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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

Damn kick show the horde some love man!

How long before we see a flying WoD - 90 -100 pack, i see the alliance have theirs, just curious so i can plan out some horde runs.


Have you been living under a rock or something? The horde flying profiles was added 2 weeks ago.
Hey maybe this isnt the right thread but I didnt find any other thread so here we go. I don't know if this has been brought up before (it probably has) but I'm just wondering of there would be any chans for full Hierloom users to chose a diffrent profile beacuse we out lvl the current profile content abit to fast. When my toon is lvl 44 it starts in the Eastern Plaugelands (40-45zone) and lvls to 48 witch is a minor lack of exp. And the gap between the current lvl and the current zone just groves bigger for every exp. This "Hierloom profile" wouldent have to be a total rewrite! Just remove some of the zones or add in more lvl>zones checks.

I hope it wasnt to hard to understand my point beacuse it would be awesome if something like this could be created. Cheers
It's a bit rough working around level progression.

Right now the bot runs on what's called a "Checkpoint" system.
Checkpoints are added along the profile with a specific level set to them.
If your character is above the level given to a checkpoint, it will skip to the next checkpoint.

When you first start the bot, it skips through every checkpoint until it gets to one that's above your character's level.
Once it gets to a checkpoint that's acceptable for your character's level - the bot will flow through the profile as it would normally, doing every quest that it needs to.
However, it will not skip to the next checkpoint while you're leveling unless it actually reaches the next checkpoint while leveling. This is what's causing your issue with the heirlooms.

Given this, the easiest (and most universal) solution would be to use a DoWhen hook to monitor your characters level.
Anytime your character levels - have the DoWhen activate and reload the profile. This way the checkpoints are 'checked' again everytime you level.

Here's a quick example of how this would work:

<CustomBehavior File="RunCode" Type="Definition" Code="int StartLevel = StyxWoW.Me.Level;" /> <!-- Store your starting level as a int Variable -->
<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="500" />
<CustomBehavior File="Hooks\DoWhen" ActivityName="RestartProfile_OnLevelUp" AllowUseWhileMounted="true" UseWhen="StartLevel != StyxWoW.Me.Level" >
     <CustomBehavior File="RunCode" Code="Logging.Write(System.Windows.Media.Colors.Yellow, &quot;[Profile Notification]: We leveled!  Reloading profile.&quot;);" />
     <CustomBehavior File="RunCode" Code="ProfileManager.LoadNew(ProfileManager.XmlLocation);" />

This blotch of code would be pasted directly under the <QuestOrder> tag for the current profile you're using.
Anytime you level, the profile will reload - and the checkpoints will cause you to go to the appropriate zone for your level.

One thing to note: The DoWhen hook will not carry over to a new profile.
So if you're leveling 12-58 in Eastern Kingdoms, then you load into the 58-70 Outlands profile - the hook will no longer be present.
You must put the hook into everyone of the profiles that you need it in.
I have a slight problem with the bot :D I started the profile on my level 70 paladin character. I use the auto loader while standing in stormwind city. But then it just says "Compiling quests in Goldshire 5-12" And then starts doing the level 5 quests.

I know you said that we should include log files, but this is actually the only thing it says, and then it just starts doing the quests :)

I am hoping you may have a solution!

But thank you very much for the profile.
Click "Settings & Tools" on Honorbuddy.
At the bottom left of the settings and tools menu, make sure you have "Ignore Checkpoints" unchecked.
Hello there, been leveling a worgen from scratch for the first time, and beside the one glaive quest had to be done manually(one of the last worgen zone quests) it went smooth, but for some reason it does not buy a mount as worgen and results in having to use "Running Wild" as mount which it doesnt at all.

View attachment 760 2015-11-01 16.41.txt

thanks in advance
Hello there, been leveling a worgen from scratch for the first time, and beside the one glaive quest had to be done manually(one of the last worgen zone quests) it went smooth, but for some reason it does not buy a mount as worgen and results in having to use "Running Wild" as mount which it doesnt at all.

View attachment 191856

thanks in advance
I don't believe it'll use 'Running Wild' unless you have it specifically set in your "Settings & Tools" menu as your ground mount.
I don't believe it'll use 'Running Wild' unless you have it specifically set in your "Settings & Tools" menu as your ground mount.

Correct, it won't unless specified. And last time I used HB it also used to cast it then "dismount" continuously.
Ive set it up to use it, that is the weird thing. I wouldnt have a issue if it would have a different mount to use, but with a new account i do not have any other options then running wild.
allright tony said its a HB issue, do u have any GoTO profile to get the worgen mount ?
If you absolutely need it to use Running Wild, then an alternative would be to hardcode some logic into the profile that forces it to use Running Wild.
Perhaps via DoWhen.

I don't have (or know of) any scripts myself.
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If you absolutely need it to use Running Wild, then an alternative would be to hardcode some logic into the profile that forces it to use Running Wild.
Perhaps via DoWhen.

I don't have (or know of) any scripts myself.

The issue is with leveling new accounts, ill keep doing worgen druids from now on, and they will all end up without any mount at all if u know what i mean,
the profile tried to buy a horse in SW but the rep restriction didnt allow, and it would be pretty bad to manually buy a mount for every single wow client i level.
I've had a big issue with my Human Hunter levelling - He is in Hellfire Peninsula. He just keeps trying to get the quest but closes the quest window when it pops up.

It says he is trying to pick up another quest from the one that is offered: This is the log quest he is trying to pick up: Goal: Picking Up Quest - The Seer's Relic (http://wowhead.com/quest=9545) : From - Amaan the Wise (http://wowhead.com/npc=16796) [Ref: "Pickup" @line 3381]

This is the one that is being offered ingame right now: http://www.wowhead.com/quest=9426/the-pools-of-aggonar

And he isn't picking it up and keeps opening and closing the quest window.

Any advice what I could do? I really wanted to level my hunter for Darkmoon.
I've had a big issue with my Human Hunter levelling - He is in Hellfire Peninsula. He just keeps trying to get the quest but closes the quest window when it pops up.

It says he is trying to pick up another quest from the one that is offered: This is the log quest he is trying to pick up: Goal: Picking Up Quest - The Seer's Relic (http://wowhead.com/quest=9545) : From - Amaan the Wise (http://wowhead.com/npc=16796) [Ref: "Pickup" @line 3381]

This is the one that is being offered ingame right now: http://www.wowhead.com/quest=9426/the-pools-of-aggonar

And he isn't picking it up and keeps opening and closing the quest window.

Any advice what I could do? I really wanted to level my hunter for Darkmoon.
Do you perhaps have a log of it? If not, could you try clearing you cache folders?
There's two cache folders, one is located in your World of Warcraft folder and the other is located in your Honorbuddy folder - just delete them both.

In the mean-time, I'll check the profile code to make sure there's nothing out of the ordinary and will push an update if I can find something.

Thanks for the report!
I've been trying to start the bot. I've added a name to send mails to, but once i click start bot it just spam this line.

Moving to Type: Mail, Loc: <-8876.986, 652.0072, 95.99271>, Name:
Moving to Type: Mail, Loc: <-8876.986, 652.0072, 95.99271>, Name:

I've attached the log file.


Do you perhaps have a log of it? If not, could you try clearing you cache folders?
There's two cache folders, one is located in your World of Warcraft folder and the other is located in your Honorbuddy folder - just delete them both.

In the mean-time, I'll check the profile code to make sure there's nothing out of the ordinary and will push an update if I can find something.

Thanks for the report!

I didn't manage to capture the log for it. I can go back and get it but before I do that, I'll clear the cache folders and get back to you. I appreciate the swift response.
Fixed in the latest SVN update.
Sorry for the troubles.

This isnt updated for me my toon still runs around everywhere in Gillneas and tries to go out in the water and tries to swim out into nothing, then dies to fatigue.

Edit: Nvm it was me who heartstone'd back to stormewind and didnt go throw the protal back to outland so it tried to go over the water insted. But it's all good now so no worries.
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I've been trying to start the bot. I've added a name to send mails to, but once i click start bot it just spam this line.

Moving to Type: Mail, Loc: <-8876.986, 652.0072, 95.99271>, Name:
Moving to Type: Mail, Loc: <-8876.986, 652.0072, 95.99271>, Name:

I've attached the log file.
Your current zone is Stormwind City, however you loaded the Shadowmoon Valley profile.
Chances are it's trying to use the Shadowmoon Valley mailbox while you're in Stormwind which is causing it to bug out.

Try mailing or emptying your bags first.
Or if possible - go to Shadowmoon Valley before starting.
Alot of bugs on leveling mage and shaman.. Tons of bugs. If you are able to see how many times i restarted the bot, you should know it is becous of a bug.

Mage: there is some i cant upload becous of the files to big. 10+mb (lvl100 with alot of help by me)
View attachment 191973
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Shaman: Again, some huge files was not able the upload. ( lvl 92 atm and still with alot of help by me)
View attachment 532 2015-11-03 10.02.txt
View attachment 2008 2015-11-03 14.15.txt
View attachment 4392 2015-11-01 01.09.txt
View attachment 4504 2015-10-31 12.04.txt
View attachment 6724 2015-10-30 15.43.txt
View attachment 7024 2015-10-30 07.27.txt
View attachment 7188 2015-10-29 14.24.txt
View attachment 7552 2015-11-02 17.07.txt

you can take a look at all these or level a char up with sitting and watching it. i found alot, tooooo many bugs. You got nearly full story of these 2 chars now.
And one more...
View attachment 7680 2015-11-04 06.16.txt

Edit: It is now few times did this: opening a quest from quest giver and close, then open again and close.... non stop... i topped HB and accepted the quest and started HB again... it goes over to the quest area and waited. i stopped HB and done the quest, started HB and when it was back to end the quest did it the same again, open the window and close non stop SO i stopped the bot, ended the quest and started HB again. I have seen this few times now

Edit 2: tries to go through the wall rather than to take the opening right next to it... Seen this alot.
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Hey just wanted to say thank you for this, elemental shaman with full heirlooms 1-100 was 77 hours played, very good. Only place there was any ever trouble was in BC - few times the bot would talk to the NPC for a quest then exit the dialogue repeatedly, but I just fix it manually. Doing my warrior 85-100 now and it is very fast also.
Hello Kick,

First of all i want to say thank you for your work. its a amazing and saved a lot of time for me.
Now i have met with my first problem. Im trying to do the Draenor Pathfinder achi for flying and im using your profile through svn.
I loaded the profile to the questing bot called [N - Quest] WoD Pathfinder Loader [Kick] and its went into Frostfire Ridge and stopped. He is trying to reload something and waiting for no goal.

Here is the log file .View attachment 5100 2015-11-05 22.50.txt