"Saving Stellagosa" (
Saving Stellagosa - Quest - World of Warcraft)
[Ref: "[N-Quest] Azsuna [Echo]" @line 216]
"The bot cant complete the second part of the quest to kill the mob to get the keys he has some navigation error he got stuck in the rocks all the time"
Goal: InteractWith-Intera: "Fel Machinations" (
Fel Machinations - Quest - World of Warcraft)
Interacting with MobId(240123), Soul Harvester
[Ref: "[N-Quest] Azsuna [Echo]" @line 222]
"After picking up this quest he stands next to the quest giver doing nothing"
Goal: InteractWith-Intera: In Progress (no associated quest)
Interacting with Legion Portal, MobId(103363), Grim Inquisitor, MobId(103162), Fel Seeker, Vile Doombringer, Mo'arg Crusher, Eredar Supplicant
[Ref: "[N-Quest] Azsuna [Echo]" @line 237]
"U should add to loot the dark runes if u can because this bonus quest needs alot of time to complete just a suggestion the quest works fine just a awful long time to complete"
Goal: EscortGroup-Escort: "Runas Knows the Way" (
Runas Knows the Way - Quest - World of Warcraft)
Looting and Harvesting are disabled while Escort in progress
[Ref: "[N-Quest] Azsuna [Echo]" @line 380]
"The bot dont interact with the NPC to start following him. After u click him manually he starts just fine"
Goal: Picking Up Quest - Our Very Bones (
Our Very Bones - Quest - World of Warcraft) : From - Prince Farondis (
Prince Farondis - NPC - World of Warcraft) [Ref: "Pickup" @line 543]
"He doesnt pick up the quest if u move him a little bit to the quest giver he picks up the quest and works fine afterwards"
Goal: Turning in Quest - Sternfathom's Champion (
http://wowhead.com/quest=37510) : To - Sternfathom : ID - 88923 [Ref: "Turnin" @line 1195]
"He is standing at the entrance of the cave doing nothing. I manually took him to the npc to finish the quest"
Morale Booster (
http://wowhead.com/quest=37536) :
"After the bot takes the quest doesnt move stands in place if u nudge it a little he goes into the cave and rescue figher chow, after the bot rescues the npc he doesnt move again u need to manually finish the quest"
Goal: Picking Up Quest - Round 1, Fight! (
http://wowhead.com/quest=37538) : From - Sternfathom (
http://wowhead.com/npc=88923) [Ref: "Pickup" @line 1203]
"The bot Doesnt pick up the quest standing there nest to the npc doing nothing after i picked up the quest he continues to finish the quest"
Goal: Turning in Quest - The Right Weapon for the Job (
http://wowhead.com/quest=37565) : To - Okuna Longtusk : ID - 89051 [Ref: "Turnin" @line 1237]
"He is waiting the npc to appear but he is not there he is way up the road in a cage had to stop the bot and manually finish the quest"
"He doesnt go to the cave to kill Queen Kraklaa instead he runs around and kill mobs all the time"
Goal: Picking Up Quest - Fate of the Queen's Reprisal (
http://wowhead.com/quest=42244) : From - Chief Bitterbrine (
http://wowhead.com/object=239328) [Ref: "Pickup" @line 1326]
"The bot doesnt pick up that quest u need to get him near the quest giver to pick it up and after he picks it up u need to get him out of the ship to return it otherwise he is doing circles in the ship"
"The bot takes the quest
http://www.wowhead.com/quest=42220/shipwrecked-sailors but he doesnt complete it this quest is not even in the Azsuna profile"
Those are all quest in AZSUNA tested with multiple chars. SVN updated all the time. Will report to other zones soon.
Thank u Echo and BamBam for the work