remove the fileit seems i have the same error , i cant use any profile of mega profile pack
the quest is removed from wow.
remove the fileit seems i have the same error , i cant use any profile of mega profile pack
remove the file
the quest is removed from wow.
Hello,is there something which i can do for cataclysm portal zones?
Character goes to the northern most part of tirisfal glades and proceeds to swim north into fatigue zone
Stuck at:
Goal: ForcedDismount-v569: "In Progress (no associated quest)"
[Ref: "[Fly][N - Quest] Deepholm 82-83 [Kick]($Rev: 2887 $)" @line 1375]
Jumping from the high distance mount and repeat
Goal: Flying to safe approach to Pyrium Lodestone and Flint Oremantle.
Questname : Vessels of power
Profiles : BC 58-70 (alliance only)
Could you please replace this line of code in alliance profile, so that the bot can 100% complete this quest? currently it works 50% because sometimes the bot goes a bit away from the real items to collect and gets stuck (been contacted by a botter while stuck in loop with the quest, and saw another botter stuck too).
After i applied the fix, i tested it on 4 DK's so far, and it works perfect.
Old line of code :
<Objective QuestName="Vessels of Power" QuestId="10028" Type="CollectItem" CollectCount="8" Name="Draenei Vessel" ItemId="25841" />
Fix to apply :
Code:<If Condition="HasQuest(10028) && !IsQuestCompleted(10028)"> <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="-2126.341" Y="4212.234" Z="5.024042" /> <CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" /> [U][B] <CustomBehavior File="CollectThings" QuestId="10028" ObjectId1="182581" CollectUntil="QuestComplete" HuntingGroundRadius="200" />[/B][/U] </If>
Yesterday up at 6am and started the bot before I went to work. I was around level 20 when I started it. I came home, at 5:30 PM and I was stuck in Ashenvale at coordinates 72.72 60.95 while mounting a Dragon Turtle. It had been there for hours and hours at level 23, in the doorway because the mount was to big. I suggest you add in a feature that if you are stuck while mounted that you make it so he tries to dismount or something.
Edit: It was trying to go to the vendor to sell some Junk.
Edit2: Again today, the bot got stuck behind a small tree in Desolace while trying to sell to a vendor.
Why is it, every time i start the bot, it tries to pick up a quest that ive already done myself?
dunno if kick is still updating this but it gets stuck at alot of quest because of Styx.CommonBot.Profiles.ProtectedItemsManager
[Compiler Error]: d:\hb\Quest Behaviors\KillVicejaw.cs(67,17) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'ConfigMemento' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
Errors in quest behaviors!
Looks like this is coming from Kick's any note on fixing this? Popping up all over the forums right now.
it seems i have the same error , i cant use any profile of mega profile pack
Tried to use this profile: [Fly][N - Quest] Hyjal to Firelands Quests [Kick] ($Rev: 2180 $)
and getting error: Could not find quest giver NPC with ID 52838 in database
View attachment 111148
Only thing in my log he goes to the Warden then just sits there no quest to pick up any help would be awesome
Goal: Picking Up Quest - Proving Your Strength : QuestID - 10479 : To - Warden Bullrok : ID - 18407
Another bugged quest named: Burning Down the House
Unable to QuestTurnIn
View attachment 111039
Need log out/log in to get unbugged on this quest.
Hi, Tdizzly,
The first thing to try is clearing your cache. Instructions here:
[post=1067458]HelpDesk: Cache corruption problems[/post]
Please see the guide for [post=1259963]Reporting Problems or Seeking Assistance[/post]. Specifically, we need the full log that captures the issue.