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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

It would actually be fairly easy to do this via the profile itself and have the logic hard-coded in.
But yes, I could do this - I just don't know when because things have kicked off recently given development of the Legion profiles has just started.

It would be an awesome value-add to the questing profile pack, because it would simply mean that users get a ton of green items to mail for disenchanting while questing, and still vendor the soulbound ones that can't be mailed. I hope it can be implemented while you're working on the Legion updates.
EchoTiger, I just realized the reason for one of the stuck issues that I reported before: the character did not have earlier 5000g and 2000 resources to upgrade their garrison to tier 3. As soon as any character has 5000g and 2000 resources, and the Questing pack is loaded again, the character quests normally without problems.

I thought I'd let you know so that you can perhaps put a user notification at the point where the character is supposed to upgrade garrison to tier 3; if the character doesn't have the resources when trying to do this quest, then a notification about the questing progress freezing later on because of this may save you reports and also clarify to users that at least one of the stuck issues is not because of the pack.
Hmm, while questing on an alliance character the bot tried to run through burning steppes at level 39, which resulted in it dying over and over and doing pretty much nothing.

I used the bot the entirety of the time.

Any idea why this would happen?
Hmm, while questing on an alliance character the bot tried to run through burning steppes at level 39, which resulted in it dying over and over and doing pretty much nothing.

I used the bot the entirety of the time.

Any idea why this would happen?
I'd need a log to understand why fully.

Someone had reported an issue like this in the past, and the reason why was because their bags was full and a mail recipient was set - but none of the items in their inventory could be mailed.
Which this resulted in the bot failing to mail at every mailbox it visited. When the bot fails at a mailbox, it blacklists it and tries another one.

After it blacklists so many, it eventually starts going across the game to find one to mail at.
EchoTiger, I just realized the reason for one of the stuck issues that I reported before: the character did not have earlier 5000g and 2000 resources to upgrade their garrison to tier 3. As soon as any character has 5000g and 2000 resources, and the Questing pack is loaded again, the character quests normally without problems.

I thought I'd let you know so that you can perhaps put a user notification at the point where the character is supposed to upgrade garrison to tier 3; if the character doesn't have the resources when trying to do this quest, then a notification about the questing progress freezing later on because of this may save you reports and also clarify to users that at least one of the stuck issues is not because of the pack.
Thanks for the heads up!
hey, So how can i make the bot not use Chauffeured Chopper at below 20? Yeah, this is a problem :D . There is the "use groundmount" box and its unchecked but it still uses it :(
hey, So how can i make the bot not use Chauffeured Chopper at below 20? Yeah, this is a problem :D . There is the "use groundmount" box and its unchecked but it still uses it :(
We're investigating the 'Use Ground Mount' setting to see what's up with it.

In the mean time, the only thing I could suggest to turn off "Chauffeured Chopper" usage would be to actually edit the profile itself.
If you add: <UseMount Value="false" /> underneath the <QuestOrder> line in the profile, then it will disable mounts entirely.
Hey Echo!
I just noticed a little thing that could be improved to save some time.

My char is currently [H] lvl 50 and running in quests in Felwood. The quests he was doing are "Lord Banehollow", "Dousing the Flames of Protection" and "The inner Circle". After killing Lord Banehollow the char takes the portal to the questgiver and then has to run back to kill some mobs to finish "The Inner Circle".

It´s only a little timesaver but every bit helps :)

Hey Echo!
I just noticed a little thing that could be improved to save some time.

My char is currently [H] lvl 50 and running in quests in Felwood. The quests he was doing are "Lord Banehollow", "Dousing the Flames of Protection" and "The inner Circle". After killing Lord Banehollow the char takes the portal to the questgiver and then has to run back to kill some mobs to finish "The Inner Circle".

It´s only a little timesaver but every bit helps :)

Seems like a bad quest order setup.
Won't be hard to reposition the quests here to make it flow better.

I've got this marked down on my 'to do' list - and will get a commit pushed once I have some free time from the Legion development.
Thanks for the heads up!
I believe the xml is included with the HB install in a directory. There are a few other tidbits included also.
We have anything in the pack that will go grab all the followers for a toon that's 100 boosted?
We have anything in the pack that will go grab all the followers for a toon that's 100 boosted?
I don't believe so.

The actual 90-100 profiles do pick them up, so you'd have to run them.
Alternatively, there's other profiles out there on the forum that are dedicated to getting garrison followers.
I always wanted to know how long you need nowdays from 0-100
I use all heirlooms and have the 10% exp bonus.
My Bot runs this Profile + Botterhelper to run rnd Dungeons. Had no stucks so far!! Thanks !
Here are my times for my mage:

Horde, Undead, Mage Arcane
01-24 Level: 00 Days, 09 Hours, 29 Minutes, 37 Seconds
25 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 53 Minutes, 03 Seconds
26 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 14 Minutes, 47 Seconds
27 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 17 Minutes, 30 Seconds
28 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 14 Minutes, 49 Seconds
29 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 08 Minutes, 05 Seconds
30 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 19 Minutes, 25 Seconds
31 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 14 Minutes, 36 Seconds
32 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 15 Minutes, 29 Seconds
33 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 12 Minutes, 35 Seconds
34 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 15 Minutes, 31 Seconds
35 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 12 Minutes, 19 Seconds
36 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 28 Minutes, 34 Seconds
37 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 13 Minutes, 34 Seconds
38 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 27 Minutes, 06 Seconds
39 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 08 Minutes, 09 Seconds
40 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 53 Minutes, 09 Seconds
41 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 35 Minutes, 16 Seconds
42 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 34 Minutes, 52 Seconds
43 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 32 Minutes, 23 Seconds
44 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 30 Minutes, 01 Seconds
45 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 31 Minutes, 58 Seconds
46 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 23 Minutes, 10 Seconds
47 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 16 Minutes, 08 Seconds
48 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 17 Minutes, 20 Seconds
49 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 55 Minutes, 57 Seconds
50 Level: 00 Days, 01 Hours, 02 Minutes, 55 Seconds
51 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 44 Minutes, 19 Seconds
52 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 26 Minutes, 27 Seconds
53 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 37 Minutes, 45 Seconds
54 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 24 Minutes, 53 Seconds
55 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 58 Minutes, 42 Seconds
56 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 29 Minutes, 58 Seconds
57 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 40 Minutes, 04 Seconds
58 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 35 Minutes, 39 Seconds
59 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 13 Minutes, 27 Seconds
60 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 57 Minutes, 23 Seconds
61 Level: 00 Days, 01 Hours, 01 Minutes, 50 Seconds
62 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 43 Minutes, 24 Seconds
63 Level: 00 Days, 01 Hours, 00 Minutes, 38 Seconds
64 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 32 Minutes, 50 Seconds
65 Level: 00 Days, 01 Hours, 20 Minutes, 35 Seconds
66 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 00 Minutes, 00 Seconds
67 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 50 Minutes, 10 Seconds
68 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 45 Minutes, 01 Seconds
69 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 32 Minutes, 19 Seconds
70 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 50 Minutes, 19 Seconds
71 Level: 00 Days, 01 Hours, 01 Minutes, 57 Seconds
72 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 44 Minutes, 44 Seconds
73 Level: 00 Days, 01 Hours, 13 Minutes, 04 Seconds
74 Level: 00 Days, 01 Hours, 39 Minutes, 37 Seconds
75 Level: 00 Days, 01 Hours, 47 Minutes, 45 Seconds
76 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 00 Minutes, 00 Seconds
77 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 43 Minutes, 12 Seconds
78 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 54 Minutes, 14 Seconds
79 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 47 Minutes, 01 Seconds
80 Level: 00 Days, 01 Hours, 09 Minutes, 57 Seconds
81 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 55 Minutes, 51 Seconds
82 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 56 Minutes, 36 Seconds
83 Level: 00 Days, 01 Hours, 46 Minutes, 10 Seconds
84 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 48 Minutes, 08 Seconds
85 Level: 00 Days, 01 Hours, 38 Minutes, 04 Seconds
86 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 35 Minutes, 54 Seconds
87 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 52 Minutes, 35 Seconds
88 Level: 00 Days, 01 Hours, 32 Minutes, 26 Seconds
89 Level: 00 Days, 01 Hours, 29 Minutes, 50 Seconds
Current Level: 90
90 Level: 00 Days, 00 Hours, 00 Minutes, 00 Seconds
TOTAL: 02 Days, 7 Hours, 9 Minutes, 16 Seconds

I will update it when i am 90 and 100

Bug: Using Autoloader2 -> He doesnt change the map if the char is above the zone level. Had to change it manually. The prob came up at MoP

Reached 90 in 2D 7H
80-90 ~11h
1-80~ 1D 20h /played


would be nice if you could add it to the main page. I think many are interested at current times without RAF

Think I will reach 100 tomarrow
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I don't believe so.

The actual 90-100 profiles do pick them up, so you'd have to run them.
Alternatively, there's other profiles out there on the forum that are dedicated to getting garrison followers.

So it will run the 90-100 profiles as a boosted 100? interesting, I'll give it a try.

Follower profiles seem to be gone after I searched, the only one available was a free one in the store to get 6 followers and that's it.
So it will run the 90-100 profiles as a boosted 100? interesting, I'll give it a try.

Follower profiles seem to be gone after I searched, the only one available was a free one in the store to get 6 followers and that's it.
Yup, just be sure to run the "Boosted 100" profiles instead of the normal 90-92 profiles when starting it as the quest line is a bit different since the Garrison already exists for a level 100.