Hey maybe this isnt the right thread but I didnt find any other thread so here we go. I don't know if this has been brought up before (it probably has) but I'm just wondering of there would be any chans for full Hierloom users to chose a diffrent profile beacuse we out lvl the current profile content abit to fast. When my toon is lvl 44 it starts in the Eastern Plaugelands (40-45zone) and lvls to 48 witch is a minor lack of exp. And the gap between the current lvl and the current zone just groves bigger for every exp. This "Hierloom profile" wouldent have to be a total rewrite! Just remove some of the zones or add in more lvl>zones checks.
I hope it wasnt to hard to understand my point beacuse it would be awesome if something like this could be created. Cheers
It's a bit rough working around level progression.
Right now the bot runs on what's called a "Checkpoint" system.
Checkpoints are added along the profile with a specific level set to them.
If your character is above the level given to a checkpoint, it will skip to the next checkpoint.
When you first start the bot, it skips through every checkpoint until it gets to one that's above your character's level.
Once it gets to a checkpoint that's acceptable for your character's level - the bot will flow through the profile as it would normally, doing every quest that it needs to.
However, it will not skip to the next checkpoint while you're leveling unless it actually reaches the next checkpoint while leveling. This is what's causing your issue with the heirlooms.
Given this, the easiest (and most universal) solution would be to use a DoWhen hook to monitor your characters level.
Anytime your character levels - have the DoWhen activate and reload the profile. This way the checkpoints are 'checked' again everytime you level.
Here's a quick example of how this would work:
<CustomBehavior File="RunCode" Type="Definition" Code="int StartLevel = StyxWoW.Me.Level;" /> <!-- Store your starting level as a int Variable -->
<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="500" />
<CustomBehavior File="Hooks\DoWhen" ActivityName="RestartProfile_OnLevelUp" AllowUseWhileMounted="true" UseWhen="StartLevel != StyxWoW.Me.Level" >
<CustomBehavior File="RunCode" Code="Logging.Write(System.Windows.Media.Colors.Yellow, "[Profile Notification]: We leveled! Reloading profile.");" />
<CustomBehavior File="RunCode" Code="ProfileManager.LoadNew(ProfileManager.XmlLocation);" />
This blotch of code would be pasted directly under the <QuestOrder> tag for the current profile you're using.
Anytime you level, the profile will reload - and the checkpoints will cause you to go to the appropriate zone for your level.
One thing to note: The DoWhen hook will not carry over to a new profile.
So if you're leveling 12-58 in Eastern Kingdoms, then you load into the 58-70 Outlands profile - the hook will no longer be present.
You must put the hook into everyone of the profiles that you need it in.