is there a way to skip a quest ? currently i ran along a bugged one , i cancel it, but its always picked up again and trying to finish ita again and again and again (the Quest cant be finished , its NOT the Profile that is bugged)
wouldnt work as the quest ist bugged and cant be finished currently. i tried doing it manually ! thats why i ask if there is a way to skip or ignore it. even if it means editing the Profile.Just do it manually and start the bot again
<!-- Story: Huln's War -->
<If Condition="!IsQuestCompleted(39992)" > <!-- Last quest in this chain -->
First I want to thank the developer, I have been rocking and able to fix all bugs encountered up till now, Been a wonderful questing profile, with a little baby sitting easily got 6 levels in the past 2 days. HOWEVER... I can not figure out this error, It's likly on my end since no one else is encountering it. So if anyone can help me figure out how to get past this. It would be spendid!
Can not turn in quest The Splintered Fleet (ID: 39801) because I don't have it in my quest log!
Bot stopping! Reason: Could not create current in quest bot!
Without it, i cannot start questing in stormhein I think i have the high mountains finished.
<!--<While Condition="!IsQuestCompleted(38716)" >
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobState="Dead" NumOfTimes="100" TerminateWhen="IsQuestCompleted(38716)" >
<Hotspot X="3046.359" Y="7337.608" Z="64.76704" />
<Hotspot X="3020.972" Y="7250.142" Z="52.79372" />
<Hotspot X="3042.34" Y="7307.839" Z="51.55747" />
<Hotspot X="3061.086" Y="7199.141" Z="51.48189" />
<Hotspot X="2957.162" Y="7293.915" Z="64.76637" />
<PursueGameObject Id="244994" />
<PursueGameObject Id="241741" />
<PursueUnit Id="91860" PursueWhen="(UNIT.IsAlive || UNIT.Lootable) && !UNIT.TaggedByOther" />
<PursueUnit Id="95430" PursueWhen="(UNIT.IsAlive || UNIT.Lootable) && !UNIT.TaggedByOther" />
<PursueUnit Id="92954" PursueWhen="(UNIT.IsAlive || UNIT.Lootable) && !UNIT.TaggedByOther" />
<PursueUnit Id="93061" PursueWhen="(UNIT.IsAlive || UNIT.Lootable) && !UNIT.TaggedByOther" />
</While> -->
Got issue running Highmountain profile.
Running in 49.0, 40.0 and killing monster non stop.
Is it a known issue?
Should be all fixed up in the latest update.Monk scouting map location on line 265 on monk class loader is incorrect, you have it as the artifact forge instead of the scouting map