Yep, that's what I did. Just remove one of the "InteractByLooting="true""'s and it's fixed.I got this error when trying to load gorgrond 92-94 Horde, simply just opened it with Notepad++ and went to like 983 and deleted it, works fine now.Code:[04:02:10.627 N] Cannot load profile! [04:02:10.627 N] 'InteractByLooting' is a duplicate attribute name. Line 983, position 114.
I haven't been able to find a similar bug but a UserDialog box comes up and says "You must be Alliance to run this profile!". i'm logged in on my 90 Human pally and HB says "[Singular] Your Level 90 Human Retribution Paladin Build is
[Singular] ... running the Questing bot in Tanaan Jungle
[Singular] ... Zone: Tanaan Jungle Intro using my SOLO Behaviors"
[16:16:08.241 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedIf.
[16:16:08.241 D] Compiling expression '!HasQuest(35617) && !IsQuestCompleted(35617)' @ line 1183
[16:16:08.243 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedMoveTo.
[16:16:08.263 D] Goal: Moving to <6329.924, 730.9462, 115.4108>
[16:16:08.302 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedMoveTo.
[16:16:08.639 D] [InteractWith-v1857(debug)] WaypointVisitStrategy set to Random
[16:16:08.640 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[16:16:08.674 D] Inserted new hook [Combat_Only @0] bdd8ab7e-5925-4f0a-b3f7-de490b871d0e
[16:16:08.674 D] Inserted new hook [Death_Main @0] 4a25cd52-3f3a-4459-806e-be62bf4e9553
[16:16:08.721 D] Activity: No viable mobs in area.
[16:16:08.721 D] Goal: InteractWith-v1857: In Progress (no associated quest)
Interacting with MobId(85119)
[Ref: "[A - Quest] 92-94 Gorgrond [Kick] ($Rev: 3946 $)" @line 1185]
[16:16:09.749 D] Activity: Moving to hunting ground waypoint 'hunting ground center'
[16:16:18.780 D] Activity: No viable mobs in area.
[16:16:18.992 D] Activity: Moving to hunting ground waypoint 'hunting ground center'
[16:16:28.803 D] Activity: No viable mobs in area.
[16:16:29.141 D] Activity: Moving to hunting ground waypoint 'hunting ground center'
Ok!Kick - I know treasure collection in probably out of scope for the time being, as your focus is on actually writing the levelling code, but I have parsed the Handynotes Treasure Hunting Addon to make a complete list of treasures by zone. If you are interested in getting hold of it, please send me a PM.
Can't be sure, but I know that almost the first thing it does in the 12-58 profile is check to see if you completed the Westfall quest "Threat to the Kingdom" and if you haven't it goes to Stormwind to set your hearth there.
Code:<If Condition="!IsQuestCompleted(26761)">
Code:[FONT=Verdana] <If Condition="Me.HearthstoneAreaId != 5148">[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana] <CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Moving to set hearth to SW Innkeeper" LogColor="Red" />[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana] <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="6740" InteractByGossipOptions="1"[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana] X="-8867.786" Y="673.6729" Z="97.90324" />[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana] <CustomBehavior File="RunMacro"[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana] Macro="/run for i=1,GetNumQuestLogEntries() do SelectQuestLogEntry(i); SetAbandonQuest(); AbandonQuest(); end" />[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana] </If>[/FONT]
After writing this I noticed... Kick's will run an alliance lvl 53 in Eastern Kingdoms, not Kalimdor, so it won't run Thousand Needles anyway. The alliance kicks profiles will run 1-5 (or until you exit starting area) in the races starting area, then it will move you to Elwyn Forest and run you to 57/58 all in Eastern Kingdoms.
It seems like there is a logic bug in the profile/file.....
[H - Quest] 12-58 K-EK [Kick].xml
At line 4434 it currently reads...
<If Condition="!HasQuest(2) && !IsQuestCompleted(2)">
which I take to mean "If I don't have quest 2 and I haven't finished it...." and then the file proceeds to define a grind area to pickup widgets (not literally).
However I don't have the I'm not getting the widgets...and I'm not leaving the area....ever...
Seems like it should read...
<If Condition="HasQuest(2) && !IsQuestCompleted(2)">
as in if I HAVE the quest....and so on.
Sorry if this is just a misunderstanding on my part.
[edit] It does seem to be a misunderstanding on my part...the bot is trying to grind for a DROP to GIVE the quest, however either I already did it (cleared caches multiple times etc) OR the quest item was removed from the game since I grind for a LONG time there without moving on...
Quest Bug - Arelion's Secret (
Arelion's Secret - Quest - World of Warcraft)
Where you have to find Magister Aledis running around in Hellfire Peninsula.
The Bot just followed the npc for some hours until i noticed, bot waited for a quest sign to appear. The only thing I had to do was to interact with the npc and select the first speech option so the quest sign appeared.
Lunk's Adventure: Spider Rider - Quest - World of Warcraft
on this quest to spawn lunk you have to kill one of the spiders before he comes out, the bot just stands in one spot waiting forever at a single spot not really very close to any spiders. Tried a few things but nothing would get the bot past that spot it would always go right back to it and wait for lunk
Profile: [H - Quest] 12-58 K and EK [Kick] ($Rev: 3547 $)
Quest: The Spirits of Golakka Hot Springs - Quest - World of Warcraft
Zone: Un'Goro Crater
the bot death over and over again. and dont resurrect, try to wait near the elemental but the elemental kill the bot, everytime... please see the log and sorry bad english,
NEED; Maximillian of Northshire - NPC - World of Warcraft NEAR. and not here.
mnime, i've added the reload profile - but i'll have the dev team perma-fix it eventually.
I have tried a ton of different things with the follower - but all of those notes were from beta. I started developing these profiles in July - but beta was a huge pain bc it kept deleting or resetting my characters every few days... and then the bot wouldn't be updated or something lol.
<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="C_Garrison.AddFollowerToMission(2,34.2)" NumOfTimes="1" WaitTime="1000" />
Bug report (1-90 pack Stranglethorn Fever)
Thanks I appreciate your support for this.
I'm pretty sure the timer needs to be lowered from 45 seconds of waiting to around twenty ish.
Profile: Northrend profile
Zone: Grizzly Hills
Class: Troll Druid
Faction: The POOWERFULL HORDEEE! Lok'tar ogar
Try to use "item:36849" over and over inside a estructure in Dun Argol for complete quest An Intriguing Plan - Quest - World of Warcraft, but the quest in WOD dont have the ítem in bag anymore. "Only need move to turning the quest".
Bot skips quests (bot will go past current quest line to one further down which cannot be picked up until previous quests are done) and if manually do them the bot will loop over and over on quest giver and not actually pick up quest.
Skipped - Sully "The Pickle" McLeary and went straight to Rell Nightwind - manually did Sully quests then restart the profile. Goes to Rell does that quest then off to Taran ZU hands that quest in picks up to rell quest hands that in then picks up to Sunke then hands that in and skips picking up three others and goes straight Lin Applebloom. If I manually do the three quests it and restart it will go to lin and not hand in quest but loop on talking to her.
EDIT: Running from a clean install seems to fix it.
Suggestion: Please add this to your blackspots in [N - Quest] 86-87 Valley of the Four Winds [Kick] - <Blackspot Name="Thunderfoot Inn" X="561.1777" Y="-605.6925" Z="271.1667" Radius="20" Height="150" />
It stops melee from freaking out with the vermin on top of the inn.
Bot lvl 49 with a quest to deliver to a new zone (49-52) chooses to grind to level 50 instead of delivering the quest and following the chain.
View attachment 155041
Im really stucked now. I expected that after completing the delvier quest he moved on but he is now doing endless loops between "Going to Chiselgrip to get flight map, Going to Morgan's Vigil to have a repair route and Going Lakeshire to mail". I discovered manually Chiselgrip but the bot still went there, then Morgan's, then went to repair to sell though I had the backpack completely empty (60 slots free) and then went to mail though there was nothing to mail. Then waited endlessly to mail (sorry, not in this log) saying "waiting for flight master to spam". Restarted HB and then he moved to Chiselgrip to start the loop again...
View attachment 155056
The Battle for Gilneas City - Quest - World of Warcraft
You are supposed to use the Emberstone Cannon or you will get rekt. Bot doesnt use it.
You are also supposed to use the Damaged Catapult to bring down the giant elite or he will kill all the army.
Some times will log will say the escort failed and he will try to get back to starting point though the mission was going well. I blocked it from doing it and completed manually. This mission is pretty buggy.
If bot casted the quest item from time to time would be nice too.
Profile: [Fly][H - Quest] BC 58-70 [Kick]($Rev: 3552 $)
Faction: HORDE
Zone: Hellfire Peninsula
Quest: Report to Zurai - Quest - World of Warcraft
Try to pick the quest, but the quest requisite need lvl 61 and the character its 60... its the 8 time this month have this error. only when the character its 60.
Have other 4 bots "not my bots" in near the NPC triying pick the quest maybe.
Faction: Horde
Quest: The Plaguebringer's Request - Quest - World of Warcraft
When the bot take Empty Cauldron - Item - World of Warcraft or Iron Chain - Item - World of Warcraft, wait for the next repops.... even though it already took. please fix that soon
Profile: Burning Crusade 58-68 (buddystore)
Faction: Horde
The bot try to move to take the quest It's Watching You! - Quest - World of Warcraft but go to the end of the continent in nagrand and get stuck in the invisible Wall, same problem in others 3 characters. (Clean install cant fix that)
Outland at lvl 62, quests in zangarmarsh. Didnt have enough money to train at level 60 and but this time had and the bot instead of training just stopped.
Drink potions, use scrolls and use trinkets should be enabled for quest leveling by default.
Chars that doesnt use mana (warrior, dk, rogue, etc) should be able to sell drinks.
I have this log. It seems he wanted to move but he couldnt. The "funny" thing is that when I started HB again it moved like nothing happened so actually he could move. I have seen these crashes a lot of times.
View attachment 156072
"City of light" quest doesnt work. Restarted HB, still doesnt.
Bot wont follow the servant. Maybe the servant NPC changed in the last expansion, thats could explain why the bot wont follow him (if the quest worked in the last expansion, ofc).
View attachment 156110
I don't know if it's a problem with HB or the profile.
I'm on a level 12 Pandaren Alliance and it's not picking up any quests after coming to Stormwind.
View attachment 156233
Jin'arrak's End - Quest - World of Warcraft
Bot loots the object and use the quest item successfully. He then summons him and the bot goes away to start the quest loop again. The quest doesnt complete because you have to stand there waiting to see him dying but the bot instead goes away.
No logs, sorry, but here are some bug reports.
Profile: Horde 12-58 K & EK
When picking up quests at Mor'Shan Rampart around level 21 it stopped far far away from the questgiver, and kept spamming "waiting for NPC to spawn". After manually moving it in range, it picked up quests and continued (max render distance in settings).
Another bug is when delivering quest "All Apologies" the bot seems to still want to deliver the quest (and accept follow up) from NPC named Garrosh Hellscream, even though he has been replaced by Vol'Jin, so again required manual intervention.
I know you ask for logs, but unfortunately they're not available, so i figured i'd just report it at least this way. Cheers for great profile!
Securing the Bait - Quest - World of Warcraft
Bot keeps looping between the spots. Probably he tries to loot the npc-objects but he cant because he has to kill first the "Primordial drake egg", then loot the small drake.
View attachment 156593
BTW are you fixing these things that I post or at least paying attention? I feel like you are ignoring me.
Once More Unto The Breach, Hero - Quest - World of Warcraft
Once More Unto The Breach, Hero - Quest - World of Warcraft
Bot keeps talking to the npc to get the quest but he closes and ask again and again. I see there are two missions that are the same, just one is for dks which is the class of my toon, maybe this is the problem.
View attachment 156604
Quest: Pounding the Iron - Quest - World of Warcraft
Faction: Horde
Profile: LK 68-80
Zone: Grizzly Hills
In the position < X="5057.228" Y="-4826.483" Z="219.5049" /> the bot stuck for hours, because try to kill a dwarf in the ground, the honorbuddy don't blacklist nothing...
Quest: Powering the Waygate - The Makers' Perch - Quest - World of Warcraft
Faction: Horde
Profile: LK 68-80
Zone: Sholazar Basin
The bot fly to Icecrown to try to pick quest, STOP the bot for 20 fails to pick the quest, I push START the bot comeback to try to finish powering the waygate, CANT FINISH because the bot fly OVER the cave. need fix the Hotspots
Quest: Powering the Waygate - The Makers' Overlook - Quest - World of Warcraft
Faction: Horde
Profile: LK 68-80
Zone: Sholazar Basin
Powering the Waygate - The Makers' Overlook - Quest - World of Warcraft
Same problem. fly over the cave. need fix the hotspot.
Quest: Once More Unto The Breach, Hero - Quest - World of Warcraft
Faction: Horde
Profile: LK 68-80
Zone: Icecrown
Fail to pick quest over and over, clean cache and the same.[/COLOR]
Firebreak - Quest - World of Warcraft
Hotspots seem to be are all wrong. You have to kill 10 ground npcs but the bot search for them flying very high and ofc he cant find them.
View attachment 156663
Quest: Runeforging: Preparation For Battle - Quest - World of Warcraft
Faction: HORDE
The bot stop for "bad" tradeskill id, and cant complete the quest objetives.
Profile: Burning Crusade 58-68
Faction: HORDE
Zone: Hellfire Peninsula
QUEST: Report to Zurai - Quest - World of Warcraft
Same bug again for months, the bot try to take Report to Zurai - Quest - World of Warcraft but the quest requeriment its lvl 61 and the bot only have lvl 60, Please remove the quest or make grindin to 61 before take that quest.
Profile: [H - Quest] 12-58 K-EK
Faction: HORDE
Zone: Feralas
QUEST: Faerie Dragon Muisek - Quest - World of Warcraft
There seems to be a conflict with this quest if you also have "Skin mobs" option toggled in the bot. It tries to use the Muisek Vessel questitem on the Sprite Darter corpse but it interrupts the cast to cast Skinning instead and thus the bot thinks it got credit when that didn't happen. Result in the end is that bot goes back to questgiver after 8 attempts and will stop as it cannot deliver quest because it was not finished.
Not sure if other quests where you have to use a questitem with a casting time on a skin-able corpse (especially which destroys the corpse and making you unable to skin it afterwards), will have the same issue if you have "Skin mobs" toggled on
View attachment 157171
After reaching level 58 it went to Stormwind and bought a flying mount. Now it just stands there trying to learn the mount even though the required level is 60.
The character is a druid. Did druids perhaps use to be able to fly at level 58 because of flight form?
Same issue here. I opened a post on support forum and Tony said to me to try with Singular (im using Tuanha) but happened the same. Tryed all the things (new installation and in a new computer too)
Added two attachs'. One with Singular and the other with Tuanha.
Anyway to blacklist Unidentified Plant Parts from mailing. Causes the bot to stop because they are mailed to alt instead of being handed in for quest item.
Profile - [H - Quest] Durotar 5-12 [Kick]
Faction - Horde
On the quests "Fizzled", "Thunder Down Under" and "Ignoring the Warnings" the bot gets stuck underwater. It happened once on one character where I just moved the bot and then it was fine, I AFK'd this character and came back to a disconnect where the bot was stuck in the exact same place. The log I uploaded is from the disconnect.
Does not perform
Life of the Party - Quest - World of Warcraft properly (Goblin starting zone). Appears to not properly acquire the "attire" in order for the actionbar to change. (see: 20056 2014-12-13 10.26.txt)
Does not properly use the actionbar spells during The Great Bank Heist - Quest - World of Warcraft. Gives an on-screen message of "Timed Out," meaning the timer debuff ran out before any spells were used. (see: 10304 2014-12-13 10.50.txt)
Logs attached:
[DoWhen-v1790(error)] For DoWhenActivity ActivityName(SpamVehicleButton1), predicate (Me.IsOnTransport && !IsQuestCompleted(35734) && Me.Combat && Styx.CommonBot.Bars.ActionBar.Active.Buttons.Any(b => b.Index == 1 && b.CanUse)) was not reset by execution.
This is a profile problem, and can result in erratic Honorbuddy behavior.
The predicate must return to 'false' after the action has been successfully executed.
i get both zone achievements (SMV, and then that other one at the end of SMV). I'll need a log to see what's wrong with your stuff.Hi Kick,
Thanks for the profiles, they're a great help (i have all classes @ 90 bar my main atm and cba leveling them all by hand again!)
Quick question.
My alliance too is 1/7 chapters through SMV profile, got to lvl 92 and moved to gorgond, the next pack. I was wondering if there was a way to keep it in SMV till it completes all quests in the profile, THEN moves on?
p.s, as someone already suggested, could you make your profiles auto select garrison buildings during the leveling phase? idc what is chosen and just want them selected!
weird, i see where you manually load smv ... and then it says everything is fine and loads gorgrond.
"Lost Mole Machines"( incomplete
0/1 Find the Lost Mole Machine (type: CollectIntermediateItem)
(type: KillMob)
"Rescue Rangari"( incomplete
0/1 Find Rangari Kolaan (type: KillMob)
0/1 Find Rangari Rajess (type: KillMob)
0/1 Find Rangari Jonaa (type: KillMob)
"The Prophet's Final Message"( COMPLETED
(type: CollectItem)
"Turning Timber into Profit"( incomplete
0/10 Timber (type: CollectItem)
(type: 14)