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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

Echo are you considering transferring the profile pack to git, as your farming profiles?
Problem with Frostfire Ridge quest pack for Horde. Bot stands still waiting for quest NPC which never appears. View attachment 203870
This could be a phasing issue on Blizzard's end, which on a profile level - isn't really fixable.
Sometimes the phasing system will prevent mobs from spawning in which you have to relog or abandon quests to fix it.

Did the NPC ever eventually show up?
Echo are you considering transferring the profile pack to git, as your farming profiles?
I don't like Git that much - if anything I'd be porting Azyul over to Assembla.

But to answer your question - no.
The Assembla source of the profiles are linked to various internal workings of the bot.

The BuddyStore syncs up with the Assembla source twice a day.
And the internal bug tracker is also connected to where bugs can be closed via commits to the questing pack.

If we were to move the profiles off Assembla, it would require a lot more work to get everything else moved over as well.
This could be a phasing issue on Blizzard's end, which on a profile level - isn't really fixable.
Sometimes the phasing system will prevent mobs from spawning in which you have to relog or abandon quests to fix it.

Did the NPC ever eventually show up?

The character is still stuck waiting for the NPC, the NPC is there but he doesnt offer a quest. I think the problem is that the NPC only gives quest which leads you to another quest which I have manually completed and therefore doesn't give the first part anymore.
The character is still stuck waiting for the NPC, the NPC is there but he doesnt offer a quest. I think the problem is that the NPC only gives quest which leads you to another quest which I have manually completed and therefore doesn't give the first part anymore.
It could be. Manually questing and completing breadcrumb quests will definitely cause issues.
I've worked in a solution to solving this issue - but currently I'm only developing it into the Legion profiles.

After all the Legion profiles are complete, I'll most-likely be going back to apply this to any Draenor breadcrumb quests as well.
But at the moment, we can't really offer much support on issues like this since it's advised not to quest manually while you're also mixing in questing with the bot.

The only thing I could suggest at the moment is try clearing your cache files - there could actually be a cache corruption.

After you clear your cache, run: /dump IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(33955); in-game. If it returns "true" - then try running the bot again to see if it skips that quest.
If it returns false, then it's most-likely the issue you suggested where you've completed the quests that are ahead of this one - and this one is no longer available.

In the situation it's false, the only immediate solution I could think for you is to remove that specific quest from the profile so that the bot just skips it.
Finally I got time to post two bugs, more like stucks, maybe someone posted this before
1# In Talador, logs attached, look from line 57087. About 3/4 of my bots getting stuck there (hunters)View attachment 5396 2016-06-22 07.57.txt
2# Spires of Arak. Quest: The Avatar of Terokk. Same as above, character stucks, I will add log to this as soon i will find one.
[Fly][A - Quest] 68-80

The toon was Melee and it mounted up and and dismounted twice to get to the 5 Yard Range before using the Liquid of Elune. It looked very bottish. I removed the Range but it still did the same thing. Then I changed Range="5" to MinRange="1" and it worked properly. The line is approx. 7440.

<!-- Back to Stars' Rest -->
			<If Condition="HasQuest(12166) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(12166)">
				<CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" SkinMobs="false" NinjaSkin="false" />
				<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="The Liquid Fire of Elune" X="3655.16" Y="2110.246" Z="85.84699" />
				<CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
				<While Condition="HasQuest(12166) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(12166)">
					<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="12166" MobId="26616" MobId2="26643"
                                    PreInteractMountStrategy="Dismount" InteractByUsingItemId="36956" NumOfTimes="8" MobState="Dead"
                                    WaitTime="3000" MinRange="1" >
							<Hotspot X="3655.16" Y="2110.246" Z="81.84699" />
							<Hotspot X="3856.813" Y="1816.856" Z="120.208" />
[Fly][A - Quest] 68-80

Timer is too short at the end. I changed it from WaitTime="2000" to WaitTime="5000" Otherwise the Quest would not have enough time to complete and would continue running a loop. It starts at line 10178.

<While Condition="HasQuest(12152) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(12152)">
				<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Objective" X="4709.432" Y="-4858.8" Z="55.36004" />
				<CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
				<MoveTo X="4825.526" Y="-4848.297" Z="25.47479" />
				<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="12152" MobId="188530" X="4825.526" Y="-4848.297"
                                Z="25.47479" />

				<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="UseItemByName(&quot;item:36873&quot;)" />
				<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000" GoalText="Using item {TimeRemaining}" />

				<MoveTo X="4649.413" Y="-4859.375" Z="35.48046" />
				<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000" GoalText="Waiting for agro to clear {TimeRemaining}" />
				<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="UseItemByName(&quot;item:37063&quot;)" />
				<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="5000" GoalText="Using item {TimeRemaining}" />
Finally I got time to post two bugs, more like stucks, maybe someone posted this before
1# In Talador, logs attached, look from line 57087. About 3/4 of my bots getting stuck there (hunters)View attachment 203886
2# Spires of Arak. Quest: The Avatar of Terokk. Same as above, character stucks, I will add log to this as soon i will find one.

Having the same problem on tAlador on my horde rogue
Finally I got time to post two bugs, more like stucks, maybe someone posted this before
1# In Talador, logs attached, look from line 57087. About 3/4 of my bots getting stuck there (hunters)View attachment 203886
2# Spires of Arak. Quest: The Avatar of Terokk. Same as above, character stucks, I will add log to this as soon i will find one.
1) Thanks for the log! I've been tracking this error down for a while, and I think your log is just enough to see what's going on.
It seems there's a bad spot in the Mesh that's causing the bot to walk down into the waterway.
See video: http://azyul.com/l/2016-06-23_15-38-07.mp4
I'll talk to the others to see what's going on here.

I've pushed an update that sets a blackspot on the area, which seems to prevent the bot from falling into there.

2) Logs would be nice. :)
Last edited:
[Fly][A - Quest] 68-80

The toon was Melee and it mounted up and and dismounted twice to get to the 5 Yard Range before using the Liquid of Elune. It looked very bottish. I removed the Range but it still did the same thing. Then I changed Range="5" to MinRange="1" and it worked properly. The line is approx. 7440.

<!-- Back to Stars' Rest -->
			<If Condition="HasQuest(12166) && !IsQuestCompleted(12166)">
				<CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" SkinMobs="false" NinjaSkin="false" />
				<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="The Liquid Fire of Elune" X="3655.16" Y="2110.246" Z="85.84699" />
				<CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
				<While Condition="HasQuest(12166) && !IsQuestCompleted(12166)">
					<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="12166" MobId="26616" MobId2="26643"
                                    PreInteractMountStrategy="Dismount" InteractByUsingItemId="36956" NumOfTimes="8" MobState="Dead"
                                    WaitTime="3000" MinRange="1" >
							<Hotspot X="3655.16" Y="2110.246" Z="81.84699" />
							<Hotspot X="3856.813" Y="1816.856" Z="120.208" />
[Fly][A - Quest] 68-80

Timer is too short at the end. I changed it from WaitTime="2000" to WaitTime="5000" Otherwise the Quest would not have enough time to complete and would continue running a loop. It starts at line 10178.

<While Condition="HasQuest(12152) && !IsQuestCompleted(12152)">
				<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Objective" X="4709.432" Y="-4858.8" Z="55.36004" />
				<CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
				<MoveTo X="4825.526" Y="-4848.297" Z="25.47479" />
				<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="12152" MobId="188530" X="4825.526" Y="-4848.297"
                                Z="25.47479" />

				<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="UseItemByName("item:36873")" />
				<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000" GoalText="Using item {TimeRemaining}" />

				<MoveTo X="4649.413" Y="-4859.375" Z="35.48046" />
				<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000" GoalText="Waiting for agro to clear {TimeRemaining}" />
				<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="UseItemByName("item:37063")" />
				<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="5000" GoalText="Using item {TimeRemaining}" />

Thanks for the contributions!
I'll investigate the changes and commit them as soon as possible.
Do you plan on implementing something for the holiday xp boost while questing? Basically check to see if you have ribbon dance buff, if not, go to nearest ribbon dance and get buff up to 60 minutes? That would be really awesome and helpful.
Do you plan on implementing something for the holiday xp boost while questing? Basically check to see if you have ribbon dance buff, if not, go to nearest ribbon dance and get buff up to 60 minutes? That would be really awesome and helpful.
It would be possible to add, however this would be better as a plugin since including the code and removing it can cause complications for people who are slow to update stuff.

A plugin to do this would be fairly easy to make.
What was happened to the alternative 1-85 grind pack? I don't see it on the buddy store load list, and I kind of need it for RAF Grinding up two chars together.
What was happened to the alternative 1-85 grind pack? I don't see it on the buddy store load list, and I kind of need it for RAF Grinding up two chars together.
It's still there, check under:
Useful Stuff \ 1-85 Grinding Pack \

It's not inside the normal Questing Profile Pack directory.
If it's not showing up on your store menu, then you may need to clear your store cache.
Hey All,

just finished Loremaster of EK and Kali, now im on to BC zones, so i loaded the BC profile from the list and all it does is take me back to SW and wants to spam the Heroes Call board, please help, ive included the log...also i have set to ignore checkpoints in settings and manually went into the profile and changed it from false to true


just a update, seemingly i did a newb mistake and after the profile loaded i didnt check to ignore checkpoints, that solved the initial problem of getting to the outland, however once there it saw i had already done all quests in Hellfire and then moved Zangar, once in zangar it was trying to obtain a quest i had already done...I then went into profile and cut out the entire Zangar portion...it finally went on to Terorkkar Forest, where i needed to do the quests...long story short...make sure you enable ignore checkpoints "after" you load the profile

also, im willing to show anyone how to cut out sections of the profile to make it go to the zone you need to quest in for the loremaster achievement...just message me, i may upload the profile if thats allowed, maybe a moderator could tell me the policy on taking another users profile and dicing it up?
also, im willing to show anyone how to cut out sections of the profile to make it go to the zone you need to quest in for the loremaster achievement...just message me, i may upload the profile if thats allowed, maybe a moderator could tell me the policy on taking another users profile and dicing it up?
Anything uploaded to the forums that does not have a licensing statement on the thread it was uploaded to by the developer, automatically falls under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 states that any users can copy and redistribute the material. It also states that they can remix, transform, and build upon it.
So you are allowed to use someone else's profile, make changes to it, and re-upload it elsewhere on the forums.

However, you must give appropriate credit to the original developer and indicate the changes that were made.
You also may not sell the modified profile - and it must use the same license as the original profile.
It's been a while since I used HB so I must be missing something.

I loaded this profile and it brought me to Northern Barrens, which is suitable for my level.

First issue was it had a problem accepting quests from certain NPC's, so I had to accept them or else nothing would happen.

Second it just ran around one quest area over and over and wouldn't kill anything, eventually dying a couple times.

Edit: I just noticed that log includes some BG stuff too. Issue is at the end.View attachment 5680 2016-06-26 15.11.txt
It's been a while since I used HB so I must be missing something.

I loaded this profile and it brought me to Northern Barrens, which is suitable for my level.

First issue was it had a problem accepting quests from certain NPC's, so I had to accept them or else nothing would happen.

Second it just ran around one quest area over and over and wouldn't kill anything, eventually dying a couple times.

Edit: I just noticed that log includes some BG stuff too. Issue is at the end.View attachment 204052
It's hard to pinpoint exactly what's causing the issues since it's over such a broad execution.

However, in situations like this - it's better to start out with a completely fresh install of the bot itself.
Also make sure any in-game addons are completely disabled as they could potentially interfere with the bot's behavior.

After all that's done, try running the bot again.
The first time it starts acting up - stop the bot immediately and get the log.

That log will have a better example of what may be causing you issues.