So is horde leveling beyond 94 not supported yet or do I use alliance profile?
Someone go get me that drafting table in nagrand real quick.
I (hopefully) fixed the missing caravan quest ... did Blizz jack it up and move it around on me?
LK - Horde and Ally - I have given you 3/4-1 level more of questing from 76-80. You should no longer have to grind to achieve 80. (I had some quests I did a few years ago and scripted - but I was missing a good combatuseitemon behavior, and native flying support)
these have no sell value, so the bot would never sell them. if your bags were full when the quest was completed (dunno how that would happen), the book would be in your mailbox
Im really stucked now. I expected that after completing the delvier quest he moved on but he is now doing endless loops between "Going to Chiselgrip to get flight map, Going to Morgan's Vigil to have a repair route and Going Lakeshire to mail". I discovered manually Chiselgrip but the bot still went there, then Morgan's, then went to repair to sell though I had the backpack completely empty (60 slots free) and then went to mail though there was nothing to mail. Then waited endlessly to mail (sorry, not in this log) saying "waiting for flight master to spam". Restarted HB and then he moved to Chiselgrip to start the loop again...
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Moving to Type: Fly, R: Learn
Taximap failed to open. Blacklisting the flight master.
How to set bot that it will not sell staff for cooking when bags almost full ???
could be more specific where i change this? sell white to false
Same hereWas botting fine yesterday in Lichking, today i start the bot and profile wont load for kicks LK horde.
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