Hi, i am Armageddoner user and when i start the bot with a Lv 85 char it goes directly to Uldum instead of starting in MoP Jace Forest. A quest in Uldum is broken in 6.02 and i can't get the bot to move to Jade Forest.
Oddly, this does not happen with ALL my alts. I selected a 85 Worgen Mage and he started in Jade Forest. With my 85 Draenei Shaman he's moving to Uldum and is staying there because of the broken quest chain.
Even if i move the char into Jade Forest and do the initial quest myself, it returns to Uldum. What can I do? Is it possible to force the bot to start in Jade Forest?
Oddly, this does not happen with ALL my alts. I selected a 85 Worgen Mage and he started in Jade Forest. With my 85 Draenei Shaman he's moving to Uldum and is staying there because of the broken quest chain.
Even if i move the char into Jade Forest and do the initial quest myself, it returns to Uldum. What can I do? Is it possible to force the bot to start in Jade Forest?