While you're there, can you generate a blackspot around the NPC?Frostfire Ridge Horde 90-92
Armed and Dangerous - Quest - World of Warcraft
Theres' a bugged slave at X="6792.247" Y="5745.624" Z="325.2131"
HB doesn't seem to want to blacklist it and interact with any of the others slaves- keeps coming back to this one.
Log attached.
While you're there, can you generate a blackspot around the NPC?
I can include this blackspot in and InteractWith will ignore any mobs within that blackspot.
Added in the latest update, thanks!<Blackspot X="6792.247" Y="5745.624" Z="325.2131" Radius="5.069902" />
Hope that helps
Added in the latest update, thanks!
The BuddyStore only updates every two hours.If I'm using the buddy store version is that the latest up to date?
Pick up gold? You mean loot mobs?
If so, - the profile doesn't handle looting mobs.
Make sure "Loot Mobs" is turned on in your settings and make sure you have auto-loot turned on in your WoW settings.
Also, it standing still - I'll need a log to see why it's doing this.
This isn't normal.
I would have to confirm that he moved myself.
It's not likely that Blizzard moves NPCs randomly like this - and the profile has worked up until now.
I've got this marked down and will check it out soon -
Thanks for the report!
The Restoration Shaman profile hasn't been tested yet.
Mainly due to Honorbuddy no longer supporting navigation in the Vashj'ir swimming zone.
I can fix the issues in the healing scenario, but the quests up until the healing scenario will be very tricky unless I CTM it all.
This sounds like more of a technical issue - I've never had this occur for any of my testers.Whenever its moving to a hunting ground waypoint, it stays still, this happens 80% of the time they move to hunting ground
Alright - if you notice the issue again can you tell me?I thought it was strange as well, I never had problems with this NPC on my other toons.
I will also keep an eye on him during my next playthrough.
Alright,the problem comes from the scenario. mage and priest in the nexus and the shaman in the throne of tides
Do you perhaps have a log for that?Seems the WoD Pathfinder profile is broken. It set out to collect Draenor Treasures but gets stuck trying to mount but failing unexpectedly and then just stands still forever.
Post a log of the issue and I'll be able to help you.I can't get the bot to work on my lvl 100 monk?! Am I doing anything wrong ..?!
Start everything in 32 bit, logg in, put it on questing, load the "auto-loader v2.xml" press start?
The issue with that is: these profiles are very old and they take more traditional questing routes instead of the newer routes.Hello,
There are some other more specific method to rise faster from 0 to 100 ??
With questing boot autoloader I uploaded from 0 to 55 pretty fast, but starting in the 60's starting to take some time. It is normal?
What would be the total time to climb from 0 to 100 approx?
The issue with that is: these profiles are very old and they take more traditional questing routes instead of the newer routes.
Most of the 1-85 content needs to be majorly re-wrote and optimized.
Right now, solutions to make it quest faster are to make sure you're using "Auto-Loader v2" and make sure "Ignore Checkpoints" is turned off.
- Auto-Loader v2 will make the bot load quests that are actually needed for your level.
- Checkpoints have the bot skip sections of quest code if you're above a specific level however, checkpoints are only evaluated when the bot is stopped or the profile hits a checkpoint line in the profile.
There's some plugins that have the bot reload the profile when you level up - which forces the checkpoints to be re-evaluated.
I made one, but I'm not sure that it still works completely.
<While Condition="HasQuest(33344) && !IsQuestCompleted(33344)" > <!-- Armed and Dangerous -->
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MovementBy="NavigatorPreferred" PreInteractMountStrategy="DismountOrCancelShapeshift" QuestId="33344" MobId="76547" NumOfTimes="20" Range="4" TerminateWhen="IsObjectiveComplete(1, 33344)"
CollectionDistance="200" > <!-- MobId2="76238", this mob needs to be here but there is a bug where they can't be interacted with. Not even manually. -->
<HuntingGrounds WaypointVisitStrategy="InOrder" >
<Hotspot X="6725.817" Y="5701.073" Z="325.0719" />
<Hotspot X="6764.359" Y="5698.89" Z="325.0719" />
<Hotspot X="6799.111" Y="5758.819" Z="325.2142" />
<Hotspot X="6818.963" Y="5767.579" Z="325.2142" />
<Hotspot X="6847.143" Y="5784.808" Z="325.2127" />
<Hotspot X="6858.294" Y="5803.32" Z="325.2131" />
<Hotspot X="6865.899" Y="5837.778" Z="325.2131" />
<Hotspot X="6837.759" Y="5861.313" Z="325.2131" />
<Hotspot X="6797.983" Y="5866.496" Z="325.2131" />
<Hotspot X="6777.275" Y="5852.775" Z="325.2131" />
<Hotspot X="6760.737" Y="5826.166" Z="325.2131" />
<Hotspot X="6768.977" Y="5793.234" Z="325.2131" />
<Blackspot X="6792.247" Y="5745.624" Z="325.2131" Radius="5.069902" />