The Nagrand Ally profile from SVN:
Lines 699 and 700 should be:
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="34718" MobId="79762" NonCompeteDistance="0" Range="4" TerminateWhen="IsObjectiveComplete(3, 34718)" X="2482.733" Y="5470.306" Z="151.871" /> <!-- Hansel Heavyhands -->
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="34718" MobId="79761" GossipOptions="1" NonCompeteDistance="0" Range="4" TerminateWhen="IsObjectiveComplete(1, 34718)" X="2461.22" Y="5603.65" Z="159.6995" /> <!-- Arbiter Khan -->
The objective numbers in the quest 34718 are reversed, 1 was 3 and vice verca
Line 39:
Grigrok indeed do not repair stuff, even after he is <Blacksmith> lol, but Pyxni Pennypocket in front of him do:
<Vendor Name="Pyxni Pennypocket" Entry="79310" Type="Repair" X="3085.323" Y="4849.036" Z="128.3313" /> <!-- Ring of Trials -->
Line 816:
On the Quest "Challenge of the Masters", we have to click on the sword for starting the deathmatch, adding
<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="34957" MobId="231088" MobType="GameObject" TerminateWhen="IsObjectiveComplete(1, 34957)" X="2627.631" Y="4150.373" Z="166.1904" />
works for me.
On the already 818 line, inside the "KillUntilComplete" behavior that is the 2nd objective for the quest, not the 1st, like this:
TerminateWhen="IsObjectiveComplete(2, 34957)" X="2627.631" Y="4150.373" Z="166.1904" >