Firstly, thanks for the responses on my previous posts.
Questing in Uldum, Level 84 Horde DK.
I'm not sure if this is profile, CC or HBCore related, but thought I'd post here first.
Trying to do the quest:
Sending a Message - Quest - World of Warcraft
Line 1502:
<PickUp QuestName="Sending a Message" QuestId="28195" GiverName="Commander Schnottz" GiverId="47972" />
<!-- FlyTo has issues with water atm -->
<If Condition="HasQuest(28195) && !IsQuestCompleted(28195)">
<DisableBehavior Name="Pull" />
<RunTo X="-10697.09" Y="1065.892" Z="23.9866" />
<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="-10833.71" Y="1095.251" Z="65.66586" />
<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="-10817.5" Y="1054.501" Z="16.77542" />
<Objective QuestName="Sending a Message" QuestId="28195" Type="KillMob" MobId="47981" KillCount="1" />
<EnableBehavior Name="Pull" />
<RunTo X="-10816.84" Y="1023.615" Z="12.22744" />
<DisableBehavior Name="Pull" />
<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="-10903.81" Y="906.3516" Z="82.67412" />
<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="-10869.86" Y="900.0716" Z="17.03042" />
<Objective QuestName="Sending a Message" QuestId="28195" Type="KillMob" MobId="47980" KillCount="1" />
<EnableBehavior Name="Pull" />
<RunTo X="-10844.24" Y="889.3004" Z="12.56562" />
<DisableBehavior Name="Pull" />
<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="-10885.72" Y="826.6318" Z="64.76858" />
<CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="-10855.78" Y="825.2109" Z="17.58379" />
<Objective QuestName="Sending a Message" QuestId="28195" Type="KillMob" MobId="47978" KillCount="1" />
<EnableBehavior Name="Pull" />
<RunTo X="-10827.45" Y="818.8309" Z="13.26033" />
For this quest it needs to fly to 3 different boats and kill a specific NPC on each boat.
So it'll fly onto the boat, aggro 3-4 mobs, including the one it's supposed to kill as per the Objective, but just stand there getting killed, not even fighting back, even against the objective mob.
I'd first like to say I've not encountered issues here with this quest before, and I've ran quite a few toons through here, although this is the first time I've had a toon here since 5.4 update, so it's either something that's changed recently or it's an issue related to DKs somehow.
I've tried clearing cache, and attempted if from separate installs at both my home and at work; same result.
Log from latest attempt:
View attachment 3416 2013-10-19 16.52.txt
It appears that it's perhaps because it can't navigate on the boats? Although oddly stopping and starting the bo to try and "clear" things and force combat, will make it correctly kill all the mobs, then it's unable to navigate away.
Sorry no fix this time, tried a few things to fix it, but none appeared to work. (Even removing the "DisableBehavior Pull" etc, I can't get it to fight on the boats; it's like it's ignoring being in combat and trying to fly away, which is what it was doing a LOT in Deepholm)
Any ideas?