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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

Alliance side during the SMV quest lines there is an extra treasure the bot tries to get (glowing cave mushroom is its name) and can't reach it (even though it is in range) and just afks. I've run humans, night elves, gnomes, all of them bomb recently when it wasn't an issue before. I often see other Buddy users stuck afk here as well. Please take a look.

View attachment 198854
I've commented out this treasure until it can be further investigated.
The bot should no longer get stuck on it.
Stuck while questing in Strangleronce.

What should i do ?

See the attachement.
It looks like the bot is waiting for the troll Witch Doctor Unbagwa to spawn.
If he's not showing up, then it may be a bug on Blizzard's end that's preventing you from seeing him.

Try abandoning your quests and relogging.
Quest ID Problem in "[Fly][A - Quest] 92-94 Gorgrond [Kick] ($Rev: 4690 $)"

Re: "[Fly][A - Quest] 92-94 Gorgrond [Kick] ($Rev: 4690 $)" @lines 554-560

Gorgrond quest is incorrectly pointed to the SMV quest#35617 "Fiona", and because I've not completed that quest the bot returns and gets stuck here anytime I stop and restart the profile beyond this point.

Note that destination name is also incorrect.

<If Condition="SpellManager.HasSpell(164050)" > <!-- Shredder/Lumbermill (Vines) -->
	<If Condition="!HasQuest([B][COLOR="#FF0000"]35617[/COLOR][/B]) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted([B][COLOR="#FF0000"]35617[/COLOR][/B])" > <!-- Glirin / Follower -->
		<MoveTo Nav="Fly" DestName="[B][COLOR="#FF0000"]Dark Iron Mole Machine[/COLOR][/B]" X="6329.924" Y="730.9462" Z="115.4108" />
		<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="85119" PreInteractMountStrategy="Dismount" X="6329.924" Y="730.9462" Z="115.4108" WaitTime="3000" />
		<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="QuestFrameCompleteQuestButton:Click()" WaitTime="3000" />

Code should correctly read as follows:
<If Condition="SpellManager.HasSpell(164050)" > <!-- Shredder/Lumbermill (Vines) -->
	<If Condition="!HasQuest([B][COLOR="#0000FF"]36828[/COLOR][/B]) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted([B][COLOR="#0000FF"]36828[/COLOR][/B])" > <!-- Glirin / Follower / [B][COLOR="#0000FF"]"Lumber, I Hardly Knew 'Er"[/COLOR][/B] -->
		<MoveTo Nav="Fly" DestName="[B][COLOR="#0000FF"]Glirin[/COLOR][/B]" X="6329.924" Y="730.9462" Z="115.4108" />
		<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="85119" PreInteractMountStrategy="Dismount" X="6329.924" Y="730.9462" Z="115.4108" WaitTime="3000" />
		<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="QuestFrameCompleteQuestButton:Click()" WaitTime="3000" />
Log Attached


I'm running the profile [A - Quest] EK 12-58 [Kick].xml and getting an error related to mounts. I suspect it's because I'm using the Heirloom mount and that was not around when the profile was written. It doesn't seem to affect the profile behavior, but as it's an error I figured I should post it.

The error I'm getting is:
[BasicVehicleBehaviour-v2022(warning)] *****
* THIS BEHAVIOR IS DEPRECATED, and will be retired on July 31th 2012.
* BasicVehicleBehavior adds _no_ _additonal_ _value_ over the VehicleMover behavior.
* Please update the profile to use the VehicleMover behavior.*****

and as always, I've attached the full log here:
View attachment 3332 2016-02-26 21.47.txt
Re: "[Fly][A - Quest] 92-94 Gorgrond [Kick] ($Rev: 4690 $)" @lines 554-560

Gorgrond quest is incorrectly pointed to the SMV quest#35617 "Fiona", and because I've not completed that quest the bot returns and gets stuck here anytime I stop and restart the profile beyond this point.

Note that destination name is also incorrect.

Code should correctly read as follows:

Log Attached
Thanks for the heads up, I'll check it out and make any changes that are needed.
I'm running the profile [A - Quest] EK 12-58 [Kick].xml and getting an error related to mounts. I suspect it's because I'm using the Heirloom mount and that was not around when the profile was written. It doesn't seem to affect the profile behavior, but as it's an error I figured I should post it.

The error I'm getting is:
[BasicVehicleBehaviour-v2022(warning)] *****
* THIS BEHAVIOR IS DEPRECATED, and will be retired on July 31th 2012.
* BasicVehicleBehavior adds _no_ _additonal_ _value_ over the VehicleMover behavior.
* Please update the profile to use the VehicleMover behavior.*****

and as always, I've attached the full log here:
View attachment 198865
The behavior 'BasicVehicleBehaviour' is actually a plugin-logic to the Questing botbase that adds functionality for vehicle-type mounts where quests require you to 'ride' a vehicle in order to complete it.
For this profile, it's used specifically for the quest Learning the Ropes where you use a horse's Whinny ability to scare the spiders.

The error you're seeing is simply saying that this behavior is 'old' and should be replaced by the new vehicle logic which is named: 'VehicleMover.'
The message is simply a notification for the developers of the profile and it shouldn't cause any issues at all.

Actual 'mounting' logic isn't handled by the Questing botbase, but instead by another logic that's hard-coded into the bot itself.
I have hunted around the forum for 2 days & not found out how to get bot to fish from pools during questing like it does mining ores & gathering herbs. anyone help me?
Hi! Is there a special way to get the bort start to quest in Draenor? I'm at level 91 and it keeps saying it wants to continue in Jade Forest?
I've restarted it several times and cleared cashe. How come its "stuck" in Jade Forest?
Also gotta say, big thank you for this fantastic bot! Been fully AFK from 69 til now. Lovely work guys! Lovely work

EDIT: Solved the problem, reinstalled another time and boom. We're back again. You can delete this post.
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Hi! Is there a special way to get the bort start to quest in Draenor? I'm at level 91 and it keeps saying it wants to continue in Jade Forest?
I've restarted it several times and cleared cashe. How come its "stuck" in Jade Forest?
Also gotta say, big thank you for this fantastic bot! Been fully AFK from 69 til now. Lovely work guys! Lovely work

EDIT: Solved the problem, reinstalled another time and boom. We're back again. You can delete this post.
Glad to see it's working for you, good luck!
Hi my bot still stopping with no reasons

See attachment
There doesn't seem to be any immediate issues, so I'll have to assume the issue is coming from the third-party plugins that you're using.
Try disabling all your plugins and have the bot run nothing but what it comes with.
I tried using the 12-58 for my Shaman. Just sits there, saying something about moving to a quest pickup, and names navtype run. Ive deleted the caches a bunch of times, restarted my PC, etc, etc. Every time i try to use this on a new toon it doesnt work unless i a) edit the XML file for the profile, or b) toggle "ignore checkpoints" on and off until it works.


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I tried using the 12-58 for my Shaman. Just sits there, saying something about moving to a quest pickup, and names navtype run. Ive deleted the caches a bunch of times, restarted my PC, etc, etc. Every time i try to use this on a new toon it doesnt work unless i a) edit the XML file for the profile, or b) toggle "ignore checkpoints" on and off until it works.
The bot seems to be downloading and loading the Mesh files.
This process can take some time, anywhere from 5seconds to 1minute.

Just let the bot sit for a while and it should start moving.
The bot seems to be downloading and loading the Mesh files.
This process can take some time, anywhere from 5seconds to 1minute.

Just let the bot sit for a while and it should start moving.

Kinda sat for an hour near the call to arms banner in Trade District. I hit 40 manually, started it up, and it looks fine so far.

Nope, just loops itself.


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Kinda sat for an hour near the call to arms banner in Trade District. I hit 40 manually, started it up, and it looks fine so far.
Was that with the log you had originally posted?

And - it's running fine now?
I attached a new log for the new issue. It keeps cycling between going to the flightmaster, and going to repair.
Have you tried with a fresh install of the bot? Like completely fresh, not just deleting cache/etc.
There could be a corruption in your "FlightPaths" data.

Also, when the bot is running - you may want to disable all your in-game addons.
Sometimes addons will cause the bot to mess up.
Have you tried with a fresh install of the bot? Like completely fresh, not just deleting cache/etc.
There could be a corruption in your "FlightPaths" data.

Also, when the bot is running - you may want to disable all your in-game addons.
Sometimes addons will cause the bot to mess up.

Yes, i reinstalled this morning, before i posted. I had copied over the install from another computer, and it was trying to call meshes from a nonexistent drive.