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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

Just a couple of things Ive been though since using your profile, but before that just want to say thanks, lvled 3 toons to 100.

The profile is not 100% afk-able just be warned people. I have dual screen and let the bot run on the 2nd one while I watch a movie or do something else on the main screen, I suggest people pay more attention to the bot. While lvling in Gorgrond, I came across another person botting.....how do I know you ask? Well simple it was running Kicks profile as well since it was doing the SAME quest as I was doing and got stuck at the SAME place in a rock that I did, the only thing different between the other guy and me was that since I don't afk at all while lvling I was able to unstuck my toon in a second, and I actually sat there for about 20min watching the hunter (bowangel was the name) run in place on the rock. Agian we were doing the same quest at the same time and got stuck at the same time but he never moved to fix his bot. So in turn he was afk and not paying attention to his bot and thats a big no no, so this is just a warning to everyone that wants to use this profile. Its not 100% afk-able.

Second thing Ive noticed is that the bot dies a lot lol it would run into a quest area and body pull a bunch of mobs. Is there any way to make it actually start fighting its way in instead of running into the middle of the area that has the quest?

Third Ive noticed (at least on my 2nd priest) when its dead and running back to its body, the bot spams

27:170 my HP% 0 MANA% 97.95 moving....ANGELIC_FEATHER
27:431 my HP% 0 MANA% 97.95 moving....ANGELIC_FEATHER
27:690 my HP% 0 MANA% 97.95 moving....ANGELIC_FEATHER

That should be fixed asap since its a dead giveway. Why would a person spam an ability when there dead?

Don't give out nicks on other bots, you would not be that happy if someone did mention your game nick ;)
Anyone else having this problem?

When I get to level 84 it seems like every few quests I am having to get involved and do the quest myself.

So is it better to rank from like 80 to 100 in BGs or something because I really do not want to baby sit this profile that much.

What am I doing wrong?
I can care less if someone gave out my name lol I already gave out my toons name more than once. Its not like Im going to report him, just hope he reads it so he knows what hes doing wrong instead of getting a ban
Fixed my issue. for anyone needing to know how to fix this, follow this-

Honorbuddy folder > Default Profiles > Questing Profile pack > BC > (right click the horde questline. should open up in a notepad) > In notepad, hit Ctrl + F to search for key words. > Type "mission:" >

The code should be within the first 5 found words in the document, about 3 lines deep. I deleted everything between the pickup quest code and the turn in code.

Fixed my issue. Hope this helps.


did this and it still picks up the quest -_- this shit annoying..... I cant level my char till this is fixed
i get soo many red errors when loading this (12-58) that its not even Worth posting a log cause it is too many lines.
on every other quest the bot decides to hand in the quest 1 second after the quest is taken, and well that aint a good idea.
i get soo many red errors when loading this (12-58) that its not even Worth posting a log cause it is too many lines.
on every other quest the bot decides to hand in the quest 1 second after the quest is taken, and well that aint a good idea.

Try to delete HB cache and Wow cache then try again. If that doesn't work install a fresh HB.
Profile seems to have problems since 6.1, any other profile im using not kicks runs great turn on kicks, at least 90-100 profile and goes to crawl a little bit after getting your garrison. This is my 7th character 90-100 and no problems, now after 6.1 I tried leveling 2 other 90s and they stop at the same part. dropping down to 6fps or less and when I stop the bot it says there is a problem with the fps.
Something i have found invaluable with this profile is "stuckdetector" its a paid plugin. Has saved me a huge amount of time just by keeping the char active when he would have been running in a spot for 5 hours stuck.

Another stuck, bot not go to kill Iron Wolf, he wait at firebone.

1 stuck from 2.
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In this quest bot not use special item what make boss weak and boss kill bot while someone from player not come and not help.
Is it possible to make Kicks profile to continue questing regardless of level? For example i am Running his WOD profiles off the store. It loads the next area after is has done quests for a specific area and moves on. However once 100, will the bot stop questing, or will the bot continue questing until the quests for that area are completed, i.e. Nagrand?
I made a new toon, started questingbot, left it overnight, when I woke up, I was level 36. So far so good.
Is it possible to make Kicks profile to continue questing regardless of level? For example i am Running his WOD profiles off the store. It loads the next area after is has done quests for a specific area and moves on. However once 100, will the bot stop questing, or will the bot continue questing until the quests for that area are completed, i.e. Nagrand?
I been having a ton of problems with kicks lately. I think the questing is broken since last patch. My fps in some quest go down to 5 . And i have had to finish alot of quest on my own. Hope this gets fix soon.

This is because bot stuck in infinity "while loop". If you press stop in bot, fps back to normal.
For anyone having an issue with the quest "Mission: Abyssal Shelf" it's a problem with WoW not the bot. To fix it, type /logout and hit enter as soon as you start flying. When you log back in you'll be halfway to the quest area.
For anyone having an issue with the quest "Mission: Abyssal Shelf" it's a problem with WoW not the bot. To fix it, type /logout and hit enter as soon as you start flying. When you log back in you'll be halfway to the quest area.

wow thank you
So, will this Profile be fixed anytime soon? I still cant start the quests from level 80 coz the bot things its all quest are finished (And they are not)