having a problem in Cata were it targets a quest NPC to turn in or pick up a quest but it rapidly targets it over and over but does not open the quest window. If I manually do it then the routine continues but unless I help it then it will continue to rapidly target the NPC.
@ lvl 72 its supposed to go to dragonblight, isnt it?
coz bot is going to howling fjord...
Bot continuously runs into massive pack of elite wolves at Alther's Mill in Redridge Mountains even with no quests, even when I move it back to the city. It's repeated this for a couple hours now.
I've tried restarting HB, wow, reloading the profile.
Here's my logs: View attachment 112003
BROKEN profile at:
Goal: InteractWith-v719: ""Round 'Em Up" (http://wowhead.com/quest=31256)"
Interacting with Wild Plains Yak
[Ref: "[N - Quest] 87-88 Kun-Lai Summit [Kick] ($Rev: 2924 $)" @line 1537]
I am using 'Cenarion Circle' rep profile, and was going well, until it kept trying to pick up a quest from an NPC that offered nothing.
It just sat there for ever interacting with NPC - I had to remove it from profile, but no doubt will cause me bigger issues later on.
Log - View attachment 111997
In Ungoro Crater the Quest:
Crystals of Power - Quest - World of Warcraft
"Crystals of Power"
Bot moves to crystals, but does not pick them up. It runs to hot spots for hours. Must be completed by hand.
"Abberant Flora"
Aberrant Flora - Quest - World of Warcraft
Bot moves to the wrong location for the quest and does not target the mob or engage in combat. Must be completed by hand.