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HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Profile Pack--DO NOT DELETE!

First time posting. Please let me know if format is wrong.
Stuck waiting to pick up quest at NPC hulda shadowblade (but there is nothing to pick up)
96 Alliance


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I have a problem with your profile !
I followed all the directions and I activated the profile from the buddy store .

when loading the profile to honorbuddy me by a series of mistakes but later I will start the program .

at the beginning it seems that everything is fine , but when running the pg freezes and remains without performing any action .

I hope that the log file is of help .
thank you


When i start up the questing bot and try to load the profile there are no horde questing profiles for WOD. I cannot upload a log since there is nothing to upload cause it's not there. Any ideas on how to fix this? I have completely reinstalled. did not work. My wife uses the same key as me and her sessions work and mine do not. I am completely at a loss.


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Can you please disable the force vendor that happens a few times in Talador. I think it may also happen in other areas, but I know it happens in talador as I have been monitoring it on the last few runs through. It to much stuff and this stuff can't be added to the protected list, things that I want to be able to DE at a garrison later, some crafting mats and whatever else I happen to have in my bag, the first time I wasn't fast enough and it sold 4000 warbinder's ink. :(

It happens after QuestId: 34098, QuestName: Engineering Her Demise. I have copied the part of the log below that is relevant.

[QDBG] Done with forced behavior [ForcedQuestTurnIn QuestId: 34098, QuestName: Engineering Her Demise].
[QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
Goal: ForceSetVendor-v1738: In Progress (no associated quest)
Scheduled run for Repair, Sell
[Ref: "[A - Quest] 94-96 Talador [Kick] ($Rev: 3947 $)" @line 1519]
Summoning vendor mount (122708) for vendor run

It also does it later, but its just stupid because there seems to be no way to skip this, stop-starting bot, completing a few quests, the only way I have found to get around it is to clear my bags completely so there is nothing in them and it will allow it to continue without selling anything (nothing to sell I guess). However I had 80 bag slots free so its not like I needed the bag space....
One simple question, do I run the risk of my DK's Shadowmourne quest accidentally getting dropped while leveling him? Because I know previously using this pack my lower level characters ditched the quest log occasionally on restarting the program.
Hey guys, my character is level 32 and it's still doing green quests in Stranglehorn completing all single quests of the map that grant few exp... Killing mobs lvl 25-27 while I am now 32... What should I do?
Hi love the profile, I used it on 4 toons so far to get them from 90 to 100. However I started a 5th last weekend and well i went to work on him again today and the WOD section for the buddy store profile is missing. Any Help on this?
Is there any way to make this profile run the entire zone (quest it out), rather than having it switch to another zone prematurely because of your level?
just a quick thanks to you guys, nearly finished my 8th character 1-100 with these profiles and they work exceptionally great (just minor issues here and there, nothing to talk about) and even classes that are harder to level did it good...

Any idea why i dont have kicks profiles i HB folder anymore? Cant find them and on HB store its says i obtained them!

EDIT: Trying to add them using HBRelog, seems that wont work since i must choose the filesin Buddystore?
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i was level 44 then i first start honorbuddy. My toon is in ferales now, why? :D it is 4 level above.

is there a route for this profile which explaines there it is leveling on which level?
i was level 44 then i first start honorbuddy. My toon is in ferales now, why? :D it is 4 level above.

is there a route for this profile which explaines there it is leveling on which level?

Usually stopping and restarting gets it to recheck and move on to the new area. Download the SVN and configure it to move on sooner. There are explanations for how to do this on the boards.
Level 1-70 using this profile with a Panda Shaman in 2 days 10 hours "/played". I use the Sharp Messenger plugin to monitor it. Has been completely unassisted so far with no issues except I had to jump manually over an obstacle once.

Currently finishing up quests in Netherstorm.
Usually stopping and restarting gets it to recheck and move on to the new area. Download the SVN and configure it to move on sooner. There are explanations for how to do this on the boards.

thank you. but can u give me a link to the right channel? cant find it with forum search :(

edit: just watched the svn. looks easy, just change the max level on every zone
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Hello Kick,

I'm running the dailies for firelands. Currently the quest "Burn victims" isn't working. I changed the script MobHpPercentLeft="15" to MobHpPercentLeft="100" and it's working now. Thought I should let you know to fix it :)
my bot's not mounting ever did i do something wrong?

You should post a log or they cannot help.
Make sure you have mounts selected into settings & tools. Also, if thats checked, try lowering mount distance..