This could be a phasing issue on Blizzard's end, which on a profile level - isn't really fixable.Problem with Frostfire Ridge quest pack for Horde. Bot stands still waiting for quest NPC which never appears. View attachment 203870
I don't like Git that much - if anything I'd be porting Azyul over to Assembla.Echo are you considering transferring the profile pack to git, as your farming profiles?
This could be a phasing issue on Blizzard's end, which on a profile level - isn't really fixable.
Sometimes the phasing system will prevent mobs from spawning in which you have to relog or abandon quests to fix it.
Did the NPC ever eventually show up?
It could be. Manually questing and completing breadcrumb quests will definitely cause issues.The character is still stuck waiting for the NPC, the NPC is there but he doesnt offer a quest. I think the problem is that the NPC only gives quest which leads you to another quest which I have manually completed and therefore doesn't give the first part anymore.
<!-- Back to Stars' Rest -->
<If Condition="HasQuest(12166) && !IsQuestCompleted(12166)">
<CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" SkinMobs="false" NinjaSkin="false" />
<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="The Liquid Fire of Elune" X="3655.16" Y="2110.246" Z="85.84699" />
<CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
<While Condition="HasQuest(12166) && !IsQuestCompleted(12166)">
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="12166" MobId="26616" MobId2="26643"
PreInteractMountStrategy="Dismount" InteractByUsingItemId="36956" NumOfTimes="8" MobState="Dead"
WaitTime="3000" MinRange="1" >
<Hotspot X="3655.16" Y="2110.246" Z="81.84699" />
<Hotspot X="3856.813" Y="1816.856" Z="120.208" />
<While Condition="HasQuest(12152) && !IsQuestCompleted(12152)">
<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Objective" X="4709.432" Y="-4858.8" Z="55.36004" />
<CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
<MoveTo X="4825.526" Y="-4848.297" Z="25.47479" />
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="12152" MobId="188530" X="4825.526" Y="-4848.297"
Z="25.47479" />
<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="UseItemByName("item:36873")" />
<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000" GoalText="Using item {TimeRemaining}" />
<MoveTo X="4649.413" Y="-4859.375" Z="35.48046" />
<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000" GoalText="Waiting for agro to clear {TimeRemaining}" />
<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="UseItemByName("item:37063")" />
<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="5000" GoalText="Using item {TimeRemaining}" />
Finally I got time to post two bugs, more like stucks, maybe someone posted this before
1# In Talador, logs attached, look from line 57087. About 3/4 of my bots getting stuck there (hunters)View attachment 203886
2# Spires of Arak. Quest: The Avatar of Terokk. Same as above, character stucks, I will add log to this as soon i will find one.
1) Thanks for the log! I've been tracking this error down for a while, and I think your log is just enough to see what's going on.Finally I got time to post two bugs, more like stucks, maybe someone posted this before
1# In Talador, logs attached, look from line 57087. About 3/4 of my bots getting stuck there (hunters)View attachment 203886
2# Spires of Arak. Quest: The Avatar of Terokk. Same as above, character stucks, I will add log to this as soon i will find one.
[Fly][A - Quest] 68-80
The toon was Melee and it mounted up and and dismounted twice to get to the 5 Yard Range before using the Liquid of Elune. It looked very bottish. I removed the Range but it still did the same thing. Then I changed Range="5" to MinRange="1" and it worked properly. The line is approx. 7440.
HTML:<!-- Back to Stars' Rest --> <If Condition="HasQuest(12166) && !IsQuestCompleted(12166)"> <CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" SkinMobs="false" NinjaSkin="false" /> <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="The Liquid Fire of Elune" X="3655.16" Y="2110.246" Z="85.84699" /> <CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" /> <While Condition="HasQuest(12166) && !IsQuestCompleted(12166)"> <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="12166" MobId="26616" MobId2="26643" PreInteractMountStrategy="Dismount" InteractByUsingItemId="36956" NumOfTimes="8" MobState="Dead" WaitTime="3000" MinRange="1" > <HuntingGrounds> <Hotspot X="3655.16" Y="2110.246" Z="81.84699" /> <Hotspot X="3856.813" Y="1816.856" Z="120.208" /> </HuntingGrounds> </CustomBehavior> </While> </If>
[Fly][A - Quest] 68-80
Timer is too short at the end. I changed it from WaitTime="2000" to WaitTime="5000" Otherwise the Quest would not have enough time to complete and would continue running a loop. It starts at line 10178.
HTML:<While Condition="HasQuest(12152) && !IsQuestCompleted(12152)"> <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Objective" X="4709.432" Y="-4858.8" Z="55.36004" /> <CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" /> <MoveTo X="4825.526" Y="-4848.297" Z="25.47479" /> <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="12152" MobId="188530" X="4825.526" Y="-4848.297" Z="25.47479" /> <CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="UseItemByName("item:36873")" /> <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000" GoalText="Using item {TimeRemaining}" /> <MoveTo X="4649.413" Y="-4859.375" Z="35.48046" /> <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000" GoalText="Waiting for agro to clear {TimeRemaining}" /> <CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="UseItemByName("item:37063")" /> <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="5000" GoalText="Using item {TimeRemaining}" /> </While>
It would be possible to add, however this would be better as a plugin since including the code and removing it can cause complications for people who are slow to update stuff.Do you plan on implementing something for the holiday xp boost while questing? Basically check to see if you have ribbon dance buff, if not, go to nearest ribbon dance and get buff up to 60 minutes? That would be really awesome and helpful.
It's still there, check under:What was happened to the alternative 1-85 grind pack? I don't see it on the buddy store load list, and I kind of need it for RAF Grinding up two chars together.
Anything uploaded to the forums that does not have a licensing statement on the thread it was uploaded to by the developer, automatically falls under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0also, im willing to show anyone how to cut out sections of the profile to make it go to the zone you need to quest in for the loremaster achievement...just message me, i may upload the profile if thats allowed, maybe a moderator could tell me the policy on taking another users profile and dicing it up?
It's hard to pinpoint exactly what's causing the issues since it's over such a broad execution.It's been a while since I used HB so I must be missing something.
I loaded this profile and it brought me to Northern Barrens, which is suitable for my level.
First issue was it had a problem accepting quests from certain NPC's, so I had to accept them or else nothing would happen.
Second it just ran around one quest area over and over and wouldn't kill anything, eventually dying a couple times.
Edit: I just noticed that log includes some BG stuff too. Issue is at the end.View attachment 204052